Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Wrath has been a pretty sizable disappointment to most serious players. PvE is trivial to the point that no decent guild can take it seriously, and it requires less than 4 hours to do all of the game's current content, not exactly enough to keep a guild busy for a week. PvP has improved little from TBC. Arena is more of the same with generally worse balance and less skill, frustrating new maps, and permanent nerdrage amongst the hardcore over the increased, instead of decreased, RNG.

While I call the above reaction typical, I'm not sure what my own feelings on the game are -- I guess just ambivalence. The big changes that I felt the game "needed" didn't come in WotLK. Mainly, rated BGs, no racials in arenas, more complex DPS rotations in PvE that require sensitive timing, generally more sensitive and timing dependent play in PvP, and a way to bring the game back into the non-instanced world and thereby recreate server identify.

RNG continues to be a large problem especially as Blue's stance is that "it isn't a problem." I'm not so obsessed that I think the game needs NO randomness, but I think the game would improve with a bit less -- hopefully, the dispel resist changes are indicative that Blue is willing to compromise a bit on this topic of debate.

Ultimately, I'm not sure I'll ever love the game again as the game is so clunky when it comes to actually playing. I don't want to do 3s or 5s really -- I'd rather just run lots of stupid 2s comps so I can fraps. (Which I can't really do in 3s or 5s because they are terrible to watch. Yes, even 3s. Yes, terrible) My compromise is just playing a bunch of characters across a bunch of accounts but this involves the huge pain of keeping gear up to date on a handful of characters. Why is team hopping not allowed again? To prevent bad kids from getting gear? Seems to prevent a lot of players from just PLAYING the game. endrant I swear.

I'm really not one to glorify vanilla wow although I get that ranting like this makes me sound that way, a bit. Balance wasn't great and the game was quite simplistic and pretty goddamn boring. Rivalry keeps you coming back though.

I'm certainly not going to say anything stupid like "WoW is dead" or any such crap because honestly the game is probably only going to get more popular in the coming year and is weirdly improving (though not to the point where we'd like considering wrath was supposed to be a big step forwards) -- I hope that more depth becomes apparent as metagame starts to play a bigger role in arena gameplay and strategies and mixups begin to emerge.

It's been my opinion since the beginning of the season that damage has been greatly overestimated and that the scaling of healing is truly the scary part of wrath arena. It's a bit unclear if this will turn up true or not, but my experiences thus far leave me still believing it.

For the very select few who know who my priest is, I'm leveling him right now, and I'll hopefully be running the same team as last season. ^^


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you know people who don't run 2 arcane mages typically don't have that painful amount of burst. i mean, burst, sure, just less. i'd like to think most of this is because of runestrike.

maybe you should try a regular setup.

Anonymous said...

"a way to bring the game back into the non-instanced world and thereby recreate server identify"

this is the main reason why I enjoyed vanilla over TBC/wrath

there was nothing better than BRM ganking, getting forum posts, and recognizing a certain mage's name when he sheeps you and think "I'm fucked"...not to mention server BGs and rivalries between honor teams

balance was shit, but blizzard actually tried to create a world that served a purpose greater than a lobby

and honestly, since 99%+ of players were incredibly bad clickers (a lot are bad now, but most people have the really basic skillz), any class could really stand out as amazing

Blake Lately said...

We need more STVarena stuff, an area where literally ALL of the high end stuff is (BRM pre-AQ), and most importantly, pvpers need to be able to get 'grappling hooks' that can pull mounted players to the ground and dismount them.

Grappling hooks would bring back world pvp.

Anonymous said...

i grappling hooked your mum!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"It's been my opinion since the beginning of the season that damage has been greatly overestimated and that the scaling of healing is truly the scary part of wrath arena. It's a bit unclear if this will turn up true or not, but my experiences thus far leave me still believing it."

Hmm do you mean healers are doing better? I used to enjoy playing in bg's with my restoshammy but in the current state of the game I absolutely hate it. So these days I don't do any pvp at all knowing that I couldn't stand being gibbed by crapgeared pallys/rogues/dks or mages. Maybe things have changed then?

Anonymous said...

^ It's more to do with the ridiculous amount of hps that healing puts out atm. I swear I've seen single holy light crits bringing back 16k or more hp, if players actually ever regain the ability to survive a silence or a stun, healers are going to be insanely well off.

Anonymous said...

16k holy lights?

