Preferred Class: The Witch-y One with Like Pets
Preferred Spec: 17/27/17 for 2v2 and 3v3, 46/6/9 for 5v5
Info: I've like been a successful movie actress for like the past few years, but after learning about this site and like seeing the HUGE amount of clicks it receives per day, I've decided that I could really be part of something special here at RadikalNoise. I've been an avid WoW player since 2.08.
I know that some of you are probably thinking, "LIKE NO WAY WOULD SCARLET PLAY WOW", but you are TOTALLY wrong. WoW is full of hot guys and cool people. I was doing rails off my totally hot yoga instructor's chest and he was telling me all about his 5v5 arena team. It's pretty much all we talk about now in between photo shoots, physical training, and rehearsals.
ANYWAYS, I installed the game and created what I was told was the hardest class to play (I LUV a good a challenge), a warlock. The learning curve was steep for me, but I've recently become the #4 2v2 team on the Ruin Battlegroup. I heard about this other warlock, called Raddy, and decided to look up his interweb site for new strategies. AND LIKE OMG, this WARLOCK knows his stuff. After reading his blog for a while and watching lots of PvP short films, I'm feeling ready for competitive play, and I offered to Raddy to help write for his site to expand his target audience and share what I've learned in high end arena with his readers.
Why I'm Here:
I want to be the best warlock in the world. On my way to being the very best, I want to collect all the strategies before I blast off into the eSports level of play. I know that a lot of Raddy's readers are just casual players, and I want to show them through my successes at upcoming events what life at the top is like.
I also want to prove that you don't have to like be emo or fat to be a great girl gamer! I plan on like kicking butt and um taking names and stuff and still being a size zero. It's called a spoon girlfriends, they aren't THAT expensive!
Why I'm Working With Raddy:
I went to like this site that tracks interweb traffic and tells you like how good a person you are at life. While clicking there, I saw this chart:

I knew at that instant I had to join Raddy and get my message out to the people who need me. I'm a hot sexy girl and I demand your respect and attention for my video game skills!
What Can You Expect:
Shitty content from a player with no real arena experience, but tons of ego. Melodrama for the sake of increased traffic. Crappy parodies, lots of flaming, overall a fucking awesome time. Thanks, and <3 Ming for keeping shit fun. And yeah, this was pretty much inevitable.
First btw
so full of win.
hehe awesome post. where's the strat posts though?
Genius comes in spurts.
Then apologizes and zips his pants up.
Funny how you make fun of ming for lacking content but post stuff like this.
Damn funny though =p
ROFL Great Post
LOL oh man that was amazing
nice one
You win the internet GG
And this is why this is the best WoW blog
I think its pretty corny. Way to leech and beat a dead horse. How about you go back to posting real content instead of reducing your blog to WoM crap?
170 point loss in your face
Best mage in WoW? LMAO right.
I was entertained.
mandy moore is hotter
Hahaha, awesome
Lawls...I love you Raddy
That was hilarious.
I like Ming's new writer's style, but that was still awesome.
I NEED to know...what is your spec for 5 man non heroic instances?!??!?
great post lmao
You made my day.
BTW Seems like someone didn't like the Godrambo comments on the Ming site.
"Site Note:
Had to do a forum rollback today due to some glitches during server transfer, we lost Sunday and Monday’s posts, my apology but forum is up and running again!" my ass.
IS that really scarlet who posted this? i know a lot of famous people did acutlaly play wow, or maybe radikal is pretending ? wut do you guys think , and if it really is scarlet , do you really plan to quit you acting career to play wow as a e sport?
LOL! ohhhhhh myyyyyyy goooooooood that was HILARIUS!
This post was full of win.
Gea Gea
Good times
This post wins the internet....funny, creative and a smart parody. It's got a good beat and you can dance to it.
ROFL , you're killing me raddy :D
-the big F
Lmao! Pure gold raddy :p
"It's called a spoon girlfriends, they aren't THAT expensive!"
Fucked up but awesome LOL
Great parody LMAO
Too bad more people won't see this, it's classic
Very funny. I just saw this linked in the comments on WoM and notice this blog has been running for a while now. This will certainly be a read for me from now on.
"Not to mention she shares the same type of love I have for golden showers. I firmly believe her presence will make my [] that much firmer, knowing that win or lose, there is always a little skeet-skeet going down after the arena games"
I just found this blog a few weeks ago too, it has replaced Ming's site as my daily WoW fix lol...
P.S. needless to say, LOL Raddy
Finally some real content *sigh*
Entertaining and witty.
"IS that really scarlet who posted this? i know a lot of famous people did acutlaly play wow, or maybe radikal is pretending ? wut do you guys think , and if it really is scarlet , do you really plan to quit you acting career to play wow as a e sport?"
Please add this at the end of the post, beacuse its as hillarious as the post itself! hahaah
I was TOTALLY just about to write this. Nice work, lol.
best graph ever.
hehehhhe .. awesome
ROFL so this was what you were talking about on IRC
rofl i love this still
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