Sunday, July 8, 2007

Mage/Rogue/Spriest vs Mage/Rogue/Hpriest

I was trying to think how I might approach this match being that I do play mage/rogue/spriest, although not especially well.

Idea 1: Basically a kill rogue, control Hpriest, don't let mage get early polies to burn PvP trinkets thing while trying to force early PvP trinkets on their side.

Mage starts invis while rogue creeps to sap, and spriest is mounted and mobile far back. Go for sap on mage, if no sap is possible, creep back as invis ends to spriest, or run back asap to protect priest from 0pposing aggression.

If sap is landed, mage should not IB it and you can hop on Hpriest. If mage does IB it, poly mage, your rogue CS-opens on priest, he trinkets and mage trinkets poly probably, blind mage and instantly hop on opposing rogue who is opening on your priest, hopefully you can stun/control the rogue to save your spriest pvp trinket. Shatter combo is possible and sheep priest (no trinket now full DR sheep), CS any opposing poly. If a poly gets off trinket it, and as rogue gets a little lower (so is your priest), keep pressure up to force vanish or cloak vanish depending on what's up. If their mage looks ready to start CCing and pressure is off your priest, /focus mage and predispell his targets while you hop on priest and med up if opponents run away to med up. When rogue reappears, full CD on rogue, if you get CC'd most of you still have pvp trink up, silence Hpriest and imp cs or hard spell lock when it ends as it comes off CD.

Why It Might Get Owned: Even if things go in your favor early, their rogue and mage might put so much damage on your spriest that you're forced on defensive. Even if this doesn't happen, mage can just spell lock your early poly or a frostbolt and can really just use CS to stall till your poly gets on DR. If they drag the fight out, say rogue cloak vanishes once he realizes he's the focus and his healer is well controlled, he can most likely run away with their mage until poly is off their healer; they then can med up with little you can do about it.

Idea 2: Burn the mage by controlling rogue and hpriest.

So burning the Hpriest is probably not happening, you have 4 good sources of damage, but your spriest has a fair share of his damage easily dispelled, your rogue is persistenly snared, and your mage and Water Elemental are severely hampered by LoS. The opposing mage is a great target because unlike the Hpriest, he needs to be out in the open to do damage to you. He also is a horrible target because of frostbite, Ice Armor, Ice Barrier, Blink, and lots of this Ice Block thing. However if you're on the mage, he isn't chaincasting into your priest and shatter comboing his face off and his damage comes mainly from his pet.

You can go for the zerg him with damage, pray for a MD on his IB, silence and then lock the priest and hope to kill him thing, but it's REALLY scrubby and there's no way that flies @ high level play.

The strength of spriest/mage/rogue (or good 4DPS teams in 5s) is not just the initial 20 seconds of damage. It is that these teams just have the type of burst that can quickly take someone out if opposing healing is controlled, and they have this capability multiple times per fight especially with mage as WE.

Go for sap on priest, when he trinkets, poly, and immediately get on mage. Mage should IB pretty quick as he knows he's in danger of MD on the IB unless his rogue teammate can shutdown the spriest. When rogue pops on your spriest, poly rogue as opposing mage is in IB and can't CS (if for some reason rogue is on your mage, have spriest MC him off the bridge if its BE, else just nuke him and go for kill on rogue as in idea #1 but this situation is better for you than above as your priest is free to nuke and melt faces) When rogue trinkets, blind him trying to avoid CloS. If he gets the CloS, just tank the damage and get ready to blind when it ends. When rogue is controlled and mage comes out of block, shatter combo if you can land it, mb death while silencing hpriest as before. Don't do scrubby garbage like silence mage as you kidney him or something, OMG.

Why It Might Get Owned: Opposing mage even with hypo and pretty low hp might get away from you long enough for priest to help him. Opposing rogue might avoid the blind and keep pressure on your spriest too much for him to assist in burning the mage. A clutch kidney might prohibit silence on hpriest and one imp CS isn't enough to stop the inevitable healing of the mage. It's also quite possible that opposition gets on your priest before you get on theirs, this forces you to play defensively and their priest will keep away to avoid poly and just heal for a billion.


teki said...


piranha said...

I love this blog sometimes. The only thing I miss is your old sense of humor in your writing. You should go back and look at your old posts and go back to that voice: it was hilarious.

Dwarfisshort said...

"...blind him trying to avoid CloS. If he gets the CloS, just tank the damage and get ready to blind when it ends..."
It sounds like you're saying blind can be avoided by CloS, which it can't. It's considered a ranged physical attack... It can be evasioned for a 25% avoidance, but that's all. I could be misinterpreting what you're saying, and I suppose there is always the possibility that I'm wrong too :)

Anonymous said...

nice info, I'm still not sure how this works out in the real world (the only people in my who want to do arena, *really* suck at pvp). What if the sap in the first example is immediately trinketed/ib'd and the mage nova's and catches the rogue? Or the mage has WE out and uses the nova to catch the rogue. I guess the rogue can vanish, but vanishing isn't such a good idea right near an enemy with aoe (even with CloS)... But I'm just talking out loud rather than saying there's anything wrong with the tactics. it's not like I have much arena experience :)

Also, something I never really understand. People talk about these matrices in arena and discuss tactics against each. But when actually playing, you dont know what the other teams matrix is until the doors open and you see them. So you cant plan for the game coming up, do teams just have a tactic for every matrix they may come across? Isn't that a lot of tactics? :) Just interested, as I'm starting to arena (though, with sucky teammates :)), but I'd like to get more serious when my gear has improved a bit.

Anonymous said...

In a 3v3 with a lock and spriest what is a good 3rd?