Sunday, July 24, 2011


Still very much in alpha/beta. Just tossed together first post today and got stuff "sort of" working. Check it out though and leave me love/hate/dicks. RN will be temporarily offline in the next few days while I rearrange some stuff.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

"The Plan"

Got some ideas for a new bloggish thing -- will be replacing the content here, which will be mirrored elsewhere. I had expected to get it started this weekend, but am busy smashing my face into my desk. (Thx python) Soooooon, however, sooon.

Also, NASL is awesome, huh.

Why do I need a twitter account to mess with Console.FM? Is this shit worth it?

Thursday, June 30, 2011

No I'm Not Dead You Gay Bastards

But I might be about to reboot this whole thing X men first class style. (i.e. it'll start out pretty cool but after a little while suck balls and me and magneto both will be crying like little bitches with skinned knees for no fucking reason also i'll shoot my best friend with benefits in the spine)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Melty Blood is Gay

How awesome is it to be back?!!

Not that awesome, but there's some awe. I want to play something.

I'm scared of SC2. Although I have baller reflexes, my APM in RTS games is like 25. I just stare vacantly at the screen waiting to "react" to something. Perhaps this is fixable by being non-awful. Or with that yellow #5.


I'm not really feeling my usual fanboy KP for this one though. I could be wrong. It's theoretically possible. Too bad European hours blow. Yo, Europeans, move your stupid continent. East or West, I don't fucking care.

What else? Oh yeah, looking for games to play.

There's a few good fighters out -- SSFIVAE, MB, AH, and BB. Plus there's the upcoming Tekken series nonsense. I do shit on a certain former Tougeki winner at AH but that's only because he's a disgrace to his own tiny yellow hands. Skullgirls actually, fuck that. Apparently, no focus attacks in SF x Tekken, I guess it'll be more third-strike-ish? Shiiiiiiit.

How did I forget to mention in my last "installment" that the Jack Sparrow song is a radio hit in Japan? Watching J-thugs headnod to it at clubs in Osaka was fucked up. Not quite as much so as when I learned that apparently a lot of Japanese guys damage their wang through improper masturbation strats. (Squeeze as hard as you can apparently...) Deny that expand yo.

Oh, and this cover keeps getting passed around the internets. (Which is where I fucking live, but it's cool if you wanna crash my couch)

I don't really love the "for the bitches" R and B stuff, even if it's sarcastic, but it's 6969% better than similar radio tracks. I'd give odds that there will be a HUGE remix of Novacane before year end. (Instrumental too big) Not that black and yellow, black and yellow, garbage either.

New Nas single is a grower -- though all the "back to illmatic" hype seems way off mark. Sounds obviously post grime. That new xx track with the steel drums makes me vomit. New zomby track owned. New Benga "Smack My Bitch Up" doesn't live up.

And I'm off like a prom dress.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Why Am I Always Losing At the Internet

I'm in Seoul, gamer NERD heaven, a kingdom of crafts, be they star or war, a land of handjobs and tiny yellow hands. I return to Osaka shortly, and then, by way of a flying sky rape machine, I will return to the greatest country in the United States of America -- the USA.

What have I learned from my LONG stay in this god forsaking part of the world?

  • The average Korean erect penis is 3.75 inches long
  • I need video games in my life like PacMan needs white balls in his mouth
  • If a girl says she's an "S", that does not mean she's a sub
  • Raw horse meat is delicious but weirdly sour
  • Girls at Black clubs don't like me no matter where I am in the world
Stay, tuned?

This is not a post

what did i just fucking tell u

Friday, January 14, 2011

Non Retarded Mage Changes

  • Poly to 8 seconds. 
  • RoF to 8 seconds.
  • Reduce CS lockout to 7 seconds, reduce silence to 1.5/3, reduce cooldown to 18 seconds.
  • Nova/Freeze to 6 seconds. 
  • Increase frostbolt damage by 5%.
  • 2 second CD on Ice Lance. (So you can't consecutively lance)
  • Increase mana cost of Spellsteal by 30%.
  • Increase amount absorbed by Ice Barrier by 50%.
  • Mage Armor to 35%.
  • Add to Frost Armor -- Whenever you apply a chill effect, regenerate 1% of your maximum mana. (Or any kind of mana regen mechanic on Frost Armor)
  • Add to Early Frost or Ice Barrier-- Your Ice Barrier resets the cooldown on Early Frost. (Some way to control this mechanic)
  • Add to Mage Ward -- When dispelled, Mage Ward deals damage to the dispeller equal to the remaining amount of absorption. (Or have this be a glyph or have this heal or have any mechanic that discourages melee purge spam train or stupid autodispel zzz)
  • Change Reactive Barrier -- While Ice Armor is active, your Ice Barrier cannot be dispelled.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What Does It Mean!!???

Okay, so:

-6 mastery = -15% damage to frozen targets
15% Extra Ice Lance Dmg on FoF
15% Extra Frostbolt Damage Always

  1. FoF and BF up - Dmg reduced by 15%
  2. FoF only - Dmg unchanged
  3. Deeped - Ice Lance Damage reduced by 15%, otherwise unchanged
  4. No FoF/DF - Fbolt damage increased by 15%
To be somewhat more thorough:
  1. FoF/BF - Fbolt+FFB Burst - Slightly reduced
  2. FoF - Fbolt+IL Burst - 7.5% increase
  3. Deep 4 lances - 15% reduction
  4. Deep ilx2,fb, il - 7.5% reduction

k bi

Monday, January 10, 2011

Rated Battleground MMR

This is clearly broken, does nobody care? It's impossible to lose rating from games -- many players are already 2k+ and, from my perspective, everyone is still pretty terrible at rated BGs. My team has gotten ripped by MG's R1 crew and Insomnia we've traded with, and that's about it -- everyone else we've played is terribad.

Oh, and by the way, we're not good. We bring 2-4 healers and whatever other classes happen to ask first online. We have no strats that are significantly beyond "go get the flag" or "stop losing at blacksmith idiots." I run in and call out healer's name and occasionally get some assist help focus fire -- that's about it. Is this really it?

Nobody takes losing seriously. Sure we rage. I RAGE.





Without losing points for losses, we'll all eventually be 3k, so why care too much?

Also there's huge room for exploitation of the current system which I won't yet get into...

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Are you kidding? 95 rating per 1% and no DR or cap?


jkjk i'm good and not emoraging

Can someone explain why all the TC nerds are like int > crit > mastery >> haste?

How is frost mastery good at all? Same rating scaling as crit, but 1% crit on frozen targets = 3% crit, which is more than 3% extra damage, while 1% mastery is 2.5%. Oh and the crit also effects non frozen targets. (Granted if you had 26% crit or so already this is less true but since that's not really possible...)

In full glad set, it's quite easy to hit 40-45% resilience damage reduction -- I'm sure some classes will be able to top 50%. As a mage, is this worthwhile?

I'm sure most players are going to be like "BRO JUST GET TO LIKE 30% AND THEN FROM THEIR STACK CRIT."

That's sort of valid advice I guess, but the nasty thing about flat reduction resilience without DR scaling is that the more resil you have, the more effective it is:

Say you have 100k hp and your attack hits you for 10k --

  • Zero resil - 10 attacks oh noes
  • 30% resil - 14ish attacks
  • 40% resil - 16ish
  • 50% resil - 20ish
  • 60% resil - 25ish
  • 70% resil - 33ish
Too much ish but that's how I roll. (Quite dirtily)

Granted 70% is kimpossible, but I wouldn't completely rule out 50+ for JC/BS sockcuckers. 

Anyways brb getting farmed by feralz