Thursday, May 8, 2008

WotLK Fantasty Trees Take Two (Or Five)

After reading through another iteration of Lhivera's fantasy WotLK trees, I had to toss together another version. Yes, they're extremely imbalanced. But I'm like a fat kid in a chocolate shop when it comes to this shit.

Retarded Trees HEYO

I sort of had these builds in mind, maybe you disagree -- but:

Deep Frost Variants:

11/8/51 - Imp CS, Fireshock, Winter
0/8/62 - FireShock, Winter + Deep Frost Toys
27/0/44 - SpellThief, PoM, Water Elemental zzz

Fire Variants:

28/43 - Some Arcane Utility, Scorch Build with Caut -- lots of ways to tweak it
38/33 - Mind Rot, DB, Molten Fury
Some nasty Disintegrate build. (Combustion -> DB -> Disintegrate OMG)

Deep Arcane:

62/8 - Flashback, Lots of Arcane Utility, Fireshock
52/8/11 - Flashback, Fireshock, IV

Okay, I was really bored, sorry. LOL.

I'll be gone for a few days, sorry for no real content, but xoxo, hugs and kisses, and well, you know the drill.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Happy Birthday

To Radikal Noise. ^^

It's been a year. Weird, huh? You didn't have to get me anything, don't worry. I didn't buy you a present.

For all those who stuck with my bullshit for this past year, what the fuck is wrong with you? Kill yourselves. <3

And this might seem a little odd, but here's my favorite 10 articles from the past year here on RN.

10. The Mage Forums
9. Kill Yourself
8. Poker Noir Prequel
7. Unleash the Fucking Fury
5. A Whine But Somewhat Prescient Rant - Rated WSG rumors, R.I.P. =(
4. Noir - Episode III and IV
3. WSVG Drama
2. Poker Noir - Episode One
1. Peaches

Expect more of the same over the next year.

Special thanks to:

Forgotten Heroes - For giving me purples
GameOver - For carrying me
eFamous Mages - For making me look good
Storm Kings - For shocking baddies in the face
Anonymous Haters - For making it fun
GodRambo - For [ ] Tits or [ ] GTFO

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Safe Sex with Hippies

The pill?


Should I use a condom?

No, they aren't natural.

Well, do you use shampoo?

Two fucking birds. One motherfucking stone. Hallelujah.

Question. Does Whole Foods or Trader Joe's sell condoms? I fucking looked everywhere in Whole Foods. Am I to assume that the proper code of conduct with yuppie granola bitches is to simply cum on their face or in their hair?

It's a relevant point only because they're the only grocery stories in the area and who doesn't want to fuck a Whole Foods Milf at some point. No that wasn't a question. Hence the lack of the qm. Statement. You want to fuck one, don't you fucking lie to me, don't you fucking lie, you liar.

I am aware that these places sell hippie Shampoo made of bee's wax and deer feces and whatever -- I'm merely of the opinion that semen is probably better for your hair. I'm also aware that nobody wants to fuck using condoms anymore since the pill is basically required at age 11 now. Kind of like how HGH will be for men in 2-3 years. GET PISSED.

I apologize if you find this a bit graphic, but there are dicks. They are out there. Billions of them. Deal with it. It does put things in perspective though. What sounds more intimidating? One billion people in India or 500 million penises? Penii?

Gander of cocks? School of dicks? Linguists need to finger this out. "A group of dicks was chasing me" doesn't sound right to me at all.

Oh, I said I went to see Ironman the other night. On a 1-10, it was about an eleventy-billion. I didn't get any of the geek references as I've never read the comic, but this dude who looked like Mr. Glass from Unbreakable got them all and gasped and cheered and laughed at each one, so I followed his lead. I'm hip. I'm with it, I'm cool. Of course I know who fucking S.H.I.E.L.D is. Why wouldn't I? Gwyneth was looking a little too old and red haired for my affections, but I thought she was quite charming and I'd be her cougar-playtoy any day. And didn't you want to just hug that fire extinguisher robot? Eat a fucking dick Wall-E you ugly annoying fuck.

Oh. New Hulk still looks terrible, doesn't it? Dark Knight looks baller as fuck. And Shia LeBouf still looks like a resuscitated douche bag. No, I'm not just jealous because he got to mack Megan Fox. That girl has the syphilis. Fucking look at her. Oh, you can't see it. Well, I can. I'm blessed with The Sight. It's like The Gift without Katie Holmes (when she was hot) naked on top of a car. HI THERE KEANU. WOAH. Yeah it's like Woah. My Gift is like WOAH. My ass is like WOAH. GIFT REAL BIG EVERYTHING REAL BIG.


Some nonsense about Nick Fury!