Friday, August 3, 2007

Blizzcon: Day One

I'll be adding to this single post throughout the day as to avoid posting lots of stupid little things.

Thus far, all I've done Blizzcon related is pick up my badge and "goodie" bag late last night. The real highlight of the bag is the small container of Purel with a custom Blizzard pouch to strap it to yourself; it serves as an important reminder that, yes, we are all fucking pussies.

Dep and Aesthyr got in long before me and had already gone to pick up their bags, gotten drunk, ordered a bunch of room service and movies on my card and left once again before I showed up. I'm writing this up in the "Business Center" (LOL) but every other update should from my phone as I'm WAY too lazy to walk back here for every update.

The plan is to hit up the SC2 demos until WoW expansion is playable and hang out there in between developer panels. It's hard for me to imagine not having to wait forever and a day to get on a machine to actually play, so here's to hoping Blizz has a fuckton of computers set up.

Oh, and zerg better be playable FFS.



pewpewpew said...

personally can't wait for some info :x

Raddy said...

Okay, I am apparently too stupid to update my blog today, or Blogger has changed its code.

The talk is:

Deathknight is confirmed. Devs would like to add new races as well.

SC2 will be PvP demo only here ^^

BG siege weapons may be craftable

You will be able to change face and hair for sure

Deathknight sounds more necro from what I hear than tank/DPS but this could be BS; maybe if casters go DK, its more necro than DK?

The rest of the rumors floating around seem pretty BS

Guess I'l just update with comments here, but feel free to post this stuff elsewhere. Expect pretty frequent updates.

Dep and aesthyr are gaying me zzz

Anonymous said...

how frequently will you be updating?

Can one of the bigger sites incoorperate these updates?

You said your friend are more into SC, are you splitting up to cover both?

Sorry for all the Qs, but I am stuck at work while you are at Blizzcon =p

Raddy said...

Mebe like every hour or two? I dunno. I'm surrounded by cosplay dudes right now and they are screaming weird things.

Oh I'll probably stop by the BG9 and Stormstrike things later this evening if you want to tell me how I jump too much and generally am a pretty bad mage.^^

Raddy said...

Okay this throng now has the smell that can only exist in anime conventions and such places. A thick male musk utterly devoid of pheromones far too strong for Old Spice to contain any longer.

There's a lot of cheering directed at some blizz people that I don't know...wait, maybe we're cheering for the azn girl on the escalator. You sort of have to be here, scratch that, someone just shat their pants near me. Please open the doors =\

Raddy said...

This kid next to me just referred to his iphone and tag watch as IRL epics-- lil' baller

I'm sorry but I am quite bored, cannot find my friends, and the doors still aren't.... Oh shit

Anonymous said...

This kid next to me just referred to his iphone and tag watch as IRL epics-- lil' baller


Raddy said...

The wrath of lich king trailer confirms DK etc

It looked sweet, but I am in line for sc2 right now

Dep and aesthyr are already playing

I have no way to post photos unless I email them somewhere


Anonymous said...

do you have a 'baller' watch? LOL

Atashi said...

Ugh, I'd love to sit in on the dev talks. :(

I just couldn't justify the ticket pricing. $_$

I actually don't really care about seeing or playing new content at all...not even SC2. And, I'm a HUGE SC1 fan!

Anonymous said...

I love you Raddy... Keep them updates coming!

You can just go ahead and email any and all pics to broaddrj AT <3 <3 <3 /jealous

Raddy said...

I'm off on my own again; dep and aesthyr are on round 2 of sc2. They zeal rushed two girls trying to learn the new units, cuz they're cool like that.

Reapers are awesome but quite hard to use as it isn't yet intuitive to me how and where they can path.

Zerg not playable so I am off to wait in the retarded WLK line. It is already crazy long.

Quick SC2 things:

Marines cost vespene

Reapers are built unconventionally, the merc hideout gains a 'charge' every 20 seconds and holds up to 5 charges-- you can build 5 back to back if fully charged so this makes build order/econ much more complex

The demo map was basically LT

My game ended a draw; I lost my first base to gay DKs because I forgot about the new sensors. I had 3 expos as I was trying to mess with the new units. I tried to use reaper mines to launch an offensive but got melted by cannons. I had like 10 hideouts to pump reapers but they really aren't a unit you can mass effectively. I built a group of banshees and continued to tech as my teammate counterattacked, but the game ended due to time. (We SO would have won)

It was more similar to original sc than I had anticipated; it does seem the idea is that to be effective you will need a diversity of units. The units are more one directional.

