Wednesday, June 2, 2010


JK, it's still awful. I played all of like 5 games last night after having not played rogue since s6 and we won them all because I'm a boss and we're like 1500 rated still. Maybe more due to the latter. Yesterday was the first time I've played no mods in a very very long time and tbh it's a bigger pain in the ass than I thought. Gladius for keeping track of trinkets + DR is a pretty large crutch. (And if I was playing priest, no Interruptbar would drive me fucking crazy -- jk prep kick GOT YOU BRO)

I'd like to fraps + play more seriously but the new version of fraps (with the pre-capture shit) completely rapes my computer, which is probably best remedied by buying a new comp, but I'm also being gayed because the only non awful player on my team has decided that a vacation with his girlfriend is more important than his efriends. A certain filthy Euro druid who will remain nameless refuses to fucking get on US TR due to the "bollocks" ping. I have no idea what that means and he didn't really say "bollocks" but he says incomprehensible shit of similar obscurity that makes me angry and then confused and then angry once again.

Oh yeah, that thing I was whining about before I derailed to whine about other things, this current tournament realm:

  • LSD makes me want to cut my dick off and I hate it almost as much as I hate hunter comps
  • Hunter comps
  • Terrible RMPs. PROTIP -- If you're playing against a comp with a rogue as a rogue in RMP, if you wait for the other rogue to open, and then open on something else NEXT to him, you will get blinded. If you don't trinket, you will get sapped. This ain't TBC, you can get blinded before you trinket now. I KNOW CRAZY. If you do trinket, you should either blind me back, open on me, or have your team ready with defensive CDs because you're going to eat a KS in the next 15 sec probably and die. NVM JUST SIT IN SAP AND GET 3v2d. (TERRIBLES MAKE ME RAGE)
  • I've seen like 2 non prot warriors in the last like 100 games and less than that DKs. 
  • I don't know what to do against triple hybrid wizard cleaves that start healing each other.
Anyways I probably won't be on except to duel this weekend as without Kryo we're awful + I want to watch the koreans win MLG.