Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Lame Update

It's been a while since an update, and this will definitely be one of those ramble-y catch-up posts and not anything of particular interest or merit, I promise. I've been pretty brain-dead the past week and my slacker teammates haven't been on much to arena, so I've spent more time emoing out than thinking about competitive WoW.

First of all, farewell to Minti. I'll leave it with that. ^^

Second, Blizzcon. I'll be there, dep will be there, aesthyr will be there. Dep and Aesthyr are mostly there for SC2, but I'm equally interested in WoW expansion news. (DEATHKNIGHTS?!) If you'll be there and want to say "hi" or get drunk, I doubt we'll be hard to find. I somehow think more people will know Aesthyr than me anyways which just makes me bitter and jealous at how I've failed at life since I'm neither e-thug nor e-celebrity. "I run a blog where I whine about warlocks and talk about arena strats on a mediocre battlegroup, you've probably heard of me, I'm a pretty big deal," eh? ACTUALLY, I LOVE STORMSTRIKE AND I DIDN'T MEAN A SINGLE WORD OF THAT.

Since Yecal has decided that women and beaches are more important than 3s-ing with me, I have played 3s in what feels like eternity -- well not seriously anyways. GameOver is still doing well in 5s; we had a few good games against Pretty Standard tonight who play a very solid strategy against us and were able to pick up two wins off of us. I think those are our first non-DC, non totally fat losses since our long winning streak and it served both to humble us and remind me of how classic+lock is still a good 4DPS counter when played well. The teams I'm very excited to play are still Trounce and Yeah We Lift, although rumor has it one of the ex-FH teams has put together a 4healer lineup to counter us which should be a lot of FUN. They normally run the ultra-coolio 2xWarrior/RestoDruid/RestoShaman/Pally style and have taken their team, Rolling with My Gnomies, to top 5 in the battlegroup.

Stormstrike is certainly home to mostly nontraditional teams at this point, but teams like Pretty Standard and Fireman Squadron stick to the old school CC + outlast or Manaburn + outlast glory of season one. Even 2345 is relatively uncommon compared to 4DPS and 3+ healer teams here. Stormstrike was definitely the battlegroup last season with the most 2345 teams; at one point, such teams controlled 10+ of the top 20. However, while 2345 was plentiful early in the season, there's only a few teams still running it. Many have transitioned into 4DPS or 2xWar. Rock, paper, scissors, much?

I do plan on updating this site with as much WoW related info as I can get my hands on while at Blizzcon and I'll have my phone and Dep's laptop so hopefully I can make myself somewhat useful to the "community"...whatever that means. ^^

Due to various RL vacations and other such gayness, GameOver won't be playing much for the next few weeks, so don't think we've quit or died or something!


never said...

Finally an update!

teki said...

i'll be at blizzcon too, rad. whats the best way to find you there? I have no clue what you look like.

Anonymous said...

post lots of infos!!

klassick said...

I'd rather be at a Funcomcon, if AoC is somehow worse than WoW I'd probably just toss my PC out the window.

Oppo said...

Did you quit, or die, or something?

Metanoia said...

Thanks for the updates and Blizzcon coverage!

lacey said...

QQ raddy

Anonymous said...

Will Scarletyn be writing in your absence?

Anonymous said...

moar updates you slacker!

eks said...

Noooo, just as we started playing again! :P

We've been using some really wierd setup(s) lately, most of them are 3 healer based since our mage can't stay up very late and half our team raids so they can't play 'till after the raid.

So... be afraid of our triple healer hunter warrior team! :P

Kraderif said...

Very lame, but update at the end... glad you did it :)

Changing the subject: now that Minti is gone, some guys at ShadowGaming have posted that it would be nice if SG and RN (or better said, Dahis, Reft and you) joined.

What do you think about it?

Odd[FH] said...

when do you guys play eks? during the week we generally queue from 7-10ish (somedays later) and on weekends we queue later...8-12ish

eks said...

During the week, some days we'll do a few games from ~6 to 6:50 (between the time I get home and they start raiding) and then after the raid, anywhere from like 11pm to 1am depending on who has work in the morning, when they finish their raid, etc...

Weekends are completely random, whenever we're all on at the same time after about 5pm we'll queue for a bit. I've been busy on weekends lately so we haven't really queued too much. We should play tonight after the raid if anyone feels like queueing up between like 11pm and 1am!

Anonymous said...

2345? huh? whats that and why is it called that

Raddy said...

Rumors of me writing for SG? I love to read SG but never have been approached to write for Dahis' site or anything. So if you've heard anything, you know more than me. ^^

I've been prodded by a few people to write for other sites, but I honestly like having a place where I can write about whatever I feel like and where there are no other weirdnesses.

I've never really been interested in using this blog to generate advertising revenue or earn team sponsorship or anything. (THOUGH MY TEAMMATES WOULD LOVE IT!) Maybe I'm just retarded and should re-think what I'm doing with the site.

kale said...

I'll be there and have your cell #. Your crew poker players too?

Anonymous said...

Radikal Noise + Shadow Gaming?


teki said...

Around here, it is actually "OMGEESE"

Anonymous said...


teki said...


Tea said...

Shadow Radikal gaming noise.

Kraderif said...

It wouldn't be cool to see you writing FOR SG, nor SG writing for RN.

But it would be really cool (IMO) if you wrote together. I mean, SG & RN under the same banner.

Something like tea said (shadow radikal gaming noise)... or what about Shadikal Noisming ;)