Saturday, February 14, 2009

Been A While Since These Were Popular

Fantasy class changes for 3.1. (Yeah right) I'll get into my current design "issues"/rant probably tomorrow or the next day, but the trees cover some (if not all) of the bases.



Anonymous said...



Virsath said...

Cute icon for Fiery Payback.

Raddy said...

I stole it from a tree somebody already made, and actually stole the talent idea too. It doesn't fit the fire babe though.

iPhael said...

looks good.

...really good actually.

raddy for cm :3

Sancus said...

Some good ideas, but there's also some stuff in there that you can't do without major alterations - like reducing Frostfire Bolt's cast time in Improved Frostbolt. That would be make it absurdly overpowered compared to every other bolt spell.

I like the idea of scaling Deep Freeze damage by Winter's Chill stacks, though.

kzn said...

There was something in there that I laughed at when I first saw and said 'yeah right' irl, I'll find what it was since I'm bored.

kzn said...

Oh wait I remember, it was the reversion of the brain freeze nerf.


Raddy said...

Yeah that ffb cast time shit wasn't supposed to be in there, my bad, rofl.

Otherwise I think the PvE dmg is in line with current.

Arcane should be very close to as it is now. Fire/Arc loses 5 crit to gain 1% dmg and a few improvements that should mostly compensate for the lost crit. FFB gains 7% dmg to lose 5% crit + a slightly better IV (but it doesn't line up with CDs well) + misc gains in fire. Frost PvE gains pretty substantially and I think the deeper frost/fire ffb specs are in line (in my head at least) lol.

Anonymous said...

good changes for the most part, completely agree that torment is retarded

Kolenzo said...

3 point clearcasting? sex. New imp fireblast? sex.

New burning detirmination? Anal sex.

TotW weak nerf is good, missile barrage change is cool. Combustion is pretty solid.

Impact should be 0.6/1.3/2.0 sec stun duration rather than chance scaling with rank. Think imp cs change.

Playing with fire is nice. Firestarter is probably overpowered. Burnout has a random name change?

Imp coc will never be good as long as coc continues to have shit scaling and base damage, and an absurb mana cost. Tack a mana cost reduction on the talent and it suddenly becomes awesome :\

Is the FoF nerf supposed to make people not take it for pvp?

kolenzo said...

And fire needs more mana help wtf.

Reduces the mana cost of your aoe spells by 50% and your non aoe instant cast spells by 30%.

hyped said...

anyone know if crits nullified by resilience still proc hot streaks?

Kolenzo said...

^ They don't.

Raddy said...

Yeah, they do not. Hot streak basically works off exactly what your combat log says. If you AoE and you happen to land both those crits in a row in your combat log, it procs, if they are separated by a noncrit, it does not.

kzn said...

i hope you're watching sora wo kakeru shoujo raddy

samuelbeckett said...

From an attackers POV, a crit is a crit plain and simple. Resilience only adds on-crit effects to normal attacks for abilities that are triggered when you are the victim of an attack, like Focused Mind or old warrior enrage.

Vontre said...

Nobody caught the mortal strike effect on Living Bomb? lol

I do like some of these ideas actually. Also would be cool if Living Bomb did something useful, but I figured a mana burn would be more appropriate.

Anonymous said...

A mana absorb effect would be pretty cool(er) than just a mana burn effect.

Also, being Hammer of Wrath'd or whatever the Warrior's version of it is (tossing an axe; also, at school atm) through a pillar due to terribad latency or whatnot, reminds me so much of how retarded games like Counter-Strike: Source are about that. If you're on a server with the deathbeam client on, you could see the actual beam showing how you died going through impenetrable fuck walls simply because the latency is off.

Do you think they'll fix this or is this actually intended?

Anonymous said...

you think blizzard will nerf physical dps at all in 3.1?

Vontre said...

No, it will never be fixed as long as the speed of light remains the fastest speed in the universe.

Raddy said...

Yeah the original LB burned mana -- why that was removed I don't know.

Anonymous said...

^^ because having an instant cast and un(self)removable mana drain isn't fair for shaman and druids...

Raddy said...

It only burned on the last tick/explosion previously, and considering how completely useless the fire tree is otherwise, and how much it costs to apply, shrug.

Anonymous said...

Raddy are you answering Ming's call to learn frost for 5s, a SERIOUSFACE bracket

Law said...

A 2 second impact stun available every 8 seconds? Even though you removed the cooldown reduction in place of a damage modifier on fire blast, that stun is crazy OP.. what are we, SV Hunters? :p

As for the rest of the fire tree, ... woah. With Scorch up (2 points in, 1 cast), crit mass, pyromaniac, combustion running, and ign. resil, the mage would have 59% crit strike chance bonus on all fire spells. Scorch has 50% crit strike chance, so that'd be 109% crit chance on it, so cast scorch twice = instant pyro, followed by any blast wave or dragon's breath which = insta flamestrike or fireball. Both of which benefitting from the 59% crit (Flame strike potentially at 65% because of world in flames).

Add on top of the insane crits the damage mods, +20% from fiery payback, +10% from fire power, +4% from playing with fire, and if they're sub 35% health, an additional 12%. So on top of ~60% crit chance, you're adding +46% damage on fire spells (+76% damage on fireblast), and the ability to on demand blast off scorch>scorch>instapyro>dragons breath>instafireball>blastwave>instafireball.

At bare minimum if they were my trees, I'd put a cooldown on firestarter, or limit it to one of the two trigger spells. I'd tone down some of the crit bonus', with a mage in crit gear you could almost cast nothing but crits all day, which would give you an instant pyro every 3rd cast. Maybe swap some +crit with +hit talents, or throw in the fire version of ice barrier, etc. Also I worry about mana with that build, yes you gave us 30% mana regen while casting, but that'll be munched up and then some by Igneous Resilience's mana penalty.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. Cool trees, I wish they went live as you have them described. :P