Friday, August 22, 2008

Pig's New Vid

Is fucking sick as fucking fuck. Get that shit on WCM when it's released, GOOOO.

If you don't like the KSwiss vids, you'll obviously not like it much. But that makes you bad.


If only my priest wasn't banned and Bynis wasn't a goddamn Slytherin.


Oppo said...

Mage / Prot?! Pls!?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It was terrible and boring

I already watched KSWISS The Named mage 1v1s that lasted 30 mins

I didn't want to experience that again

Artanias said...

Where can i find it? :(

kzn said...

you can find it on arenajunkies mage forums.


Raddy said...

My IRCing laptop died. Gotta buy new one but too lazy zzzzz omgsboredsuicide

kzn said...

i want to rage at you about how frustrating mage/mage 2v2 is :(

samuelbeckett said...

i want to stab myself in the fase for making a troll mage

Oppo said...

anonymous was dead on with the Kswiss comment.

It seemed each pv match ended with his priest dead and him 1v1ing someone over the course of a lunar cycle.

not saying he's doing it 'wrong' -success speaks for itself- but as far as entertainment goes, I wanted to gouge my eyes out with a wooden spoon.

Anonymous said...

What video are you talking about exactly?

Anonymous said...

Movie's great but it seems people have no idea how to play against a mage/healer team. I guess most people havent played a mage and dont understand how utterly helpless they are against pillars. There's simply no reason for a rogue/healer not to hog a pillar as soon as the rogue dips below 80% HP and turtle hardcore while the mage runs out of cooldowns/instants/mana.

Anonymous said...

For example, why is the rogue at 50% chasing a mage in the MIDDLE of the arena instead of turtle with his healer until full HP and THEN go back on the mage in the middle. I fail to understand.

Anonymous said...

druid/rogue losing to mage/priest is pretty humiliating.

Anonymous said...

Awesome play vs war/sham teams but he sure does get a lot of pyro crits against dru/war!

Raddy said...

I have well over 70% win against druid/rogue on all my mage/priest teams exactly because ALL the druid/rogue teams play it incorrectly.

I thought the 1v1s were great in Pig's vid. TBH some of my favorite experiences in arenas have been the long 1v1s. shrug.

Eltariel said...

pv is making videos again? baller.

Anonymous said...

"it seems people have no idea how to play against a mage/healer team"

this. druids that understand mage burst can pre-hot and los to victory

there is no reason a druid rogue should lose to mage priest... except that sick impact blackout stunlock in casterform before the triple silence
(only enjoyable scene tbh)

Eltariel said...

btw, link:

Tef said...

To anon, PV's sense of los/range and thus movement has always been good. Was pretty insane in the 2v1 vid.

Anonymous said...

Pigvomit doesn't have style. I wish saqe, cachexic, or redundant had made this movie so it would have been entertaining.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion pv does have pretty good movement.

magdain said...

the fight vs phoelol/armagedon was the greatest thing I've seen in any video ever.

rest of it was sleep inducing though. :(

Anonymous said...

Dickriders ITT

Zyz said...



Anonymous said...

Go watch shyou and tell me PV has good moves.

Anonymous said...

I don't like these frustrating posts that require me to visit third party websites.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Btw you don't really have 34 comments, all anonymous are me.

Anonymous2 said...

Now there's a second anon poster. 8P

The video had some good scenes, but most wins happened because the other team was stupid. To watch a rogue at 50% or less life just stay in the middle of nagrand while his healer is feared is painful.

If teams would have just played to "not lose" instead of trying to kill pv then he'd have gone oom and lost more of those fights.

Tef said...

The reason druid teams play the matchup so bad is not purely because they're bad or overconfident. An ap pyro mage is still capable of uncomfortably high levels of burst.

The level of damage is just very unpredictable, you have to always be overhealing which is a pain in the ass.

Sometimes a pyro will hit for 2-3k and the follow-up fireblast or blastwave doesn't crit, and you can soak up the damage easily. Swiftmend, whatever. But if your rogue is a moron and zergs the mage like he has candy, and the pyro crits for 5k and the fireblast for 3k? =/////

Yeah. It's easy to lose quick, even with cheat death.

Raddy said...

I wrote up a really longass mage/priest vs druid/war and druid/rogue guide and stupid gmail lost it. RAGE RAGE RAGE.

Anonymous2 said...

Tef - If the reason they play so badly is fear of burst, shouldn't they err on the side of caution?

I've played against teams where 70% and below and they are tethered to a pillar. I've had games reset half a dozen times because the other team is playing "not to lose" instead of trying for the win.

I know I'm in the minority when it comes to these things, but I'd rather see someone play amazing against an amazing opponent and lose than watch a win when the opponent clearly messes up repeatedly.

Still like priest + mage, still like pv, just sucks watching so many of the fights going "wtf is the other team doing!?".

kzn said...

I think he means they're playing badly because they dont know how much burst to expect from ap/fire.

Tef said...

