Moving on from that, I actually have been always mildly fascinated by arena statistics in WoW. Not just to make emo-whine posts about class balance either. If you recall, I'd occasionally manually dig up and post some remedial statistics on class representation with respect to bracket; Vhairi's work shits all over that. Check it out. Or notice the sidebar link.
No, I would not have added his site if Ming had been beating me in the poll. Are you satisfied now? YOU FUCKING JUDGMENTAL ASSHOLES. (Please vote for me)
I'm hoping that Vhairi can/will move from static posts of representation to dynamic charts that show how representation changes over time. It'd be pretty cool to notice paradigm shifts and theorycraft or bullshit about what caused them. Often, it's going to be class changes, but I bet we can pinpoint pretty big shifts to just a few players pimping new matrices and the corresponding emulation that inevitably follows after. It's pretty fucking shocking how quickly things can become flavor-of-the-month in WoW. In season 2, caster 4DPS went from rare to ubiquitous in a week. At the tail end, the same can be said for 2346. In season three, the same phenomenon was true for Euro comp. Certainly, there were some gameplay changes, but a lot of the trends in WoW are derived more from this innovation-emulation effect -- or so I think.