Yes, beheading. A man, Vince Wigwamorsomeshit Li, stabbed a young man to death on a Greyhound bus and proceeded to decapitate the victim with a knife. Oh, he also cut off random pieces of the body and ate them in front of the other passengers. Apparently, the bus was eventually stopped and the passengers trapped the man inside the bus by forcing the doors shut from the outside. In response, Vince, Vinnie, waved the decapitated head in front of the door's glass.
We get it. Your country sucks at the Olympics. You smoke pot all day and listen to bands like The Hold Steady and Tokyo Police Club. Without paying. Well, you might pay for the kush. But not dem' mp3s. You fucking rebels. You steal them shits and tell the RIAA to suck your dick. For the nutritional content. And maybe the flavor. Fucking RIAA. (Don't sue me if you are reading this, King of Music, I bought them mp3s and she said she was 18)
Let's be realistic. Too cold to swim. Too burly for gymnastics. Too cold to do any of that Track and Field shit. Case almost closed.
I wasn't satisfied with the "Too Damn Cold" theory so I decided to some Jasi-like research and speak to a real life Canadian.
radikal: yo kale ur from canada
kale: I am?
radikal: yeah u said so
radikal: anyway watchu think about the olympics
kale: I don't really follow the Summer Games
radikal: this interview is DONE
kale: wtf
Denial is not a river in Egypt my Canadian friends.
To be perfectly honest, my main interest coming into the Olypmics was watching my true love, Ana Ivanovic, compete. No tennis hotties equals shitty television. I bring this up because apparently, ex tennis hottie Anna Kournikova, isn't dead.

It's not like she was ever very good at tennis. That was the problem really because you couldn't really be a Kournikova fan without being a huge pervert. Now she's taking tennis out of the equation. SHOOT THE HOSTAGE. TAKE HIM OUT OF THE EQUATION. God bless you Keanu.
Kournikova...Keanu...hmnn that's a lot of K names. Wouldn't want people to think I'm racist...

Okay, that's really old. So is this. Kool Kolor Kids Computer Cart. Life is amazing.
I had a point with this post. I lost it between looking for last night's Weeds episode, which apparently airs tonight (Fuck you Showtime), and seeing those Maxim's at 7-11 with thought-to-be-dead Kournikova. No, I didn't actually buy a Maxim. On a psuedo porn note -- has that Anna Faris just-the-cover Playboy come out?
Is it common to do just-the-cover? To be honest, I wouldn't know who she is if it weren't for entourage. I do like her. Not love. But like. Like like. I've never been a Playboy fan so I have zero clue if it's common to grace the cover and not the pages; it reminds of me that Brazilian synchronized diving team that was supposed to be at the Olympics but then, well, didn't go. And that whole "never a Playboy fan" thing is true. Mixing middlebrow humor with tits is a nogo for me.
And that's it for this latest fucked up cruise through my brain. How does this reconcile with what we know about the world btw?
those brazilians were hot. i dont get that lohan pic, whats your point?
radi - have you watched the Magehancement 2v2 vid? It has got that Fort Minor track you and Alex were obsessed with.
mighty boosh:
watch it.
raddy you penis when are you going to give us some proper mage/priest combo insights? <3
4/5 anonymous is me pretending to be different identities
were obsessed with?
WERE ?!?!?!?
Every morning when I wake up I calculate the percentages of luck, skill, power of will, pleasure and pain that go into each and every day of my life.
Then I eat a big bowl of youknowwhats.
Have you looked in to Warhammer Online yet or are you positive you are sticking with WoTLK? IMO, Warhammer oviously needs some polishing but is already going to be better PvP than WoW is our will be. The only thing missing so far in Warhammer, I think, would be it's own version of arenas where we can have organized small scale PvP that will mean more than just organized world PvP.
Just wondering what some of the well known and accomplished PvPers are thinking about WoW. Jasi and some of these Gameriot fools can write ok, but mostly their content sucks and I don't know they would write about PvP without actually having accomplished something notable, like VengeGlad or placing in a tourny(its the closest proof you can get of their skill without actually dueling them I guess?).
35% of people I know smoke pot all day and listen to bands like The Hold Steady and Tokyo Police Club. You lived here before playa?
Canada may have been famous before.
But only NOW is Canada E-famous.
and btw the barbershop I go to has Maxim/playboy/hustler right out on the front wait table, comprising maybe 50% of the available reading material.
And the entire hair-cuttery (no longer a 'barbershop', watch where i go with this) is run by women.
I'm just waiting for one of em to jump out around the corner the second I pick up a maxim and give me the "you sick little fuck" look.
But ya.
Maybe they'll get a 'participation' medal?