They're playing offensively precisely because they know they can't pressure the mage if they pillar nonstop at 70%, every time. P/m will drink and thus the fight will simply last forever.

You have to take risks to win sometimes. We can't all be lock-druid. =/

So given the choice between super defensive play and super offensive play, most people pick super offensive.

You know the burst an ap fire mage can put out, so you respect it. But if you respect it too much, you never get a kill. So you risk getting hit for 5500 in a spell.

Rob said...

They play in the open rather than pillar hump because they have to. What threat does a rogue/druid pose against a priest/mage in the open? None. So that is where the priest and mage are going to be. If the rogue wants to eventually kill something, that is where he will also have to be.

If the rogue dips behind cover to play it safe and get healed the mage/priest will just drink and the fight will reset, possibly without the rogue having prep up. Its boring but it works.

Anonymous said...

he uses pyroblast at retarded times, half the time versus rogues it would go pyroblast, rogue cloaks, fireblast resist, rogue vanishes and gets away... its really not hard to wait until after a rogue has used cloak.. god was such freaking terrible uses of the pom/pyros

Anonymous said...


romulox said...

i hat you badikal bc you like a movie i dont!! QQQQQQQ

o wait, i forgot to use anon. WHOPS!

Anonymous said...

tharbad's new vid is out gogo

anonymous3 said...


badams said...

I'll be the first to admit the one thing I still have a lot of room for improvement on is my camera control.

While I do think my movement is pretty good better camera control would definitely help improve the overall lack of "style".

I questioned my choice of kiting path in many of the rogue/priest clips and wondered why I decided to tank with my face so many times. I think this is due to two things, #1 I play my warriors more than my mage now, and #2 trying to keep myself in position to cc the healers.

As far as the clips selection, I just got a new comp and really just wanted to see how it performed while frapsing/editting/rendering. All of these clips came from 3 days of matches. We plan to make another movie of top 1-20 teams only.

I really don't think any of my pyro timings were poor tbh. The one vs Phoelol I was spamming for 2 seconds before he cloaked but because of netcode he was never in front of me. There was one other that got vanished vs the mage/rogue that I have to think was a fluke. The rest I made a conscience decision based on positioning and cc. Sometimes vs rogue teams you just have to use it early to put them on the defensive. You have to force the other healers to heal or else they are free to cc, burn, dispel etc.

In the end I'm bad, and you just got killed by someone named Pigvomit.

Anonymous said...

Your movement is bad because all of your binds are on the right side of your keyboard. You are strafing left 90% of the time and it just makes it look very clumsy.

badams said...

Interesting that you pick up on that. I don't see that changing unfortunately o.0

badams said...

Aren't the majority of most people's binds on their right? This only seems logical if using awsd, maybe less so if sedf.

Anonymous said...

wat website do ballers use to sell their account i need sum $$$

Anonymous said...

it was a good movie PV I always like your shit, ya you could use a little improvement on camera control but you have a style, its just not stylish :D

Anonymous said...

like the 70's

badams said...

It's a new style called leftpedaling

Anonymous2 said...

I actually re-watched the video again and still feel about the same. It's nice to see priest + mage and there were some nice clips.

That being said there were so many times I just sat there going "wtf is the other team doing?" or "why don't I ever get the que against these guys?".

Obviously you can't control who que's up against you (well you can, but then you get banned lol). For me I would just really like to see more matches against better teams, win or lose.

Anonymous said...

The vid was ok. Then two 1v1s with cadderly happened.....

that guy was just scared or not thinking or something. He should have won both. But watching another mage just play shitty in a mage pvp video brings it down alot.

kzn said...

Having discovered PV's hilarious spec, yes, Cadderly should have won.

But, properly specced, there is no way for a 17/0/44 mage to beat a 33/28/0 mage in a reasonably fair 1v1 without blind luck.

Raddy said...

Really kzn? I don't think it's lopsided one way or the other really. I mean one frostbite against the 33/28 mage can be gg.

Doesn't everyone leftpedal? I play esdf on rogue and priest, but can't get used to it on my mage really.

Again priest/mage is still played against horribly wrong by most people.

pv - have you played against many rogue/rogues?

Tef said...

r/r shouldn't be hard. Just use your ice block through the blind or whatever.

My binds are 99% on my left side of the keyboard, I use qweasd to move, and I would never ever ever ever bind a key beyond y. I can't understand the logic of using the right side of the keyboard at all to be honest.

Not that it fucking matters.

Anonymous said...

Raddy, post a post about specc & Strats for MAGE/PRIEST.

Come on I know you want to.

be a baller and recommend Dragons breath specc!

badams said...


17/44 definitely has an advantage over 33/28.

Thousands of HP worth of Ice barrier, Icy Veins, and a pet...

The frost mage can put up Ice Barrier and Fireward and tank my damage forcing me to CS, he can then poly and spellsteal frostward if needed and unload with me having no cs and him with new barriers. If I trinket the poly which is probably required, I'm then susceptible to shatter combos.

badams said...

