Actually, I was going to briefly talk about the new changes, but as you've probably noticed, I don't have a particularly strong interest in talking about incomplete beta stuff much anymore.
A few things though:
Imp Scorch Glyph - Down to 3 stacks per scorch instead of five.
Frozen Core - Still bad, I'd probably rather invest in perma or imp coc, but others will disagree I'm sure.
FoF - Now only procs off "chills" (Does Ice Armor proc this? If so, WTF)
Shatter and Ice Shards - Down to 3/3s (Man these talent trees are starting to look like the ones I posted months ago ^^)
The FoF change is good in the sense that it discourages spamming Ice Lance. I think I read Affix whining about this, and I generally agree; basically, spamming IL is optimal with the current frost talents. You refresh FoF for insane damage, you impact it up if you're 2/18/51 (which you should be), and you get BF procs. So this change is nice in a sense, but tbh is really gay because you STILL will be spamming IL like mad, it just won't be as good now.
Mages need rank 1 equivalents still.
Mages have way too much RNG, probably far and away the most of any class in wotlk. Impact, Frostbite, FoF, BF, Hot Streak, and so forth. It's ridiculous. A lot of these talents need to be tweaked. Not to mention we have 30% dispel resist and a billion junk debuffs. (Blue has already said they are revamping dispel system, which might make specs like 2/18/51 rather pointless, who knows)
Fire needs a manacost revamp, 19/51 with Firestarting + scorch spam + hot streaking it up look sick as fuck to play, but you go oom in like 30 seconds. It's probably too late for Beta suggestions, but a few things that could help this whole Fire PvP work:
- Add to Fiery Payback - and reduces the mana exhausted by your Mana Shield by 30/60%.
- Add to Fiery Starter - and this Flamestrike costs no mana.
- Dragon's Breath, Living Bomb, Blastwave - 12% Base Mana
- Revamp Flamestrike - Slower Cast, cap to 3 targets and increase damage?
Fire's burst is actually good now, not as good as Frost's, but it is interesting. It requires more RNG than Shatter Combos, but is a little bit harder to stop. Plant LB on offtarget, wait 3-4 seconds, swap back to it, Combust->scorch->fireblast->pyro whenever HS procs->DB->FS-> scorch->BW->FS etc. It's pretty neat.