In Dalaran Sewers, a mage can blink as the current pushes him out of the starting tunnel, and if you do this as you are midair coming out of the tunnel and then run to the back grate quickly, you can sit up in the start indefinitely.
Hotfix inc?

Get rid of the two new gay arenas. Bring back the 3 old gay arenas.
There will be a new 45 minute rule. But waiting out locks and mages isn't high on my to do list.
Wow that's evil in a funny and creative way. Good to see radikalnoise back!
With a cyanide pill in my mouth and the razor already poised to slash down my arm multiple times I checked one last time to see if your blog was still gone. Thank God its back, and please don't ever pull something like that again. <3
Too much work.
You can use the snowman disguise too, to stay up there. Much better.
^picture for you nerds
bam! radikal noise inc - finally.
Hey Raddy, any chance you could upload your UI?
So like malygos was like.. well the tank is dead. im gonna go splat that sexy mage doing the sexy deeps on me cause he looks like trouble.
so he waddles over and hits me for 50k 30k overkill.
but i was like.. no wai im gonna jesus block.
so i jesus blocked at negative
30 000 hps and and got made heals and we killed him..
how often do you take killing blows and iceblock saves u even tho u already took the dmg? cause i was freaking out everyone thought i was jesus mage
do you click poly? such a noob
I did this on the PTR when the wotlk content patch was being tested. I reported it too. Guess it shows they really read the reports ._.
Nitro Boosts now increase run speed for 2 seconds. (Down from 5 seconds)
wait what mod shows their trinket info? ~shinks
Look closer, poly is bound to ` (little swirly thing left of 1 on a standard keyboard). I use it for ice lance myself, it's a very accessible bind.
Doesn't even mention im the one who thought up this sick strat and told him how to do it.
heh, Guildchat made me smile.
Some of those binds are actually on my mouse and most binds are hidden. I never really bothered making a real UI yet and probably won't till I start recording
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