Anna Kournikova has a weird butt
Pretty sure WAR still has the 2 second global cooldown that it did in beta. Made the pvp feel clunky.
" were obsessed with?
WERE ?!?!?!?
Every morning when I wake up I calculate the percentages of luck, skill, power of will, pleasure and pain that go into each and every day of my life.
Then I eat a big bowl of youknowwhats."
- you and raddy are one of a kind. the two of you.
you ready? lets go.
Yeah, for those of you that want to know what we're all about
It's like this y'all (c'mon!)
This is 10% luck,
20% skill,
15% concentrated power of will,
5% pleasure,
50% pain,
And 100% reason to remember the name!
canada is so much better than the USA it isnt even funny.
This is
10% hots
20% gear
15% matches that each last half a year.
5% nerdrage
50% druid
100% skilless but you already knew it.
He doesn't need his name with a title,
He just wants to earn points,
each night's another ventrage recital.
That shit is vital; he aint everybody else, he's fluid.
In spite of the fact that everybody runs with a druid
He knows the strats,
it's not about the damage done
it's all about the spammage done and running em oom, proccin' the
stuns, making sure debuffs stay up.
That means when he's dpsing Take's mana-ing up. GO.
Who the hell is he anyway? He never really queues much, never concerned
with matches and still ranking high up,
geared out through exploitations given despite the fact
that many'd report him if they frapsed him doin that
He'll pop your rogue out of stealth, and your clothies he wrecks
try to cyclone or sheep and the fucker pro spellreflects.
Seems he's 'focused' on all of you, that's shit you just can't teach;
You can watch your teammate fold as soon as you release.
This is 20% race, 80% gear
Be 100% clear, cause he just rolls face.
Who would have thought his transfer'ed set the forum world in flames?
those fanboys fraps him kickin ass in his new battlegroup games.
Came back, remade team, took 'em to shul
(for all you lazy geeks, that's a church-like jew school)
his druid's the truth, now everybody offering him team spots
sells rating hand-over-hoof, death by IS and moonfire dots.
10% hots
20% gear
15% matches that each last half a year.
5% nerdrage
50% druid
100% skilless but you already knew it.
They call him Vudu the dick, and he's gankin in IQD
though He's not widely feared he's quite impressively geared,
a fucking facerolling key-turner, there's nobody badder,
the type who groups with druids and tops the 2v2 ladder
eight years [old] and makin' people think he's pro
has the best record in 2s and getting better although
His druid partner in crime, carries that shit with ease.
If arena gave out medals he'd be fucking chinese.
He's not your every cookie-cut tank,
He rose and sank, from HWL to glad and un-ranked
Farms gold by the thousand and not technically payed to
all his chars named the same, know what they translate to?
No? What you're 'fart' in korean,
asked him what the fuck the point is in a name with that meanin'
He never answered but there's one thing that both of us know
With vudu's partner he could check his skill at the door'
Foget mike, nobody really knows how or why
that 8-year-old beats him, doesn't even seem to try,
Because he reflects every fear, stacks sunders and intercepts fine,
And i've heard him on vent ragin when that shit leaves him cryin'.
It's comedy divine that's being re-written each time,
they seem to resign, proof against god and design,
"it's that motherfucker he runs with, the warlock is fine...
Ridiculous, without even tryin, how does he do it!?"
This is
10% hots
20% gear
15% matches that each last half a year.
5% nerdrage
50% druid
100% skilless but you already knew it.
You killed it Oppo.
Game. Set. Match.
It is a druid.
It does not die.
best interview ever
yea, oppo, you demolished it. nice job
nice ratings dawg
You weren't TOO far off, I do have an Oppo...
But he's mainly for shits and giggles.
A-la lowbie mage/druid vs arugal...
The name is Oppo, but you can just call me Op.
Put that together just for you sweety.
"Why we hatin?"
Because we have to flame him.
Because he's the poster RN deserves, but not the one that it needs right now. Because he can take it. He's a night troller, the silent goodwin'er...The Bahn Thai.
~Signed Oppo, lvl 22 druid.
why do you talk like that? you sound like a tool
I AM a tool though. King of the tools.
Anonymous: "King of the who?"
Oppo: "The tools"
Anonymous: "Who are the tools?"
Oppo: "Well, we all are. We are all tools. And I'm your king."
Anonymous: "I didn't know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collective"
You see, anonymous, you are fooling yourself.
You are living under a dicatatorship.
A self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working class...
well, you know.
Why oh why doesn't that KKK desk have a comments and reviews section?
oldschool win
The Hold Steady and Tokyo Police Club are both liiiiiive.
He is back!!
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