Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Class Balance Debate

I guess I'm pretty out of the loop. Apparently, XFire Debate Club is hosting a wow class balance debate next Monday (the 19th) @ 6EST. Looks like a lot of big name players are participating so this should be interesting if nothing else.

Check out the even here.

A few of the HukHukHuks will be there, as well as Ming, and then a bunch of e-famous PvErs including World of Raid's Teza, Curse's Mek (Not FH's Mek!!*) and probably a ton of people I'm forgetting to mention but c'est la vie.

The topic of debate is "the best and worst classes in WoW." Now I'm no psychic, well actually I am, and you're going to die of untreated syphilis at 33. I'll also tell you the inevitable conclusions of this debate:

Worst Class in WoW:


I don't really know a ton about PvE anymore, but it seems to me that rogues and locks do (I'm being generous here) comparable DPS, but the lock brings healthstones, elements for the mages, and damage that requires a lot less healing than rogues. On the PvP side, rogues are only mediocre 1v1, and scale poorly into larger matchup sizes. Rogues are for the most part lousy warriors in 5v5s, and any team bring a rogue is better packing a war, even if its a second warrior.

Best Class in WoW:

Tie: Warlock/Warrior

Warlocks do dominating damage of any spec in PvE. In PvP, they rule dueling entirely and are ridiculously overrepresented in 2v2 arena. In the larger arena formats, locks were once scarce due to inability to survive assist trains, but as their health/resil has scaled, this is less an issue and locks are increasing popular on top arena teams of any size. Part of the warlock issue is that resilience does not influence DoTs, so locks profit as gladiator gear becomes abundant. Healthstones, purger fodder buffs, tongues, fear, deathcoil, spell-lock or felguard, huge survivability or UA, exhaustion -- you can go on and on with what locks bring to the arena.

Warriors are everywhere. They can still be high DPS PvE classes and they still remain as the primary tanking class in endgame PvE. In PvP, warriors strangely can have the most "burst" damage of any class and still bring the most powerful debuff in the game (MS) to the arena. The degree to which warriors scale with their weapons is still staggering, and as weapons and equipment improve, warriors are going to continue hitting harder and harder.

This is what I'm predicting at least. ^^

Perhaps they'll go crazy and talk about druids, who knows.

*FH's Meks is 10 times cooler.


Anonymous said...

They should get Rad in there! Seriously though this should be interesting. Especially with The Huks talking. I play on the same server as them. I believe a lot of this will focus on the Rogue class for some reason.

I wish Mages brought some devistating things to the arenas in other specs like Warlocks do. What if Slow had a silence effect if dispelled. Ohwell that's another topic I guess. Or maybe that's just a dumb idea :p I'll stick with hanging onto the Frost tree and be happy :)

Anonymous said...

i thought hunters and shamans have it alot worse then rogues?

kzn said...

watch my movie damnit radikal

Raddy said...

Oh kzn <3'd the vid

I was going to talk about it along with a few other things in a "week in pvp vids" type post probably fri/sat

gorgeous editing o.O

Voodoo Chile said...

I think rogues will be voted worse also, mostly because of who is in attendance there (rogues or ex-rogues). I don't think they are the worst, though I will agree that they are near the bottom. My list for worst classes:

1) Druid. By far the worst class at PvP. They are the worst in every single arena bracket, and have been considered a joke in general PvP for almost the entire 2 years the game has been out (barring a brief timeframe post TBC). For 2 years in PvE, druids were nothing more than a buffbot, and innervate battery for priests, and a battlerez bot. We have some tanking viability now, so it's better in TBC. But as far as min-maxing in PvE guilds go, druids are one of the worst classes. The druid leader of Nihilium has a nice QQ post up on their forums about how they won't take a single resto druid. HoTs don't really cut it for a lot of fights, and healing touch spam makes you nothing more than a paladin with curse of tongues on permanently.

2) Hunter. Hunters are great in Battleground PvP and duels. They're underrepresented in arenas, but some manage to eek on an existence on top teams, mainly due to their ability to get entrapment up on a warrior. In PvE though, hunters have the worst job of any dps class. Shot rotations take more concentration and precision than any other class, and they are not even rewarded for their efforts. Hunters are probably the worst of the dps classes, when it comes to PvE, which isn't at all justified considering the concentration that goes into shot rotations. I'm not aware of any other class, other than warriors that use slam, that has to pay so much attention to their autoattack timer to maximize dps.

Rogues have it tough for all the reasons you mentioned. PvE is still incredibly hostile to melee.

I agree with your choices for best classes, but I'd lean towards warrior. Prior to TBC, warriors were the number 1 class at 3 entirely separate aspects of the game:
1) PvE tanking (prot spec)
2) PvE dps (fury spec)
3) PvP dps (arms spec)
Every single talent tree was the best at something, hands down. Tanking I can see, but the best PvE and PvP melee dps class is a slap in the face to every other dps class out there. So far in TBC, warriors aren't yet the best PvE dps class, but with weapon scaling, I predict they'll be back at the top before too long.

kzn said...


I've already got the intro to kzn 4 done :P

I am going to be prolific as hell if I get this kind of reception xD

Animastryfe said...



More people must attend!

Kaiza said...


Also, I think this debate has a ton of potential.

Raddy said...

I'd love to attend actually; I tried to understand registration on their site and was quickly confused and then discouraged. I can't really DL their XFire software on any machines here, so I'll have to wait to play with it till I'm back home.

BTW I'm just trying to guess what will be said; the post does not necessarily represent my opinions. That being said, I don't think they are THAT far off.

klassick said...

There will be plenty of rogue crying, I doubt many classes will even be discussed. Definitely agree with warrior scaling and burst, they hit like trucks. :\