Saturday, August 11, 2007


Odd, our pally on GameOver, before opting to reroll Pally for 5s at the beginning of last season was a ridiculous PvP druid. I've probably have played with Rahvin (his druid) for longer than anyone else still playing WoW with me and the increased attention to 3s and the eroding dependency on paladins in 5s is making Druid a much more practical PvP healer. It isn't a secret that for a player who likes to PvP a lot, especially in non-arena formats, Druid is dramatically more fun to play; you can duel, run flags, and actually play the game instead of simply BoPing your warlock or spam healing and giving your war BoF in arenas. I'm not making a "PALLIES ARE EZMODE" rant here -- well actually I think I just did...

We played about a dozen games running Druid/Spriest/Mage (with Rahvin and Deztruckt from GO) and I found the matrix to be awesome to play. Between silence, fear, CS, poly, cyclone, roots, bash, feral charge, mana burn and Mage snares and roots, you have a LOT of tools. What you lack in burst you certainly make up in crowd control. We are somewhere around 2100 rating and went 6-6 with the matrix which isn't particularly impressive, but we played generally strong teams, and were punished hard for having Rahvin still in half level 60 gear. It is a pretty strange team as far as pacing goes; it feels like you can win the fast game if you get good early CC and can land a solid shatter combo (which is pretty rare), you do fine in the games where everyone runs out of CC breaks as you have great CC and dispel/manaburn, and might even do well in OMGLONG games (though we lost these today). We ran into rogue/priest/lock with felt pretty brutal as the SL/Affliction lock can spam drain all day if focused or dominate with CC if left alone.

I'm definitely exited to see the rogue/druid/X variants as well; it's long been my goal to have Druid, Priest, Spriest, Mage, Lock, and Rogue available to mix and match with in 3s. ^^ My interest is primarily getting lots of 3s practice in under varying conditions to get ready for WSVG LA; obviously you can create a lot of counters or just well rounded teams from the classes listed previously. Warrior/healer/healer is of course the other major team out there in 3, and there is definitely no shortage of strong w/h/h teams on Stormstrike, but there are many counters available within the 5 classes mentioned. The sacrifice and freedom nerfs along with the buff to mage critical bonus (resilience fix) will certainly have an impact against such matrices as well.

Off to kill some troggs on my stupid gnome. ^_^

I received a long rant/article from Aesthyr concerning SC2 balance that I'm tempted to post up here though I'm not sure people care (since I'm VERY bad at SC LOL) or if it is very meaningful considering SC2 is still pretty early in development. Then again what PvPer out there isn't at least a little excited by SC2? =p


Anonymous said...

Post it.

Anonymous said...

aesthyr > u

Anonymous said...

Post it!

kale said...

I like how dep talked shit about how them never losing to anyone when aesthyr carried the team and never said anything. =p

Anonymous said...

You sir are correct. Now post it!

Rahvin/Odd[FH] said...

seen my gear zyz? wanna fite?

Anonymous said...

@ zyz, I play the same matrix (as the druid), and have found vs war/pal/sham that opening on the shaman and switching to the paladin once he gets low from sacrifice dmg "works well"


Anonymous said...

@ zyz, I play the same matrix (as the druid), and have found vs war/pal/sham that opening on the shaman and switching to the paladin once he gets low from sacrifice dmg.

Quick CC on the warrior and shaman as your rogue kidney's the paladin and he'll either have to blow bubble or he'll usually go down (if he's already used bubble) Took 100 points from a top 20 team last night (3rd day playing on the team) reached 2100. Rogue is still learning how to target switch properly but the matrix is very strong once you get the cc rotation down btwn the mage and druid.


Anonymous said...

heh i love reading this blog. Its a complete breath of fresh air compared to blogs like worldofming, worldofpapa, and majority of the blogs in gameriot. I like the fact that you're humble and doesn't stroke your e-peen in every post. gl :)

Primo said...

zyz = [u]zyz?

zyz said...

I should have put traded games rather then dropped.
We did beat them a few times, but ended up losing some points due to them having a lower rating.

The war/shaman are one of the top 5 in 2's atm.

and rahv, i'm on vacation atm, stealing some shitty wireless connection.
idk if ill be able to DL the test client ;_;