I keep waiting for an armory update as I'm pretty clueless to where everyone is right now, but I' sure we have Stormsrike teams pushing 2k+. 1950 seems like the point that everyone should push for considering the arena point scaling curve. Remember this?

Okay, the chart is pretty hard to read, but this was a topic covered to death at the other PvP blogs; the 1800-2100 range gets about the same points it did pre-nerf while the higher rated teams get significantly less. Keep in mind 1000 points in 5s requires 1986 rating; though for all us mages who took MH/OH the magic number is 2106 -- this puts you at 1875 total points if you had your 750 remaining, but this is probably not a feasible first week rating. I definitely think that for those interested in running the Holo-Gogs/2pc/2pc setup, the S2 gloves are solid and will get you to the double resilience bonus as quickly as possible with little downside.
The Netherdrake issue has always been resolved on BDF resulting in pretty much the whole guild getting Drakes in their mail yesterday morning. ^^
Hopefully, I can bug my guildies to run some AB games today; I'm probably part of an extreme minority who still loves AB/WSG, but one of the real strengths of mages that doesn't really play a part in arenas is our mobility. The ability to escape pretty much any situation with Blink, Nova, PvP Trinket, Ice Block, and to some extent Invis is awesome and one of the most fun parts of the class. We also have great tools for stalling and moving fights (away from flags or towards teammates who can help us), we're excellent flag runners if specced for it, great flag carrier killers, don't require buffs to be effective at all, and perform pretty well even with few CD. Also, some atypical specs can shine in battlegrounds that would never fly in arenas; it's a shame that all PvP in WoW now has to be "Arena."
last paragraph is interesting because of this: www.worldofdrifting.com
// sniPE
Amen to your comments on mages in BGs
Right now we run War/Sham/Pal/Priest and rotate Lilbrittle(lock) and Ragingsteer(druid), but we found out the hard way last night that running lock instead of druid with our team is very painful, there's just not enough dps since our lock is affl and playing cc/control.
We had a bad-ish streak last night running drd/war and fighting pal/entrapment hunter in blades edge for like 4 games. :(
Glad we got to fight you again, it was fun. It's a shame you found out our paladin's dirty little secret. ;p And congrats on your teams success.
Way to inflate Magdain's head by deeming us Magdains's Team lol.
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