Sunday, August 5, 2007

Blizzcon: Day Two Retrospective

While day one was mostly about trying to mess around with WLK and SC2, day two of Blizzcon was all about the tournaments. I'll begin with them very briefly:


I watched NothingSpecial, RapidFlame, and SpanishMafia. Nothing special played rogue/priest and then a surprise respec into rogue/shadowpriest in the finals. They dominated Rapidflame's warrior/druid and SpanishMafia's lock/druid couldn't match Rapidflame's lock/priest. I was somewhat confused with the choice to run druid/war against priest/rogue instead of a druid/lock but I guess it isn't a bad option. The druid play in all of the matches was pretty disappointing to me; they were not able to cyclone effectively at all nor were they able to play effective keep away.

In the US matches, DnT's warrior/priest ousted Dhaoss and Scheme's lock/pally who ripped CTs' lock/pally. The lock/pally matches were great surprisingly; I was extremely impressed with Dhaoss and Scheme who really outplayed CTs dramatically. DnT still won with relative comfort in the finals; warrior/priest is pretty fantastic against lock/pally.

The CGS matches were again terribly run and full of technical issues. Many matches had to be restarted due to disconnects or players lagging out. They also would put stealth classes up on the screens which could be seen with ease by all the players which is pretty retarded. The finals drew a moderate sized crowd, maybe 200ish people; the format could definitely be pretty popular actually if CGS ran the event better.


This was the event at Blizzcon. The semis and finals were three to four times as packed as the other events. Dep, Aesthyr, and I screamed like idiots for a lot of the matches and I'm not even sure we were the loudest people there. People were REALLY into it. The announcing was again incredible; the commentary is so important for gaming as you really need to play up the skill and the Jason Lee sounding dude was awesome.

I was routing hardcore for Iris but Nal_rA proved too sneaky. He had some ridiculously baller fake-outs. His spider mine targeting with his goons was out of control. Iris had a few moves that got the audience screaming: one was where he floated his barracks and hid mines under it so that the goon rush even backed with observer didn't see them which decimated the goons. The second was where he pulled a goon into a mine inside of Nal_rA's probes which splashed at least a half dozen probes. The use of vultures throughout was amazing, but Nal_rA's reaver/dropship control was too much. I've never seen anything like that before. o.O

The finals weren't quite as exciting as Nal_rA's aggressive fancy play was severely punished by Savior's dominating macro. The first finals round had literally a 10 minute battle in the center which showcased almost every zerg unit in the game; ultimately plague and swarm broke the toss lines and Nal_rA was overrun. Until that fight Nal_rA dominated the game. The games were still amazing to watch. ^^


I had a lot more fun watching the WoW tournament than I thought I would have. The Hukhukhuk's were fantastic to watch and were definitely the crowd favorite along with MoB.

In the first match, HHH had a pretty hard fought win over Tenacity as the feral druid gave them huge problems in the first round. After switching to putting more pressure on the druid, they were able to play their normal outlast and CC game although my intuition would have been to put more pressure on the mage. /shrug

HHH next went up against Nashwan which is true 2345, and while the games were close they committed hard to getting early kills on Nashwan's priest and it cost them every game. It really didn't make sense to play such an aggressive game to me considering they are much better suited to outlasting. It should be noted that the Nashwan priest survived miraculously over and over and over.

MoB crushed Nashwan with little difficulty. While Nashwan worked hard to focus MoB's hunter, he was able to stay free well enough to put huge pressure on Dahl, Nashwan's mage which reduced the amount of CC he could put out and opened up their own warrior to put even further pressure on Dahl. The games were fun to watch and the crowd got pretty into them at the end. (though the crowd was probably 1/10th the size of the SC crowd) Nashwan needed to play more defensively; the shaman needed to assist the mage more and lightning bolt spam less. He just bolted himself OOM every game it seemed.

The commentary was once again atrocious and made the whole thing ten times worse. I was still pretty jealous of the teams who got to compete though and the whole thing definitely made me miss arena-ing a lot.


I crashed the Professions and Items panel as well as the end of the Class Discussion take two. Most of the interesting parts of the panels are on the web, the only thing you probably can't get from the slides you see online is little things like when one of the devs is talkign about increasing stamina and says "What makes PvP not fun" rhetorically with the intent of talking about getting 2-shot, but instead the audience screams warlocks and continues to scream about warlocks for a good few seconds. You sort of had to be there for that I think. ^^ He also mentioned at one point that he rerolled hunter briefly and "wanted to kill himself." Inevitable WoW forum drama.

