MSD is total garbage in PvP right now. It gives you a 4 second buff of 320 spell haste and still retains the 45 second hidden cooldown. I've tried to like it, but I can't. BAD. Chaotic or bust? The new 2% Int gem really isn't getting it done neither.
The water change is pretty misunderstood by people, so here's a recap:
- First ticks yields ZERO mana
- Second tick yields normal + 66% extra mana (FUCKING HUGE TICK)
- Third tick yields normal + 33% extra mana (Pretty big)
- Afterwards, water is normal
Basically, the first tick of water is rolled into ticks 2 and 3. This reduces the effectiveness of microdrinking moderately, although if you can make it to the second tick, it's no big deal. It does make heal-drinking (where you heal and spam drink as it goes off) somewhat less viable. The change is not a huge "druid nerf" or anything of the sort. If anything, druids will get hit the least as they're the most capable healer of getting away to get in a few ticks of water, especially if they're Night Elf.
The change does make trying to squeeze in drink ticks against pet classes a real fucking pain, and if has a real balance shifting effect, it's indirectly improving the ability of pets to keep players in combat.