Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Quick Quick Update

After a week of no arena, we finally got a chance to play late Sunday and Monday. We really didn't plan any 5v5 teams of note last night -- I'm not sure we had a death in any of the games though we did play some pretty annoying matrices. Hello priest/spriest/UAlock/UAlock/pally. That matrix must be hell for some more typical line-ups at least until resilience DoT nerf.

3v3 has been pretty rough this week. We ran mage/rogue/spriest up to about 2130 in rating and then lost two matches to a "mirror" with the priest holy. The games were close and I still feel we can win that match at least on our home battlegroup once we further improve. It seems pressuring the mage is definitely the way to go as it allows us the most flexibility as the fight develops. We went back and forth with a spriest/lock/pally team much lower rated than us afterwards which cost about 80 rating; while focusing the pally has its advantages, the dependence on landing the mass dispel is huge and the team was very good at using felhunter silence on me and deathcoil->silence on our priest when the pally went to bubble. We had much better luck focusing their shadowpriest. (even the UA lock was hard to kill in between felhunter spell lock, silence, deathcoil, and pally heal spam)

So we were at about 2025 rating and went to play our last game of the night around midnight. It was a game against an obviously low rated team, but I lagged out pretty early on, and came back to see everyone running in circles. The game lagged on exit for everyone, and the score screen didn't pop up for almost a minute after we died, a 28 point loss. Shrug, no big deal. When we loaded out, that loss was not 28 points, but 140 -- our rating was now 1885. And shortly afterwards, our rating adjusted again without playing down to 1850. We spoke to GMs about it who assured us everything was working as intended and they had no power to change anything. I don't really mind as rating < WSVG practice, but it is definitely disheartening as some of our players depend on 3s for their arena points. (and actually need them)

We spent last night trying to earn some of our 3s rating back, but bad matchups (war/druid/UA lock) and general pissed-off-ness basically just led to us dropping another 20 points. Either way, we have a long way to go to reach the same level we're at in 5s, and it's a bit of an ego check so I don't mind. ^^

I've also been OMG busy with work nonsense these past few days. >.<


Oppo said...

26minute pillar whackamole round tonight in nagrand-

Mage/Mage (us)

Pally/warrior (them)

Killed their warrior, they killed my teammate, and I chased that pally around pillars for half an hour.

fun fun fun.

Eks said...

Yoooo, 5v5s are boring without you guys! We tried queueing up for a bit on Sunday and we were greeted by 7min queues resulting in 0pt games. Fun stuff!

When do you guys usually queue? Takes us a miracle to get 5 of 6 on at once between people raiding and attempting the whole "real life" deal so it helps if we try to schedule a time to play. Its pretty discouraging when we all get excited for a queue then run into a team with a prot warrior and a tree druid. :\

As you may know, Trounce (aka Ninjas in Pyjamas) broke up now so we don't have anyone on our server to bug when we get really bored of long queues.

Also, I wanna try playing a good mage/rogue/priest team, its just about the only makeup we haven't played very much with ours (priest/hunter/mage) so lets gO!

reft-FH said...

hey Eks!

I think we're planning on playing wednesday/thursday this week, usually around 7pm est is when we start, and we'll go till 10, sometimes if our lazy priest is late, then we start at 8 and go till 10-11.

yeah, our 5s games were less than ideal last night, 5-6 minute queues for 1-4 rating each. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, was so boring.

Our priest leaves friday-sunday so i guess thats the only time this week we play. other weeks we usually play the same time on weekdays and sometimes earlier on weekends ^^

Anonymous said...

How is losing 140 points in one game "working as intended"? That sucks man, sounds like you guys got screwed over.