So YWL is being forced to replay TurtleBeach without using the scorpion pet. There's apparently tons of drama as more and more rematches are demanded. Seriously, this is turning into a joke. I know I'm pretty biased, but come on!
MoB won the rematch 3-1. Had I been in MoB's position, I would have turned down the rematch; I understand wanting to win, but they had their chance. Now this whole thing reeks of Blizzard's 5v5 tournament with shady rulings and DQs. * MoB even changed composition =\
And now for the drama:
Z3X wrote:
The WSVG staff have saved IRC convos of the hunter asking if he could use the scorp pet for the past month. He was clearly told NO, he could only use whatever was given on the Blizzard pre-made character. He even admitted to coming in early to raise the loyalty level of his pet during periods where he was not allowed to even be on the account.
Every class/character has something they're missing. I.e. Ally warriors are human and not gnome, but no matter what you have to use the pre-made character. Warriors are given Deep Thunder, yet they are NOT allowed to changed their given 375 Axesmith to Maces. Any player is NOT allowed to level enchanting and enchant their gear, even players who added 5HEALTH were DQ'd.
The whole point of a LAN is to have a fair play environment. They were clearly told that they could not use the pet yet did everything possible to jump through loopholes. We did not realize what had happened until a spectator brought it to our attention after the match. We immediately filed a dispute with the WSVG to have the situation investigated.
They straight defiance of the rules not only affected our team, but every team below them. They're "taking" cash prizes as well as seeding points. Ask those that are on the verge of being top10 that are screwed over because a team tried to get an unfair advantage and were not DQ. Any top team would not allow these these things to occur.
Without a doubt "Ya we lift" is a great team. There are several great teams there; however, the othre great teams did not attempt to get any unfair advantage. Hopefully blizzard fixes the pre-made characters. Changes the hunter pets, human warriors to gnome...etc (we would've won the matches before if our warrior had escape artist, but you won't find us leveling a new character to have that advantage.)
On the flipside:
The question I asked on IRC was if blizzard could do something to provide hunter premades with a pet. I never asked (on IRC) to go out and tame one during the actual tournament. I asked when we got here and the admins said we could.
There needs to be a lot less "redo" rounds in general at WSVG. It's a joke. Unless there's technical issues, I fail to see how so many rounds are justifiably replayed. It's becoming "I wasn't really trying that time" or "I had something in my eye, REDO."
thats retarded, i feel sorry for ywl :(
They shouldn't of had played a different class composition if they wanted a rematch, such BS
Why was a rematch forced?
/Delete former comment. Doh :)
Shortly following reading this blog post, MoB TurtleBeach followed tournament procedure and alerted an admin that they believe that rule 6.1 was violated. MoB TurtleBeach asserted that the Radikal Noise blog has posted images of a "Scorpid" looking creature which is in direct violation of the accepted code of conduct for blogging.
LMAO i love this site sometimes
Do you even play competitively?
all these people talking about fair play need to get a clue and get godfather's cocks out of their mouths. -1 viewer of wsvg
MoB is BM!!!!! OMG BM
This is up there with the now famous DQ plagque as one of the most epic fails in competitive WoW.
You decided whether you're moving to korea for that job thing yet or not? Or has that deadline already passed? Sounded like an excuse to play video games to me. =p
What bullshit. They waited a day to complain. They strategized. They changed thier matrix. Then one of them on the sidelines cheated and hit bloodlust.
I encourage everyone to roll an alt on their server and spam them with insults for a week or two until they dump thier crybaby 'coach'.
How would moving to Korea help you play more? Wouldn't you have to quit since you don't speak the language and can't connect to US servers from there?
It seems like every 5th post there are random anonymous people spreading rumors of you quitting; nice try idiots.
Raddy, come on man. I'm a fan of yours and I really learned a lot but you can't be serious can you?
Why is everyone so pissed off?
I don't know who YWL players are so I say this with 100% objectivity. If you enter a tournament with cash prizes, there are going to be rules. If you try to pull a fast one, well you know what they say, "if you 'aint cheatin' you 'aint tryin' ". If you get caught however, so be it. Say what you want about how stupid it is or how much of a joke WSVG is, YWL tried to cheat, got caught, and ended up losing. I guarantee if YWL was on the other side of this story your opinions would be a little different.
The reason why this is this huge is because one of their admins said it was okay, I'd believe.
I keep telling everyone that wow doesnt have a chance to be a true esport, and every tourny proves me right. No one is in this to play the game for the challenge of it. Everyone seems to be in it for the sake of efame and esponsorhips. It's a joke all around and are most of the players. WOW as an esport is as real as the WWF.
hamchook asked if he could tame a scorpid when he got to the tourney they said yes, also the issue should have been brought up before the MOB vs. YWL arena matches NOT the day after the match was over.
All these people talking about how these are 'money matches' and how the rules are all that matters when money is on the line are tools. Please explain to these people rad.
following the rules and fair play are not quite the same, considering many of the rules are not fair to begin with. Forcing hunters to use awful pets is tantamount to forcing warlocks to use VW or imp in every match.
I feel the rematch was warranted, and responsibility for that lies with the retarded tournament rules. However MoB have done themselves no favours by changing lineup, the match should have been replayed with the same lineup and i dare say that YWL would have own again.
