Friday, April 4, 2008

Raddy? More Like BADDY

Oh, hi. It's been a while. There have been some BAD posts. There will be many more sadly. This, however, shall not be one of them.

Okay, actually, it's going to be run of the mill WoW type stuff, and won't be terribly funny or anything, but you can feel free to laugh anyways. Please.

Without further ado, I present to you:


  1. Use a /stopcasting Blink macro. First of all, it doesn't work. You have to tap it twice and it's still sluggish. But really, when do you need to cancel a cast and blink? When you're stunned, dummy. An event you generally know is coming. You're better off with a normal bind and just mashing your face into blink midcast. (<3>)
  2. Using AP and PoM cooldowns simultaneously. I mean I don't always. But AP alone provides enough damage burst as long as your instants are up to force any and all defensive cooldowns. I use this against tough (read: not fucking tragically bad) rogues in duels. AP, trinket, blastwave, fireblast etc. off the start. I almost never split AP and PoM up in arenas though...
  3. Ice Block too fucking late...still.
  4. Undecided on this but...Max Rank Mana Shield at the start vs rogues? I mean Molten Armor no longer procs though shields. (Please kill yourself idiots running 0/17/44) You also generally have an extra global at some point anyways...
  5. One problem against teams like war/lock/dru is when you CS cyclone and are DPSing the lock or dru, you know the dru will go bear and feral charge your next cast, then bash the following one. As frost, you can just scorch as your first cast and just watch the dumb bear awkwardly sit there. While casting each scorch, mash frostbolt, if he FCs, you'll quickly start the cast, which he will quickly bash, you can either blink or trinket or wait depending on sitch and get off a decent nuke. (If war and lock both have downs that is...) Okay that's all cool beans for frost, but for fire, you can't let fire tree eat a CS, and with imp blink, you WANT to blink the bash, so missiles is out of the question. Right now, I try to fake cast with scorch the FC, but this seems BAD. What's the right play...
  6. Letting sheep drop combat WAY too often. (Deny charge/stealth omg)
  7. Never making use of gouge to get off casts in 2s. (Okay, I only take partial blame)
  8. Way too obsessed with using dagger to take out totems to "save a global." Then again, at least I don't fucking WAND totems.
  9. Using s3 gloves as fire. (S2 are almost certainly better)
  10. I can't EVER ice lance warriors out of charge, and thus I eat a lot of charges -- I still tank charge, Blink is the best play. Pre-tbc it was considered nub to blink charges, but there's really no reason not to now. You end up with a warrior on you with less rage and without intercept when he comes out of poly. Plus with imp blink, you can really just cast poly out of blink and leave the war somewhat fucked on whether to intercept or not.


Mugen said...

maybe your /stopcasting blink macro could find a good use for dealing with 5.

gablo said...

stopcasting is so season 2

Anonymous said...

What are your thoughts on mage/rogue at top20 levels without WoTF or Perception? Seems like the margin for error without the opener and/or the extra fear break really makes it hard to reach the top against the human rogues, priest/rogue and warlock/druid teams.

Raddy said...

I think for the mage, racial isn't terribly important. Your rogue needs to be UD or human though I agree.

Anonymous said...


alex said...

There's an impostor in the mix.


please name yourself namestealer or something that more accurately describes your persona characteristics.

Oppo said...


If god came down from the heavens and told me it was the way of season4, I wouldn't believe him.

Then again, god DID come down from the heavens to tell me hunters were about to be buffed and I should prepare to be scared of hunters in pvp, and I didn't believe him.

Anonymous said...

To 5.: I never played a druid not FCing lvl1Frostbolt on war. I'm playing on a terribad eurorealm, though... Even if he doesn't...Ah fuck that, l2fakecast.

Oppo said...

If you spam castcancels you end up CCing yourself without them blowing any CDs at all.

Anonymous said...

lol radikal, you're still a horrible mage. reroll huntard imo. maybe your tactic of facerolling on the keyboard will work more often.


Anonymous said...

You could add something about WEs.
Noob players that use the /petcast waterbolt or something like that instead of /petattack making your pet go always on the last target that hit you instead the one you want resulting in many sheep/blind losses, and many happy droods.

Kolenzo said...

Do you find yourself making use of a macro kinda like this at all when specced for WE Raddy:

/petstopcasting (whatever the fuck that command is)

I've been using the pet neutral command to cancel my pets attacks and get it to follow me, but we all know that it can often be a bad idea to have your elemental anywhere near you. I've been wondering if I should set up something like this.

Anonymous said...

/petpassive makes it stopcasting and go near you

Dont bother using it unless you see you pet casting on a blinded/sheeped/generally cced target

Easiest way I found out to control my pet was to macro my fireblast button with:
/cast fire blast

That alone will make you pet stay on the target you want w/o much effort

Raddy said...

I just have petattack and petpassive bound. I know a few people who use like /petpassive poly macros but really that strikes me as retarded and unnecessary.

^oo^ said...

petattack is bound to R
pet passive is Shift F coz F brings up the elemental ^^

Illexiyel said...

