Friday, November 21, 2008

Very Quick

I'll be adding to this later on today, but for nowwwww

I scooped (scoopaloop) wotlk and opted to level my gnome. My rationale is basically that the relative advantage of Human over Gnome racial is probably least significant on a mage when a good deal of CC is half duration on mages. Combine that with the fact that PvP trinkets have a fuckton of resilience and the actual on-use doesn't cost much in item budget and it's hard to really imagine a situation where human racial + random trinket is much better than PvP trinket + EA. Better casting animations and slightly better mini-racials too. (int, arcane resist) REALLY CAN'T DEAL WITH ANOTHER YEAR OF BASKET WEAVING IN MY VIDS.

Leveling will be really slow as I have really no more than 10-12 hours a week to contribute to WoW until 09 and I'll be gone a lot of the remainder of the year. Also, I spend the majority of my time ganking instead of leveling...Sup BaDF.

More WoW later.

So yesterday saw the biggest intraday Bond rally ever. Ever. Four points after the close alone. This is raining fire, four hoursemen of sweet sweet Apocalypse shit. 

There are significant dislocations in prices. Gasoline futures at one dollar per gallon? Hard to imagine global demand sinking that low. Citi June09 5 dollar puts are trading 2.8. THIS IS FUCKING CRAZY. With Citi stock at 4, sell the puts and if citi goes under, you lose 5-2.8 = 2.20. If Citi survives, you keep the 2.8 in premium. The world is saying it is more likely to go under than survive. Fuck, the trade is even way better than that as it is highly unlikely even if Citi fails, that their stock price will actually hit zero. (Might get saved or bought at 1 or 2 bucks)

Bond straddles trading for 12 ticks? Reallly?

Shit is fucking crazy in finance right now. People are certainly blowing up in these conditions. PPPPPARRTTTYYYYYY.