Sunday, February 8, 2009


I deleted a bunch of deadish links from the sidebar and fixed a few of the ones that needed redirecting.

Been having a lot of trouble with my priest/rogue vs hunter/pally -- I've been told that I need to holyfire zerg gib the hunter but even against bad pallies that I easily fear, we're still not able to kill the hunter thanks to fairterrence and sacrifice bubble coolness. I guess I just have to mash smite harder. (Always a good strat)

I'm pretty psyched for 3.1 priest changes -- hopefully, I'll have a (badly geared) priest ready before the patch hits. I'm still looking for teams on my mage, and if I know you and you arent' bad and want to push for deadly, bug me in game. Why does nobody run 2345, GODDAMN. (Besides the fact that 5s is awful, but well, that's been true since s2)


Anonymous said...

Biggus Dickus

Anonymous said...

have your rogue cs or whatever the hunter during deterrence. Any incapicating effect will complete negage the effect.

Anonymous said...

5's is actually a lot of fun and could possibly be more balanced than 3's atm?

Radje said...

raddy why weren't you on today, i need a new 2s since gumbot started playing with veyl instead of me :(

Anonymous said...

Holy pally/Arc mage is pretty baller in 2s.

Anonymous said...

Biggus Dickus