Saturday, February 7, 2009

Radikal Noise Wants You

If you're cute and would like to model for radikal noise, please contact me @ Being over 18 and willing to have nerds tell you you're fat and ugly even if you're a million times hotter than them is a must. You need know nothing about video games or WoW or finance. You need not enjoy my writing or sense of humor, but all of these are a plus. Pay and terms are negotiable. Best of luck.


Raddy said...

No please send that to my private email, thx.

Oppo said...


Personal Information:

I'm shaved. Cut, and a Neut.

I've had my tubes tied and my dental dam.

I'm taking Levitra and Viagra.
And Tums.

I'm 6'11", a 34 inch waist and my OTHER measurements are...well...
I'm a grower, not a show-er.

I work well with others.

I carry no FATAL STDs.

I catch.

Swings left.

Carpet matches.

kolenzo said...

I'm not cute but I fit the rest, can I still app?

Anonymous said...

Doesnt say anything about gender...