Me as a mutilate rogue, gets critted well above 23k sometimes in PvP when heat is on, by my holy paladin arena partner.

It IS insane.

Anonymous said...

The last time I played WoW "hardcore serious" was in Season 1. After landing a top4 spot in 5v5 and having it all wiped off at the start of season 2 (and for what, a drake I couldnt use and a title) is when I realized that WoW was never meant to be played seriously. I've mostly been playing casual since then, still getting Glads but not really trying for a top spot in the BG anymore and generally having more fun.

WoTLK is more casual than ever, the honor grind is much MUCH less of a pain in the ass than it used to be, you can actually clear PVE raids without having to follow a strict raiding schedule and arenas well, at least playing a mage in 2s isnt as frustrating as it used to be. Also, completing achiements is surprisingly fun. Discovering new sides to the game that I didnt even know existed before.

shift said...

WoW is terrible. Come CS.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's pretty much what I figured, so inc 3 accounts, with a bunch f characters spread across all of them I think after all is said and done I'll have all the classes at 60+ ready to be leveled and played.

ALso I fucking LOVE boosting with RAF, easiest shit in the world.

Vontre said...

Actually Raddy most of the hardcore raider types I surround myself are keeping busy with some of the seriously difficult achievements (5-min Malygos, 10-man Sarth +3, etc).

For every whiner that cries loudly, there are 20 other silent people who are quietly enjoying the game.

Flayy said...

Raddy, U gatta remaber how TBC was when shit came out it wasnt amazing but it slowly worked its way up. pve then wasnt much of a challange in the start but then more shit opened up. same as arenas. look at the patches...

next patch is a shitty bandaid patch to help smooth some shit over.

followed by a pve patch to give us a good challange. and from what ive herd it should be more then enough to put serious guilds into longer raiding schudles.

then the big pvp update, just in time imo. should come out befor all the large turnaments start up like mlg and ect. but some to come are things like a new dispell system and more changes to things like resilnce and stats over all.

in tbc they didnt come out with resilince right away they put it in as time whent on. same with majior changes to classes. like pain suppresion being castable on other players. theres still alot to come from the expantion its not like there ganna put it all out to us the first month or even the first 6months. we got alot to look forward to man so dont go emo.

Craptor said...

Play less wow, play more left 4 dead.

Raddy said...

Four games so far. Two disconnects. WoW is so cool.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Org arena is the best thing to hit WoW. Finally an arena that favors big burst classes instead of pillar hoggers! Its only 1/5 anyway so I really dont get what the QQ is all about (except the bugs)

Blake Lately said...

Pet classes auto-fail Org arena.


Btw it's not hte HPS of healers that you gotta watch out for. Holy paladins can get like 20-25k holy light crits with the right pvp gear combo, ret can get 30k holy light crits.



True, I had quick recovery, but still, i've been 32k critted by Holy Lights from a ret pal. Something is wrong. Wings are OP.

Anonymous said...

Let's see here....

-Arcane mage
-Mediocre ratings
-Thinks Vanilla WoW pvp was better
-Wishes he could solo healers

What is this, an Exitec blog post?

magdain said...

I agree that healing has huge potential for scaling. In the distant future there is a very real possibility of lockouts and silences becoming heavily devalued.

They've basically elevated every healing class to BC resto druids in the amount of casting they need to do and when they do need to cast it's very often heavily hasted.

That would be unfortunate, but quite frankly it would be infinitely better than how things stand currently. No matter how well healing ends up scaling, running a healer oom will always be a viable tactic. This is bad for a number of comps, obviously.

But really, if they scale down holy paladins a shit-ton I think healing won't end up being too overpowered if burst ever subsides. Priests have low efficiency, shamans have lower efficiency and medium HPS, druids have idk what this expansion... But holy paladins? Highest efficiency, mobility, utility, hps, and mana return.

asdf said...

I've seen holy paladins keep up pets being nuked by 2 dps. The problem isn't that healing is too strong, it is that paladins are grossly overpowered (arguably DK are more overpowered).

Contrast paladins to druid/priests/shamans who cannot keep up someone with 600 resilience eating a KS+shatter combo.

Anonymous said...

Ya, the only real problem with healing is holy pallies. I would also say IMP WS efficiency, but it's getting nerfed and using water shield can be extremely dangerous.

Joe Rumble said...

Id say that PvE dps rotations are far more complicated than they were in any previous expansion.

Just not for mages of any spec.