What's a real fucking joke is that in the rematch.. MoB was allowed to change their class composition entirely to one that hugely favored them against YWL and still managed to lose a round. A really really sad move, especially because Hamchook received confirmation from the tourny head when he arrived that he could get a scorpid pet. Some "rematch", every other rematch thus far has been played with exact same people/classes/even the maps to keep it fair except for this one.
I love the reasoning of gear and enchants VS choosing a pet. Choosing a pet is something closer to picking your talent spec than gear. Very upsetting.
I agree with many of the comments here.
A rule is a rule and hsould be enforced.
Because the fault lies with the addmin who "misunderstood the question" they should have played a carbon copy rematch. every other rematch was done with the same group comp, the same talents, and even the same maps.
sounds like the turtlebeach players need some blacksmith hammers in their mail boxes.
2345 == ele sham/frost mage/ms war/holy pal/holy priest 5v5 team composition.
I also didn't know wtf does "2345" mean. So I did a little research and I found this at So You Want To Arena (The Comprehensive 5v5 Starter)
"2.5 Healer Teams: This team is built around pally/warrior/priest/shaman, with the 5th being either mage (the notorious "2345") or warlock. This team just goes on targets and kills them. No really, they have everything. Good cc, bloodlusted priest manaburns, good burst dps. They can focus a target from the beginning, or they can pull fast burst target switches. There's really no good way to tell. They have a lot of dispel, so you're buffless and can't rely on bop. If you are really serious about arena, you should probably run this composition - for now anyways."
I guess the "2345" comes form the mage spec: 45 points on frost, 3+ on fire, 2+ on arcane.
Hope this is it, correct me if I am wrong please.
While rules are rules, forcing a hunter to use a specific pet is like telling a warrior he can only go dual wield/fury without Mortal Strike into the game. This shows the lack of understanding the organizers have for the game and they will not develop any respect from players because of that.
WTB a PvP tourny that isn't a complete fucking joke. What's worse is that people are spending money to travel and take time out of their lives for this shit. After this weekend I would expect to see a drastic drop off of non-local teams to an event outside of the sponsored ones. How fun will that be? Just the same 6 or 7 teams playing against each other all year? Sounds fucking boring to me tbqh.
WoW as an esport was one hell of a stretch to begin with. Now with multiple and very consistent failures over the last year, there isn't a good foundation to it. There needs to be a big revolutionary change to the way things are done now.
It's not the mage spec.
It's that the elemental shaman can literally push 2, 3, 4, and 5, and someone on the other team dies.
2: EM
3: NS
4: CL
5: ES
2: AP
3: PoM
4: FB
5: Fireblast
Name comes from getting a target to 50% with the MS war, and then CS the pally and hit your 2345 to win.
I hardly play this game, cmon =p
Is that really why? Wouldn't you just macro that to a single key?
And who plays pom pyro on a 2.5 healer team?
Also, what's been fucking obvious from the beginning, diku (gear/level based) games will never, ever make a good esport.
IMO we still don't have a legit explanation for why it's called "2345". Anyone else want to give it a shot?
Scorpid pet is an unfair advantage? The pet is as needed to a hunter as a felhunter is for warlocks, if not more so.
This is why MOB will never win a tourny, they're just picking up scraps of pandemic.
One of the rules is that admins can change the rules without notice and admins say is final. Eat that rules tools.
Don't worry guys, it was worth it.
We got to see the EleSham/DestroLock/FireMage setup lose finals in under 5 minutes. Exciting for everybody.
^ me. Whoops.
IMO we still don't have a legit explanation for why it's called "2345". Anyone else want to give it a shot?
It's called that because of Elemental mastery, NS, chain lightning, earthshock.
Put an MS debuff on someone, everyone focuses him, shaman presses those buttons and it's a gib.
noktyn can be creditted for saying '2345', he mentioned it in the sense that you spam 2345 with the team comp and win games.
because originally when you're playing against it, you feel like all the team has to do is pop bloodlust and press 2 3 4 5(as in spam frostbolt, mana burn, l-bolt) and win games. Which is true =p
oh, and it's a BG9 term.
it's what we called 'the fighting mongooses' or bg6 comp at US online quals when we first played them.
"noktyn can be creditted for saying '2345', he mentioned it in the sense that you spam 2345 with the team comp and win games."
My doubts that 2345 refers to key bindings is because if that's the case, why wouldn't it be 1234? Why start at 2? And if spamming keys, why not say you are spamming 123412341324? Is 1 = auto attack? Cuz I really doubt either the mage, shaman, or priest will take one of their best keys, namely "1", and make it auto attack. Now if this is coming from a warrior, Noktyn, then I can more understand. But seriously, who the heck uses 1 = auto attack? Even on my warrior I right click things if I want to initiate auto attack.
if he's going to make assumptions that people are binding, then why not use even better hotkeys?
Why not call it a TYUH team? or a CTRL+4 GHJ team?
2345 is much simpler, the comp usually puts auto on 1, he's saying with those base abilities as the next 4, you could win.
I don't know about the button-mashing theories, but I've always used and seen 2345 used to refer to the "typical" 2/2.5-healer setup:
holy/disc priest
holy pally
MS warr
frost mage
I could pull my irc logs back from feb-april and show you where it originated from =p
Show the nonbelievers.
1 = Charge / Intercept.
Thus 2345 are your damage buttons =P
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