The comment about leftpedaling is actually very intuitive and helpful to me. I've thought about it before and neve realized it was the main reason my movement isn't very fluid.

It's basically because I use my pointer finger for 90% of my binds but naturally start out strafing right. Then I'm forced to switch when I go to cast making my movement very "clumsy" looking.

badams said...

r/r we've played a couple teams at 2200+ s4 weps with pve gear 1600 hemos are fun

this is a very tough fight, if they are UD it's an instant win for them

the best strat I found was to stay right on top of each other for the sap and then aoe/fear right when it happens

I think trying to aoe them down is your best bet, you waste to much time trying to poly through clos, vanish, trinket and your priest dies, and then you have to fight a rogue 1v1 at 100% hp and you with no cds. unless they get feared early on and not UD and trinke then you poly 1

Anonymous said...

i've been playing a lot of spriest affliction lock, and whenever I tried to drop shadow form and heal we would lose. Against double rogue it is really just a damage race.

Niiva said...

I rightpedal. I have coc R1 bound to shift+ ^ and it sometimes feels really weird. I jumpshot 100% of my instants though and I don't feel it's a disadvantage in any way.

Anonymous said...

There is a ridiculous amount of commentary on this video. I had to watch it again.

The majority of the negative comments I've seen are completely unfounded. Leftpedaling too much? Not enough pizzazz in the camera department? Kill yourselves. I came into this movie expecting to see a new setup played in high-rated arena, against decent opponents. It delivered 100%, even the second time through.

My only complaints are the lack of variety in opponents. Yes, the opposition did look a little confused sometimes. Yes, there are some mistakes. That's arena.

Do I want to watch Shyou 12 blow up an army of shitty welfared players a thousand times over in slow mo closeup pizzazz cam? No thanks.

Tef said...

"Leftpedaling too much? Not enough pizzazz in the camera department? Kill yourselves."

I gotta say that was just perfect. PvP based around aesthetics is for Asians.

Kolenzo said...

I guess I'm asian cause I fucking love gameplay that looks good, even when it's only a little above average. The only reason I queue bgs is to make bads look bad with some amazing looking play ;p

Bynis said...

I'm not a slytherin!


Venick said...

lol@anyone complaining Pigvomit is bad.
tbc players got balls

barrelroll/dwarfgimli said...

little boxes made out of ticky tacky

Anonymous said...

whatever dude, the video intro was fucking sweet.

Anonymous said...

Tef, make love to me.

Anonymous said...

while 33/28 competes with frost in duels, in arena 17/0/44 is far superior: barrier, counterspell nova lance lance break los repeat

Raddy, can i put some cockamole on your facesadilla?

Anonymous said...

pv by your music choice... I can't help but think that you smoke marijuana

Raddy said...

NAS track so ill

Virsath said...

"pv by your music choice... I can't help but think that you smoke marijuana"

Or acid...

Illexial said...

Yea the music he had was better than 99.9999999999999999999999999999999% of vids I've seen. Black & Gold is one fuckin nasty track.

And to be honest music is really what matters in a PvP vid. Good music + offspec is all you need, who cares if pv fucks up a few times

Def one of the 10 best vids in BC imo

Raddy said...

word lex

Sycknezz said...

Agreed. Black and Gold was hot, the Nas track was hot...nice change from the screaming/growling death metal.

Critiquing is a bit much imo. Perfection will never exist as long as we're human. Good vid. You definitely know what you're doing.

mischief said...

thanks for the video. i always wanted to play this setup because rogue/mage doesn't seem to fit me (or i just suck).
too bad that i couldnt convice a priest to play with me, since europeans only play setups that the americans do.

also, what do you guys think of using am/pom w/ clearcast? its probably a bad idea when the opponent still has cds but its so damn tempting...

samuelbeckett said...

wasn't really a nas track per se.. more like a nas, rakim, krs, primo and kanye track.

Raddy said...




kzn said...

Uh, 33/28/0 has more damage than 17/0/44 via scorch spam, if you can fake a cs. With molten shields the frost mage cannot afford to be spamming non-shattered lances like they normally do.

Its a lot harder when the WE is involved, yes, but as long as you're fast enough to avoid the shatter via either your own imp CS or pro blinks, and then can manage to kill the pet (which you can get away with blowing BUTTONZ to do).

Once the pet is down, all you have to do is ensure you aren't getting kited, and with intelligent cs use, you're outputting way more damage than they are. They tank it for longer than you could, yes, but they cant output it.

kzn said...

and being that fast shouldn't be a problem if rumors of your ping are true, pv.

kzn said...

hell with the right spec you dont even have to fake a cs, you can just scorch spam till cs and arc missiles post silence till scorch is up again

samuelbeckett said...

but pv had the original, you had some weird remix of it in your vid.

samuelbeckett said...

but pv had the original, you had some weird remix of it in your vid.

bjerv said...

Anyone know what kind of specc Fony is using?

Link would be appreciated.