Friday, February 27, 2009

More Random Shit

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If you're wondering why I wait so long on the sap, I'm counting the DR on CS. (Count it yourself nerds)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Perma'd from Live

Cuz I'm too thug. =(

Dueled some terribles on my rogue on TR. Probably going to try something new and post my favorite duel of the day every couple days. Hopping between rogue, mage, and priest probably. Going to try to learn shammy on this TR -- maybe I'll fraps some matches against decent people or of small handed stuff if I can.

For you nonterribles, come to the beach at Exodar or find me on IRC to set up duels against whichever version of me you wish. (The beach has an arena Q dargon right there and is pretty lag free)

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