I still think sheeping yourself through spell reflect is pro if you have a pet up or can get a full duration nova or something. Situational maybe, but still baller.

Anonymous said...

Radikal, what spec are you for 3v3 and 5v5? I assume you're not AP for those brackets, and yet you're opposed to 17/0/44

Raddy said...

I play 17/0/44 for some matrices, AP/fire for others...

17/0/44 is still better on the majority of teams, but...

Nguyen said...

get dahis or pwyff to blog here and it will be heaven!

Puritania said...

I find that a /stopcasting blink macro is necessary if you're rooted and eating pushback (because I'm bad and move to stopcast ^^).

Anonymous said...

I STILL say we go back to 33/0/28. Instead of one 3 min cooldown you get a lot of burst dmg with ice lance crits and frost bolt crits. Plus, yes.. you still get AP, the slowing effects of ice, icy veins, etc!!

Icy veins makes this spec a LOT better now IMO.

Kolenzo said...

"I find that a /stopcasting blink macro is necessary if you're rooted and eating pushback (because I'm bad and move to stopcast ^^)."

I used to do this too, I use a blink stopcasting macro but I also have a straight stopcasting macro bound to mouse button 4 or something. It makes me alot better at faking out too.

Anonymous said...

"I mean Molten Armor no longer procs though shields."

this is listed on the known issues list now!

Anonymous said...

please write more thx

Sol said...


Tef said...

"Use a /stopcasting Blink macro. First of all, it doesn't work. You have to tap it twice and it's still sluggish. But really, when do you need to cancel a cast and blink? When you're stunned, dummy. An event you generally know is coming. You're better off with a normal bind and just mashing your face into blink midcast. (<3>)"

There's no harm in doing this as long as you don't spam your blink macro. It could come in handy if, say, you need to get out of the los of some attacker, or there's absolutely no way to avoid a mana burn except to hope for a blink-immune midcast.

"One problem against teams like war/lock/dru is when you CS cyclone and are DPSing the lock or dru, you know the dru will go bear and feral charge your next cast, then bash the following one. As frost, you can just scorch as your first cast and just watch the dumb bear awkwardly sit there. While casting each scorch, mash frostbolt, if he FCs, you'll quickly start the cast, which he will quickly bash, you can either blink or trinket or wait depending on sitch and get off a decent nuke. (If war and lock both have downs that is...) Okay that's all cool beans for frost, but for fire, you can't let fire tree eat a CS, and with imp blink, you WANT to blink the bash, so missiles is out of the question. Right now, I try to fake cast with scorch the FC, but this seems BAD. What's the right play..."

This seems paranoid to me. Feral Charge is a four second lockout. If the druid is just waiting to interupt a cast on you, he's deciding not to heal so that he can counter a 1.5s 1k damage cast, and cripple you with a ....4s lockout. If it's a no-pushback situation (the warrior is on your priest, the lock is being fucked with by your rogue) you could go for a frostbolt. As fire, frostbolt will still hurt. (This is assuming you don't want to get arcane locked out for 4s->bash->can't blink out, 'cause you could poly the warrior or something).

Not a big deal imo, mages do 0 damage anyway.

"Way too obsessed with using dagger to take out totems to "save a global." Then again, at least I don't fucking WAND totems."

There are what, four totems that do something?

1) Earthbind.
2) Poison Cleansing.
3) Windfury.
4) Mana Tide.

Offhand, can't think of any others that matter. (I wonder how many times you get stunned by Stoneclaw? :P)

If you're mage/roguing, your rogue is on the shaman anyway, and he can knock them down. What the fuck are you doing in shock range?

If you think globals matter enough to run towards a mana tide totem to dagger it, you've got fucking problems sir. Lance that shit and be done with it. You realize you're burning in travel time (and staying in shock range) what you're losing in globals?

I can't EVER ice lance warriors out of charge, and thus I eat a lot of charges -- I still tank charge, Blink is the best play. Pre-tbc it was considered nub to blink charges, but there's really no reason not to now. You end up with a warrior on you with less rage and without intercept when he comes out of poly. Plus with imp blink, you can really just cast poly out of blink and leave the war somewhat fucked on whether to intercept or not."

I 5-8 kite warriors to death spamming lance. That's ALL I do. I never eat an intercept because I'm basically always dancing out of range. I do this because I know it procs nerd-rage with no hidden cooldown.

Anyway, dear sir:
If it's a 1v1, counterspell, omg. No travel time, enough range to block charge if you're not awful at judging distance. (Or use metahud).

If it's in arena and thus you can't afford to counterspell, just los them and when they come for you, and they wills come for you, CoC or nova or some shit to deny charge as they come into los.

Or have your fucking rogue put them in combat.

Hugs and kisses,

lionrtpc- said...


Oppo said...

(cmon) (sha-na-na-na-na)
Someday we gonna rise up on that wind,
you know
someday, we gonna dance with those lions
someday we gonna break free from these chains
and keep on flyin'


they tellin me it's all good
Just wait
you know were gonna be there
some day
sippin' on jim bean
gotta get these things
one day
till then do another line you know
searchin for that other high...

So now I'm addicted to flipsyde :(

Anonymous said...

