Yeah, I just capsed that shit. I'm gay for Tokyo. Not in a weeaboo "I wish I was Japanese so I can understand anime and decipher what my import fuck pillow moans to me" way, but just that I appreciate it being the retail capital of the world, that it is the most consumerist slice of earth out there, and well, I'm a material fucking girl.
I've been many times, but there's undoubtedly new amusement and majesty every time.

Okay not so much those, but whatever. Or the fact that at McDonalds a McFlurry is instead called a McFury. McFURY.
The Nigerians I could do without too.
Nigerian: "You cold? You want warm woman and nice room?"
No lie on that one. I was separated from my friends on a balls cold rainy night lost in Shinjuku.
Now the Nigerians normally recruit for scam hostess clubs and bars. You go in, see maybe one semi-busted girl if you're lucky, and pay 100 bucks for one drink and you aren't leaving without paying. Basically, the Nigerians act Nigerian. (Shocking?)
And NO, that isn't racism. Seriously. Racism is pretty interesting in Japan in general as any foreigner is pretty much met with reversion, fascination, and derision, perhaps in equal parts although it really depends on exactly where you are and how damn sexy you are. I'm pretty used to hearing the sarcastic "omae no nihongo zyoozu desu nee" (you're Japanese is very good!), but as much as it pisses me off in the same way that French language elitism does, I'm more or less content to respond in structured English that leaves them screaming IM AZN AND CONFUSED AND WHERE ARE THE MATHS I CAN SOLVES.
Seriously, fuck /s, nah mean? Yup, /s. Slants. Asians. ITS A SLANTED LINE, GET IT?
Back to my Nigerian, I kind of wonder if maybe he meant "warm room and nice girl" instead. It WAS freezing cold and "hot girl" would have made more sense if he was trying to sell her sexiness. Then again, maybe he literally meant "warm"...not that I understand how a woman can make you warm. Ooooohhh~~ LIKE THAT? Like when she likes does stuff with her hands. In the kitchen. Cooking something warm and delicious. I understand now. He was just offering me a nice room and some katsudon and fuck me I turned it down.
Seriously though, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? That's the right euphemism right? I never really got that expression but I know it has something to do with not paying for sex because well that would be wrong. I can teach you sweet how-to-nanpa for picking up sweet nikeizin bitches anyways, don't worry.
1) Hi
2) Suck me beautiful
3) ..
4) Hepatitis
Generally acting too cool for the whole country is the only way to deal with the /s. Their "ignore them and maybe they'll leave" strat will wear at you otherwise. Remembering you're cooler than all of them is pretty simple when you stroll around Shibuya and hear terrible American pop blasting out of every bookstore and music shop. CHRISTINA AGURERA. Actually, the /s are so hopeless on that name they just go with Agura but sort of roll the "r" and try to sound hard when they say it. AGURRRA. CHRISTINA AGGURRRAAA.
I'd actually talk about all the stuff I love about Tokyo but most of it is fashion/art crap that would bore you and seriously endanger the macho ethug image I try to embody here. So enjoy a few random empty photos of my wanderings, and RN will be back to keeping it thug in the coming days.
It'll probably be a little while still till I get back to creative writing, mostly because I'd like to spend what little free time I'll have over the next week or two catching up on WoW... I think. Being gone for the majority of the first two weeks of the season has left me way behind and out of the loop. I've half assed some 2s and 5s to mid 1800s but I'm really hoping to get a solid, consistent 3s in the coming week or so, hopefully rotation priest/mage/rogue/dk, but it's hard to predict what snakery is ahead. (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ALL ARE)
It's too bad that we can't freely team hop as easily anymore. There's a ton of stuff I would like to try, but it seems like everybody is starting to get into SERIOUS TEAM mode and my freedom to hop around as I please will probably be short lived.
I've yet to Arena at all as Frost, which is odd, as I really do think 20/0/51 is the strongest option currently. A lot of people are saying that Frost will overtake Arc entirely once resilience ramps up, but I'm not really so sure, as Frost is generally more crit reliant. (Well, less crit reliant than my pom frostfire Arcane maybe, but more reliant on crits to burst people down than Arc/Fire) I do like the idea of strangulate->nova->df->fear->imp cs->repeat as a lockdown on a healer plus a poly + Mi polys on their secondary.
I think we've yet to enter the metagame of Arena at all. I've yet to see a counter to DKs particularly in 5s where it seems like 2 healer/dk/war/x (priest/pally as healers) has no obvious counters, but perhaps hunter is the counter, and 4dps is the logical anti hunter. We'll seeeee.
Ran double arc mage up to 1950ish without really trying or paying attention and actually played many of the better 2s teams in the BG. People have been raging on me that it is a cheese comp but let's be fucking serious, it's week fucking 3, chill. It's a fun goofoff team. Despite our good run, we tanked a shit-ton back as our queues bugged and we got nonstop Dalaran sewers for 10 games in a row, which we basically lost all of. (I'm REALLY bad at that map, and it is very challenging for 2xmage) Mage/Rogue when played defensively seems unbeatable and running into that cop 6 out of our last 1 didn't help.
Random observation. Mage Armor reduces the length of the debuff on Strangulate but not actually the Silence. You still can't cast until the full unreduced 5s pass. Mirror images have serious bugginess and often go perma passive, although I haven't found what makes this happen. Lost 4 or 5 games today to Mirrors sheeping primary target instead today which is about as many as they've helped cheese win with chain polies, so I guess it's a wash, but I hope the ability gets a revision as it is going to be one of those abilities were both the mages and their victims will dislike.