As for class changes, the enhancement shaman changes are interesting, I don't really know what will be the end result. There really weren't any other significant changes; mages will get soulwell type things for food and water, which is nice I guess. There was a mention of an inevitable warrior rage nerf in yesterday's class discussion which I haven't heard much talk about since.

Inscription sounds to me like it won't be a PvP profession; we'll just get our shit from suck PvErs who have time to skill up that nonsense. Engineering will get new ranks of the goggles which is hot, and enchanting may go back to being able to craft wands, potentially very good ones. (THESE ARE MY PROFESSIONS SO I TUNED OUT TO THE REST SO EAT IT) The jewelcrafting gems are old news; for PvP, the new JC only gems seem about even with the extra 24 spell damage to rings.

Random Thoughts

I'm wondering if the fact that a hunter team won Blizzcon is actually going to be detrimental to the class, does the class really need help if it still was a part of the "best team" in the world? Yeah, I don't believe this bullshit logic but some will.

Why are 2v2 matches still longer than 5v5 matches even when the 5v5 teams are super survivability stacked?

Will 4DPS be allowed to remain viable considering that Blizzard wants to put on a good show and longer matches are generally going to be more entertaining to watch? It felt like Tom Chilton really believed that the games should last a while while he was commentating. Then again, he also mentioned how DoT times are the "counter" to warrior/windfury teams.

Chilton also said that he felt rogues were quite good in 2v2 and 3v3 arenas and that resilience was not the "problem" rogues face in 5s. He spoke of 2s and 3s in another instance I can't quite remember; I was under the impression that 5s were all that mattered as far as balance goes, will this perhaps change? He made it sound as if some classes were just meant to be better in smaller arenas while others better in the larger arenas, is this really legit?

It's been a long day; I'll probably have more to say after everything sinks in and I can talk over what's been said at Blizzcon. Blizzcon was definitely a good thing for WoW arena; most of the new developments seem to be significant improvements, the expansion ideas all sound like they will improve gameplay, the tournament despite it all was entertaining and people seem to care, but at the same time Blizzcon 5s arena felt a bit stale and not representative of the current state of the game. We'll see what the rest of S2 brings. ^^


Oppo said...

I read the liveblog of the class discussion panel.

I'm floored.

They sit there handling questions, laughing about "lolwell" and stuff while my buddies are DYING.

DYING to warlocks/druid teams.


Anonymous said...

It's all about Starcraft 2. WoW wont get any bigger in the competitive circuit in my opinion. Other competitive gamers I've spoken with from quake to counterstrike really have no interest in it simply because of the level, grind, gear aspect. They love the idea and would like to get into it. I just think a lot of die hards would rather jump right into instant action arena pvp instead of spending months on gearing their team up, and then possibly having to switch. Which results in another level, grind, gear fest or sitting a long time teammate off to the side and recruiting some random that has X class.

Scrib from Quakecon.

Raddy said...

I LOVED watching the SC matches and think that SC2 will be huge competitively based on what I saw at Blizzcon.

That being said, I do think WoW will probably get a lot bigger as far as competitive events go. There really is nothing else out there like WoW as far as competitive games, and while SC2 might steal some of WoW's talent, I don't think WoW players have the level of talent yet where that is a real concern. Watching the SC matches really made it clear to me that while I think I'm a pretty strong WoW player, the level of sophistication in how I (and my arena team) play is insignificant compared to what you see in SC. I don't think this is because WoW is "bad" or "simple", I think WoW is just new and people haven't been forced to get that much better yet to win.

WoW also has enough players where, if enough of its players are interested in the competitive arena events, it has a huge consumer base. I don't think SC2 is going to draw anywhere near the number of overall players or have quite the same potential for establishing a PvP watching audience -- maybe I'm way wrong, but at least states side I'm not convinced yet.

I have no intentions of leaving WoW for SC2. I mean I have no interest in being a "professional" gamer, well not until they are paid as well as professional athletes. ^^

I do agree about the whole having to re-gear, re-roll all the time. I hope someday this process can be revamped into a 20 hour thing from a 200 hour thing.

HiAsshole said...

I played against a tall white guy and a Korean kid in a gray polo, they both lot rushed the random girl I got stuck with as my partner, these were your friends? They didn't get up to leave after the game and I saw them talking to one of the guye in a developer shirt all laughing. Cool to wait in line an hour to get cheesed by assholes before I can try any of the new stuff. I am done reading this site.

Anonymous said...

Do you think Starcraft 2 will be different enough that the current top SC players won't still control high level play?

Anonymous said...


wont current top players work to become the top players in the new game eitherway?

Anonymous said...

SC2 demo is for casuals radi! you big bully!

Anonymous said...

