Wednesday, June 13, 2007


So like one of my guildmate's friend with benefit's boyfriend's lamaze instructor's friends is saying that that arena season two has been delayed by three weeks.

I actually lied with all that "friends of friends" stuff above -- it was much more complicated. Now, I don't really believe this rumor at all as I don't trust lamaze instructors, but if this does end up being true, remember -- "Radikal Noise. You heard it...HERE...first"

This would really suck if true as most of us are bored out of our minds waiting on next season. I did some quests today, like on purpose. I put on my wizard hat and robe and quested. And damnit, I even sort of liked it; in 2 hours, I increased my total gold by 1000%.

Hopefully, we'll see season 2 gear on PTR soon and blue confirmation that season two starts Tuesday soon. A few people have asked me about dueling on PTR; I haven't really been able to get on PTR in the past week and might have some time this weekend, but I really need to get gems/enchants/honor ready for next season so it would be for a pretty short time window. (Like only 8-10 hrs of straight dueling probably)


klassick said...

PTR was pretty dead last week, haven't even logged in since Saturday. Never saw anyone at Iceflow and only got a few duels in the valley. Definitely not as much talent as last PTR, and no Chadwick. :|

Heres for hoping season 2 starts on the 19th.

Anonymous said...

"I put on my wizard hat and robe" HAHA

If patch doesn't hit this tuesday, I'll the 20 bucks I'm paying for this month of play is a total waste

kekface said...

"I put on my wizard hat and robe" - ace! :)