Sunday, March 30, 2008

Raddy Didn't Die

Just got back from the hospital, and I live bitches. Apparently, despite 2.4 having gone live, nobody is playing it, so I haven't missed much. Nandieb has been gaying me something fierce and RAIDING instead of staelin' kidneyz with me. Time to go pass out. Why is Gatorade Blue so good? I don't even know what flavor it is, but I swear it is the nectar of Smurfette's teat. Keep off Gargamel. Okay, smurfs were the only blue thing I could think of, and I know it's very Donnie Darko, thus very Jake Gyllenhall, thus very Brokeback, to talk about wanting to put it on Smurfette, but seriously, who didn't want at least a little taste when they were 5 or 6 watching that shit.


Telk said...

Raddy didn't die...what did Raddy do?


Anonymous said...

steal kidneys

Anonymous said...


Jason said...

Mage buff:

Cheat Death imo

gablo said...

boomkin + pom pyro mage with dahis, make it happen gogogo

Bubbles said...

Light bulb extraction

Anonymous said...


There is your answer Raddy =P

alexial said...

I am 5 or 6.

And yes, all the time.

Anonymous said...

That vid is pretty good. Seen it around before.
nothing beats the BEM series though (Pain Olympics). Dicks brah.

lionrtpc- said...


Oppo said...

hospital? you ok?

Anonymous said...

gief noir and

rad for president

harry potter > things

lionrtpc- said...

hospital noir? YES?

Mirages said...


Mirages said...


ive been considering droping all my gems for 10 haste... ie 161 haste

1.36 global cooldown
1.21 sheeps
2.27 frostbolts

the damage i lose is made up with faster casts on frostbolts, over time its practically equal damage output

however lowering the global cooldown on instants gives a huge bonus without sacrificing much damage since the coefs suck on instants anyway

the best bonus i believe is the 1.2 second sheep. does the .15 second off sheep lower the gcd to 1.2 or is it still 1.35 with a 1.2 cast? id ask the wow forums but ive been banned and i cant tell on my own.

i enjoyed the video, btw

anyway, hopefully you can play around with it in your head. i play rmp, rm, and eurocomp. in all 3 sheep = gg ezmode win. its a huge commitment though, i spent 3k gold on my epic gems, replacing them plus whatever the cost on the new 10 haste epic gems is gona cost... well you get the idea... its not something i want to do without really thinking it through.

Anonymous said...

what happened?

entrails said...


I just want to quote a particular comment from your Raddy IV trailer post.


"Seriously, you should have made me your music consultant, that's the only reason I want to make a video.

On second thought, you'd probably end up with nothing but Clipse songs... or one 30 minute Godspeed You Black Emperor song.. Or nothing but 30 second Saskrotch songs from Nintendo Breakbeatz Volume 1.. Or Girl Talk. Seriously, I'd use Girl Talk just to sink up that song that ends with "Hold up, wait a minute, wait a minute, hold up" with an arena comeback when it gets down to a 2v1."

uh so basically i think i deserve credit for coming up with all the music ideas for your newest video, thanks.

entrails said...

lol the first time i watched the vid i skipped through a lot (mostly the druid duel) because i was watching the shitty stream, but i just watched it all the way through and saw how "hold up" was used.

Kolenzo said...

Good to hear you're ok.

On an odd sidenote, the donnie darko theme was playin when I read through that post.

Anonymous said...

Why were you in a hospital, raddy? Uncontrollable diarrhea from eating all the junk food, while playing wow 24/7? GG.

Raddy said...

LOL <3 entrails. I had actually planned on mentioning you in the credits, but eventually decided not to do credits for the vid. Srry. ^^

I forgot you mentioned Clipse, I was thinking just of Hold Up though...weird. I think the way I chop up the Girl Talk tracks with the Clipse in the middle is pretty fierce though! (Sounds better than original 3 track sequence imo)

@mirages: I'm unsure on the sheep thing -- I'll try to test it out later on. As far as spell haste goes, I'm not really a believer right now, and since getting 12dmg gems doesn't seem like it will be that hard in a month or so, I'm leaning towards stacking dmg.

Anonymous said...

hot nurses?

Anonymous said...

dumb or dumberer?

I think the Vindicator's Dreadweave i bought has possessed me into doing stupid shit. =/

entrails said...

fierce indeed. have you heard the girltalk remix of wamp wamp(clipse) and knife (grizzly bear)? good stuff.

thanks for the acknowledgment, that's all i needed!

Michael said...

Quick OT question: How are the queue times for Alliance in that BG?

Mente said...

It's not cancer is it? It only takes so long for awesome people to stay awesome until life hits them with the cancer bat... On a side note hows the mage-ing going?

Michael said...

Thank you.

By the way: The Gatorade you are most likely talking about is Gatorade Frost 'Glacier Freeze'.

Don't drink too much though without exercise. Gives you kidney stones.

Anonymous said...

Raddy are you in the tournament? I just wanna make a warrior and duel everyone on it , and you are one of mah targets, so spill the beans!

Oppo said...

hot potato = pass the stone.

Barrelroll/dwarfgimli said...

You're talking about the light blue ice winter chill type flavor I hope, because yeah, that shit is ungodly amazing.

Anonymous said...

is it still possible to get on the ttr if the client isnt already installed? i tried dl'ing and it just couldn't open it because 2.3.3 was no longer there...