I've been wanting to do a bunch of different 2s but people have been gaying me. Hopefully, I'll be backing to POM PYRO OUTPLAYING people in the next week or two. Until that happens, I'm grinding out Shattered Sun rep for the Aldor neck; even with a 45 second hidden cooldown, the proc rate is pretty high for it to be up a lot, and it's likely you'll be able to use it decently well with AP especially in 2s. In threes as WE, I view the neck as another mechanic to pressure healing, and generally all things "bursty" I prefer over more static tools. I think the Scryer neck could be fun with TLC and a Timbal's as DB in 2s though. ^^
But I think the most interesting development of the past week is I've found some damning evidence of a certain eFamous WoW celebrity girlfriend. Without further ado, I present:

(Rhymes with pretzel)
Do you really think that neck is worth using when you lose so much resilience and stam?
What a qt!
that girl is a baller.
why did you kill the NOIR?
estel doesnt rhyme very well with pretzel man
what are the procs on the necks?
Naked pics plx.
Tits + slits.
Proc rate is 15%, CD is 45 sec, aldor proc is 120 dmg for 10 seconds, scryer is 350dmg single shot thingie.
raddy, what do u think of Zileas opinion concerning hunters?
LF Orc Warrior and Troll Elemental Shaman for:
Orc Warrior/Orc Warrior/Ele Shaman 3v3.
Still deciding between 36/14/11 and 35/23/3 for the Warriors.
The shaman is standard 40/0/21 with gear emphasizing survivability.
wow that was one mingstyle pic, even tho I guess there is something vaguely (I really cant spell but I want to use that word so fu) humorous about the pic being of a shemale but overall meh.
name on ptr lets get these duels goin!
Raddy is afraid to give his name because losing to a warrior is pretty embarasing. IT'S OK I UNDERSTAND <3!
I'm thinking that double 33/28 Mage 2s might be a better idea
DB would be real baller, but playing 33/28 well in 2s would still be unique and has a higher chance of success
You can't kill noir, jackasses. Though sometimes I wish it would go quietly into the night...
All I ever wanted was Raddies name on TRs, all I ever got were shattered dream :(
^^I see a BH troll!
^ =D
Man everyone outside of Stormwind is just horrible. I beat a resto druid with 80% HP left, ran priest OOM with 60%, like warriors get me down to 40% x.x and I've yet to sue any serious cooldowns!
outside sw sucks, outside if is where we belong!
"I'm thinking that double 33/28 Mage 2s might be a better idea
DB would be real baller, but playing 33/28 well in 2s would still be unique and has a higher chance of success"
I'm going double 17/44/0 in s4, balling > getting high rated ;P
further proof that radikalnoise, while not the first, will always be firmly ontop of worldofming for both content and intangibles (such as sex-appeal, fresh minty smell, and ease to masturbate to while reading)
woops, last comment was by me, im on my roomates comp. Apparently he was signed in or something.
just wanna let radi know where the compliments are flowing from :P
This post thrust me into the intellectual elite
emphasis on thrust
Don't make an enemy out of me raddy. That was below the belt :/
i found it funny
lol thought the pic was funny, tho gotta agree with ming jumping the bandwagon with the other 200 blogging people posting ming/estelpics might be abit low
(if it is ming,might be some fgt fillin in his name ?)
bragging about beating warriors with 40% is laughable. and willi is right. go raddy go and stuff.
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