Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Mage Issues/Concerns/Ideas Post

These have been done to DEATH on every blog, every forum, and I've briefly touched on some of the points over the past few months on this site, but I'd sort of like to work on something a bit more cohesive and that incorporates input from people not too lazy to drop off ideas. The purpose isn't to really get anything changed or hope desperately for "fixes" but to just get a feel for what we'd like to have different as I think it will be a good framework for understanding the upcoming changes the class inevitably faces in Wrath of the Litch King. I expect the flow of information on the expansion to be slow at first, but eventually we'll be getting a ton of new stuff to theorycraft about, and I'd like to give one more go at discussing the current state of the class before being jaded by what's to come in the distant future. Again, I've no intention of emoing out or anything, just want to go through ideas that have perhaps fallen along the way.

Probably going to operate in a generic framework of Abilities, Talents, and General or something of the sort, I'll probably begin posting to this over the next day or two and keep working on it as a work in progress type of thing.

I apologize for no posts since Blizzcon but I haven't had a ton to say. Game Over will be 5sing tomorrow evening, and hopefully we'll be attending WSVG Toronto with a semi-GameOver FH team. ::Crosses Fingers::


Gablo said...

A few minor changes I'd like to see would be a mana gem soulwell (food-and-drink well is great and all but kinda unnecessary)

It'd be nice to have a talent for improved stones which would (hopefully) be easily accessible in the arcane tree. if locks get imp hs as a tier 1 ability why can't we?

I'd cream myself if they took hs and gems off the same cd. too many times I'm in arena and gotta decide "live for the next heal and wand him to death" or "nuke the guy" and it rarely works out either way. If we could hand out mana gems AND have them off the hs cd it'd add a lot more synergy for mage/lock in all brackets of arena.

just my two cents

oh and I love raddy he's the best

Anonymous said...

Well something I've wanted them to do for a while, was directional blink; so the direction you are currently moving is the direction you'll blink (aka side step blinking).

Other than that, I have no idea what they are planning. I am very interested to see what they do though, since they said they try to break the mold with our class.

PapaShlapa said...

Looking forward to seeing you at WSVG TO Raddy!

Anonymous said...

Right now I think our class is pretty damn good tbh. The only class that I really can't beat as WE specced mage is a warlock.

Something I would like to see though, are more mana efficent "pvp" spells, so that we can keep fighting in longer battles without drinking. Perhaps a talent like the priests to lower the cost of instant cast spells.

I'd like to see changes to the fire and arcane tree so that all mages who want to pvp dont have to be deep frost anymore.

It would be nice to have a self buff or two that can't be dispelled.

And maybe something to help against insane resto druids.

One last thing, is I always though magic absorbtion should have been a spell that was instant cast and gave you a free resist on the next spell that hits you and returns its damage or cost to your mana pool, but give it like a five minute cooldown. Or maybe you should have to land it like CS and then that spell funnels to you, and heals if its a heal or restores mana if its a damage spell. I dunno, just an idea.

Anonymous said...

I know this is far fetched but I've always thought it would be cool if Fireballs had splash damage. For example if there was a clump of people and you tossed a Fireball it would give an AOE radius.

Another thing I thought would be neat was to make Arcane Explosion 5 to 10 second cooldown and make the spell have a knock back effect. Nothing too drastic. Makes the opponent do a small backwards jump.

Other than that I never really had any problems with the class except for resist problems. I can't stand dice rolls effecting the out come of a fight (ahem warlocks).

The expansion really doesn't look at all appealing to me either. I was hoping for some kind of pre-made arena only server. I know that is a pretty cosmic wish but with my job, moving into a place of my own I just don't have the time for grinds anymore.

Primo said...

I would like some way for mages to deal with people just running around pillars, it's really annoying with all these warlock healer teams in 2v2 and would help mages a lot against them. Also you can't deny that finally balancing the warlock class would greatly improve the overall balance.
Another thing is spellsteal, it can be really useful especially when you play without magic dispell but the mana cost seems a bit too extreme so that most mages hardly use it. I don't say it should be spamable but seeing how most teams have at least 3 trash buffs you don't want to steal it costs too much mana to efficently use it atm when you're playing without a priest or shaman to get buffs off targets in the start. So either reduced mana cost or a prioritizing system that for example always steals bof from a pala first instead of warlock trashbuffs.
Last thing which also goes in hand with the LOS issues and a mage being attacked dealing little dmg would be reduced cost on instants. Arena games in the lower brackets often force us to stick to only using instant spells because opponents either run away or attack us so we can't cast. These spells are very mana inefficent and can't produce good enough damage to kill someone wiht a healer, so tuning down the mana cost a bit would at least help a mage to last longer in this situation without having to completely stop his damage.

eKS said...

"Another thing I thought would be neat was to make Arcane Explosion 5 to 10 second cooldown and make the spell have a knock back effect. Nothing too drastic. Makes the opponent do a small backwards jump."

Whoa, AoE interrupt on a 5-10s cooldown...? That's pretty drastic, haha.

"The expansion really doesn't look at all appealing to me either. I was hoping for some kind of pre-made arena only server. I know that is a pretty cosmic wish but with my job, moving into a place of my own I just don't have the time for grinds anymore."

I feel the exact same way. I really don't have the days on end to level to 80, grind honor gear and instance gear to hold the fort until the arena gear starts coming in. If they don't release an arena only server with premades I probably won't be buying the expansion and I know at least a few other people that feel the same way.

Vhairi said...

A deep fire talent (Phoenix form/Crucible?) that causes you to burn up, cleansing all offensive debuffs and 'pushes back the shadows' by providing 80% shadow immunity for 6 seconds. 4 min CD. (i.e. IB replacement).

Please, please, please give back Fire as a strong pvp spec.

Anon: "The expansion really doesn't look at all appealing to me either. I was hoping for some kind of pre-made arena only server. . ."

This would be a dream come true. With a wife, 2 kids and a job with long hours the only reason I still play WoW is for arenas. It has been several months since I killed an NPC. I can also see a LOT of people buying WoW to play in the arenas without the level grind.

Vontre said...

Remove the hidden coefficient nerf on fireball and frostbolt ffs.

Buff arcane missiles.

Uhhh... more... awesome?

eKS said...

Just read the whole article properly, whos goin to WSVG from FH? We might be there, depending on whether we can still sign up or not.

Anonymous said...

spell steal really needs to have its base mana % cost lowered. for me it is only worth using in duels. in arena i find it too risky to waste ~750 mana for random buffs, possibly even my own just with a 2 min duration instead...

another thing id like to be different is more choices in lowering mana costs. they said they added water for everyone to fix the probelm casters faced but honestly drinking blows, and it kind of jacked mages over a bit too cause it took out the outlast possabilities vs some combos.

Azael said...

IF we go it'd probably be me, raddy, dez, and maybe some others, but i'm not sure if we will or not, because Yecal can't come which means I have to play a rogue, and also raddy will be late the first day which means we need to get a warrior and I have to play a shaman or something, and I dunno if I want to look like a shithead and suck it up on some other classes I kinda know how to play :P

eKS said...

Haha, just go anyway. Both me and Chook are probably gonna be playing different classes for our second matrix so we'll probably look like idiots too.

Gotta love the rock/paper/scissors of 3v3. :(