Anonymous said...

thx rad <3

Anonymous said...

Too bad nobody will read this, L2Ming drama

Raddy said...

Dep and Aesthyr are up to round 5 in SC2, but are off to opening ceremony nonsense. I have a pretty solid spot in the WLK line so I'm going to continue chilling here.

I'm not sure dep has built anything but zealots, so I will update you with what I've learned.

Azeroth is bigger than half the countries in the world LoL

Raddy said...

new arenas in WLK as well as new BGs

Siege weapons can destroy buildings in BGs

Odd[FH] said...

i saw you radi

Raddy said...

okay this WLK line is crazy long, about to sit down to play right now

Raddy said...

Okay, checking in after having spent the past hour playing WLK.

I have a few screenshots of all this, but:

For Mage;

No new talents yet
No obvious big changes
But, I did port to check trainer:

New main nukes @ 70. They rank up to 80 similar to how they did in TBC.
Arcane blast ranks all the way up to 4
Molten Armor rank 2
No other 'surprises' -- there are new ranks of mana gem, DB, amp/dampen, barrier, mana shield, etc
The new ranks are not yet implemented so as of now are the same as lvl 70 versions

I'll be back with more

Raddy said...

Watching CGS right now. Going to watch the 2s, then head off site to eat and think about all the weirdness. I have no clue if that stuff on front page of mmo-champ is legit btw

Anonymous said...

<3 you raddy! Been checking in every hour for updates! I'm at work, so this is pretty much the only gaming site I can see thanks to Websense :P

Have any new race / classes / hero classes / professions / etc been discussed?

Raddy said...

I'm going to delete posts by "raddy" that aren't me, sorry

Vontre said...

(4:35:37 PM) Zyla: i love raddy's blog "someone in line just shit their!"

Raddy said...

CGS was zzz, so I hit up SC2 again. Me and aesthyr reaper rushed and ripped the Terran top center. Honestly, I really don't know what I'm doing, but aesthyr seems to understand shit pretty well.

Despite being a small, annoying, chubby Korean kid, he is possibly one of the best general gamers out there. Competitive in about a dozen fighters, one of the best and most hated CS players back in the betas, and has probably won more tournaments for random games(smash, arcana heart, halo1, ggx) than anyone out there. He'll be at Super Battle Opera next weekend (along with one of fav players 538), but is so impressed with SC2 that he is already thinking of just quiting everything else. I say all this to emphasize how much fun SC2 is, and because my opinion is damn near worthless considering how bad I am at SC.

I'm guessing gameplay footage is all over online; it really is night and day between playing it and watching the demo video from Seoul.

Class discussion panel time

Odd[FH] said...


Raddy said...

"Mage is the class we try to break the mold with-- the class we try to do new things with"

Interesting point

Raddy said...

fear ward for the horde o.O

Raddy said...

this announcer has described Yellow's micro as "sexy" literally 20+ times

Anonymous said...

thanks for the updates rad. Can you go into more detail concerning the CGS matches? Have you seen or talked to the other big name arena players?

depredate said...

1. Suck aesthyr's dick all you want he's still going back to korea
2. Rad's watch is gay
3. These guys we just played claim to be from se7en, said their nicks were Katharsis and Crow, they BS?
4. We got hooked up and have played like 5 in a row without having to leave. Still undefeated!

Raddy said...

Okay I stole dep's phone since mine died.

As most probably now know, DQs really crippled the wow 5s. The euro match just on was boring and not impressive. I'll talk about it when I'm at a real computer.

We lose cuz dhaorok sux is about to play; they're my personal favorite to win this thing.

Lots of DK info is out now including extensive details on the "rune" mechanic.

There are a LOT of people dresses as warlocks

Raddy said...

Sk vs Mob Inc

Anonymous said...


Run in front of the camera during the 5s match.

- Merms

Raddy said...

Mob wins r1

Anonymous said...

Mob team leader looks like he likes talking shit lol

- Merms

Raddy said...

Mob wins r2

Raddy said...

mob wins

Raddy said...

one great part of playing on game over last season was that we played a ton of different matrices; my point being that is that it was embarassing and sad how inexperienced sk was against a pretty common team from last season

Raddy said...

Ghwrin is ripping 2s right now

Raddy said...

These SC matches have been amazing. Crowd is way more into it than WoW. WC3 was totally dead.