The average Professional Gamer won't make enough to make a good living on it. The average one is most likely around college level and once they see the real world pays more, they will move on.

There will be that small 1% like Fatality that makes a fortune and it will stay the way because the money just isn't there to go around even if you are sponsored by a Fortune 500 company. In fact, you are more likely to get shit-canned faster the moment you don't present enough profit for said sponsor thus leaving you on your ass collecting welfare. These big companies only want to use the gamers to make more money for them - nothing wrong with that either, that' just business.

WOW sucks for esports for the reason listed: time. Most balance issues can be worked around by the top players. But the time needed along with scheduling practice time with your entire team just gets in the way. I'm sure Bliz will fine tune their tourny just like everything else so that there is less DQ's for the top players. But I just don't see it getting huge.

Those wanting to aspire for big $$$ will stick to the solo game play RTS/FPS shit. They can practice when they want and have no group drama to balance out. Plus they don't have to share the winnings across an entire team.

Radi is doing it right. He is just playing the game he likes at a very competitive level because he finds it fun. He is realistic about not making a fortune on doing this.

Raddy said...

Okay I take off in 5 min, but:
I think breaking into SC2 will be hard if you aren't a strong SC player already or don't zerg practicing now. It's not different enough to level the playing field.

Unrelatedly, been reading comments on WoM concerning the US victory being a product of Korean and EU DQs. Considering that US DQs removed the top 5 teams of Stormstrike, I can't really agree with that logic. DQs hit everyone hard, and while it sucks, Blizzcon is one tournament and there will be more.

Anonymous said...

Raddy sux. I agree with the long post above concerning pro gaming unless you really love it.

Anonymous said...

WOM is just trying to create drama to turn WOW into professional wrestling. Someone has sold him on the idea that this game will go huge due to drama. He will make up excuses, be racist, be a poor sport all in the name of trying to make money for himself.

Anonymous said...

I hit respond too fast. Ming is just trying to be the Rome or Marrioti of esports. But just like real sports, no one will respect him either.

asdf said...

WoW is too shit to be an esport, and starcraft just sucks compared to FPS games. The only games that will ever get superbig in the west are FPS games, since they require the most fundamental level of motor skill and coordination, rather just knowledge of the game mechanics.

Oh and yeah raddy why do you try to sound gangsta in your reviews? You are just another wow geek so it makes you sound like a twat. WAY TO THUG IT UP AT THE SC2 DEMO BALLER! rofl...

Anonymous said...

How come you don't play more? It sounds like Forgotten Heroes has a lot of hardcore players, but you're always are talking about how you're unable to play. Have you guys considered coming to a BG with more talent?

Anonymous said...

what is happening in here? where did rad act 'gangsta' in any of his last posts? they seem like normal to me

Oppo said...

You guys are blowing things out of proportion...

I thought it was amusing writing.

Peri said...

You guys need to check yourselves. Have some dignity and stop being dicks because you have the anonymity of the Internet protecting you.

Raddy said...

I'm confused too. I don't see how anything I said was "gangsta"; I wrote pretty much how I always do on this site when I was posting updates on what was happening in the competitions. And its quite rude to be on my case when I have a severe case of balleritis. Chill. ^^

I do plan on arena-ing more in the coming months; summer is just rough as my team is small and if one person is on vacation, we cannot play at all. This is compounded by the fact that my 2s/3s teams are the same players as my 5s team.

And to my #1 hater: You need help. =\

Anonymous said...

i never see radikal talk about real life much or anything consdesending on this blog. i just come here to read about mage news and because i respect his thinking. all his posts are still about wow and mages so i dont get the problem.

Animastryfe said...

Anyone know where I can find videos of those SC2 matches?

Animastryfe said...

Wow, just read all the comments. I think some people from WOM drifted over here...

Anonymous said...

Radi - cross post mention to your site today.

BTW - what idiot thinks Radi is talking gansta? It's called a sense of humor, get one.

kale said...

I used to run guns and coke with radikal until he got nabbed in ATL. He did two years for me and the boys without narcing. I pour out a 40 for rad every friday after next.

eKS said...

^ Raddy & the boys.

I know the link is really sketch but I logged in to make it a little more trustworthy. So... click it if you want.

eKS said...

Also, this is probably the only blog I still enjoy reading and have respect for. You're not out to get a sponsorship (which is not necessarily a bad thing, but mentioning it every article is retarded) and you're not a Ming...

Keep up the good work balla.

Raddy said...

You know I love you too Eks. That link is amazing.

Anonymous said...

are there any hosted videos of the blizzcon arena matches? I know you said the announcing was piss poor, but I would still like to watch some of these matches.