Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Why I Don't Always Respond to Tells:
  1. I'm a douchebag
  2. It isn't me on the character. If I'm not in Blade's Edge Mountains or Arena, 90% chance it isn't me.
  3. I'm arena-ing. I'll still respond MOST the time.
  4. I'm AFK. I generally log in and idle from the instant I come in the door, but that doesn't mean I'm paying attention. ^^
  5. I'm a douchebag.
If you really want to get a hold of me, I recommend IRC. I haunt, #bg5, #battleground9, and #fhpvp on I might not respond to messages very promptly, but I do eventually see them and if its urgent you can probably find someone to yell at me on vent. I also get a lot less of "WHY DONT YOU GO TO WSVG YOU SUCK" on irc than in game (level 1 alts ftw) so I'm more partial to answering.

I've been asked recently about what it takes to get a chance to be a part of FH raiding and to be blunt, I don't know. =p I'm not really trying to dodge the question, but I don't want to give the impression that by coming to BDF to PvP with us, you're a step closer to networking your way into raiding. Honestly, if you're a player looking to pursue raiding and competitive PvP, Mal'Ganis is almost certainly a better option and there are probably few servers that can match its PvP AND PvE "progression." (whatever the fuck that means LOL) I can put you in contact with people who can address this stuff, but I'm somewhat remiss to deal with these issues as part of the beauty of being solely a PvPer, is that I don't have to deal with the back office side of the guild. ^^

I was really hoping that after the recent waves of PvP transfers we'd be able to setup a WSG team and beg a few of the horde guilds on the BG to get some weekly competitive WSG. I haven't had a good WSG match since Overrated left, and strangely WSG is still one of my favorites parts of WoW. If anyone reading this is interested, know what we got probably 20ish FH players interested; I know there are no epics involved, but think of the epeen!


Neverwind said...


entrails said...

Gulch for life. I'm trying to set up gulch games on.. uh shadowburn I think this BG is called, I just transfered here to play with a great PvP guild I used to play against pre cross server bgs. But it's so hard to get peoples attention and find people who are interested. Please let there be a gulch ladder or at least some incentive to bring a top team.