For #2:
Don't worry about splitting AP and PoM for arenas. Depending on who you fight, they'll either just purge it off ASAP or CC you like you're some bitch HARP rogue.

alex said...

Played on your char a little if something is fucked up, that's why.

Raddy said...

np lex <3

As for using dagger on totems, I'm talking generally about just grounding and tremor. (If tremor is relevant obviously)

I dunno about 3 second frostbolts that hit for penis either...

As for using CS vs warriors...this is only really applicable in duels or weird situations where it's just you or a war -- I think using CS to deny charge is pretty obvious at this point, but in duels, is obviously poor sport. Fireblasting with s2 gloves as fire was definitely more effective in 3s/5s I found.

As for PoM/AP getting dispelled -- I've had PoM auto-devoured once in s1, and AP dispelled maybe 1/20 times I pop up. (And most of the time it's fucking Arcane Shot) I find people don't often having globals to spare, but maybe I'm just fortunate. I really only find myself heavily dispelled when playing WE and being perma trained tbh.

Kolenzo said...

How do you avoid ap being devoured by felhunters? I rebuff r1 frost armor whenever I lose it as a dispel buffer, but eventually I'm down to just my armor and since we usually wait a bit before using AP...

Do you just rebuff r1 of all your buffs?

Teffie said...

"As for using dagger on totems, I'm talking generally about just grounding and tremor. (If tremor is relevant obviously)"

I can't remember how fast a player with minor speed moves. I think it's about 8 yards/second.

So if you're just inside shock range, congratulations, you wasted more than a global.

If you're real close, okay, but you can always have your rogue deal with tremor. (Which is a joke outside of 5's and has a tiny ass radius anyway).

It's all a matter of distance. If you're burning more than 1.5s in movement, you should have lanced.

If you're DB spec and thus have to get super super close, fine, get that /tar grounding /startattack macro going. I still think it's awful play, in that you should be using the penetration staff so you don't get tooled by locks.

"I dunno about 3 second frostbolts that hit for penis either..."

You're the guy who can't stand to get his arcane school locked. (for 2.5 globals) If the druid feral charges the frostbolt, you can unleash hell. If he ignores it, and you get it spell locked, who cares.

If he breaks LoS, position and then open up with scorch.

In your situation, warrior is hopefully polied, druid is beared after a cyclone, lock is being fucked with by your rogue...

Lock can still spell lock whatever the fuck you do if the felhunter is alive. Warrior could trinket->intercept, random shit can happen.

In your case, you're thinking about fire. Okay. Snare the druid with blast wave or r1 CoC and then get in his face to cast. He won't get range for feral charge in time, and if reshifts, he's locked out your fire school for 4s for 600 mana. Good for him.

Here you get spell locked, then you totally quit maging. Yes, the lock doesn't save spell lock for a game breaking greater heal, because mages are awful and he used fel devour on the poly anyway so the war intercepts the gheal and your team lost.

"As for using CS vs warriors...this is only really applicable in duels or weird situations where it's just you or a war -- I think using CS to deny charge is pretty obvious at this point, but in duels, is obviously poor sport. Fireblasting with s2 gloves as fire was definitely more effective in 3s/5s I found."

They play the second dumbest class ingame, they deserve anything they get. Fireblast with the s2 gloves is the same range (if you're frost) and no less cheesy. For lancing, it's just a matter of judging distance to hit them. If you're awful at that, use Metahud. Never lose a charge again.

And like I said, LoS them, they come around the pillar, you move into them, you snare/take 1 white hit.

Tef said...

Position on the lock, sorry, such that druid can't interupt.

Anonymous said...

tef please tell some more obvious stuff

implantzzz said...

Raddy, what stocks should i buy right now? my dad just deposited 5gs in my bank as a graduation present and if i dont invest it ill just blow it on coke and hookers. srsly... throw me some ideas!

strabo said...

nothing new about you

Anonymous said...

implantzzz just asked for serious investment advice from an internet WoW blogger he has never met.

Chuck said...

My advice is to get some real implants. Implantzzz is just a generic rip-off.

Mirages said...

just have your rogue sap the warrior and then start dps'ing him.

if he rages out of sap, hes in combat, gg.

dont let your sheeps break, resheep after 6 seconds. if they trinket stealth, good for them, if they trinket charge, good play.

sometimes its ok to eat the cyclone, if you cs the cyclone at a crucial moment, spam instants until the druid charges. i usually go with fireblast and arcane explosion(mana hog but its double ice lance damage).

most of the time its after the druid trinkets a fear and you blind him when you going to kill someone... mix that with a cs and its game over

Anonymous said...

Start bloggin about dota if u feel bored raddy

Anonymous said...

I duno if you remember but I dueled you two nights ago for maybe an hour on my lock, my main is a mage, and you were able to lock out my fel doms every time, what sort of ping do you play with because I can never get the interrupt in duels or arenas do I need a better connection or just practice more?

Tef said...

"what sort of ping do you play with because I can never get the interrupt in duels or arenas do I need a better connection or just practice more?"

Anticipate it so you're ready.

gablo said...

tef go home