Friday, January 9, 2009

How To Fix Arcane (PvP Mostly...)

Not everyone is going to even agree that Arcane needs "fixing" -- I don't think that Arcane mage are actually too powerful in arenas, certainly not in the higher ratings against better geared opponents, but I do think that the spec should be revised to for more elegant/less stupid play.

The success or failure of an Arena match involving an Arcane mage hinges heavily on 2 global cooldowns. An AP+PoM Pyro or Frostfire bolt (double benefit from mind mastery btw) followed by an Arcane Barrage. Two globals. Three seconds. The damage is generally 9-17k, which is a pretty large range, and a lot of controllable "burst."

Another serious problem is Mirror Image. A spammable non-DR polymorph is too powerful, but their damage, and their tendency to break existing crowd control or sheep primary targets, can completely turn the tide of a fight, and often the mirrors more than any of the players can occasionally determine match outcomes. (Retarded)

A lot of people have posted lots of "just fix or just nerf so-and-so" and Arcane "will be fine." I don't really agree; I think the tree has many problem talents that have terrible effects on the class and game and many need to be replaced/changed pretty significantly.

Arcane Subtlety - The nerf is good. Polymorph and Frost Nova should never resist dispels. Neither should any of the stackable debuffs such as WC or Improved Scorch. Why not remove dispel resist mechanic from class entirely?

Revised Arcane Subtlety - Increase damage done to targets afflicted by a magic by 2/4% and reduces the threat generated by your Arcane Spells by 20/40%.

Torment of the Weak - This is a retarded talent. It is much too much damage per point investment.

Revised Torment of the Weak - Increases your damage done to snared targets by 3/6/9%.

Improved Blink - This talent is horrific RNG. It is a good talent and not overpowered, but 30% is not enough to be reliable, but still enough to win games when that 5point eviscerate misses.

Revised Improved Blink - Reduces the mana cost of your Blink spell by 25/50% and grants you 35/70% additional movement speed for 3 seconds after blinking.

Presence of Mind - I don't believe this spell belongs in the game as a core component of Arcane's damage.

Revised Presence of Mind - Your next spell with casting time less than 10 seconds is instant, but deals 35% less damage. (Reduce cooldown to 2 minutes)

Arcane Power - The problem.

Revised Arcane Power - Increases movement and casting speed by 30% for 10 seconds. You are immune to silence and interrupt effects during this time.

Slow - With no dispel resistance, this talent is problematic. The buff I propose is somewhat large, but I believe that the reduction in burst to PoM and AP will lead to much longer games where perhaps this makes sense in context.

Revised Slow - Identical to old, except, "When dispelled the broken bonds of the magic frees the mage of all current movement impairing effects"

And that's all I got for talents.

Mirror Image polymorph should be given a 10 second cooldown, be on DR, and should not heal.


Oppo said...

who cares? UF wins! WOOT.

cybbi said...

Allie's Tale PART III!!!!!

Oh and changes look nice, but I doubt any of those will ever hit live - well maybe the nerf to Torment of the Weak.

Oppo said...

change presence of mind to "your arcane spells are unaffected by lockout" NOT silence, but lockout.

aka if you get kicked while casting sheep, you can still blink.

Put a talent similar to these in each tree, add shadow and fire versions in the warlock trees as well.

Pure-dps casters who devote enough points into a single tree should want to use that tree, if not exclusively, at least extensively. This may remove a lot of the intelligence and skill that goes into "juking" interrupts and so fourth, but WoTLK did a much better job at removing skill from arenas than I could ever do. (Then again S4 druidlol wasn't much better).

Spoh said...

Mages have the lowest hitpoints and armour of all classes. Right now Arcane Mages deal excellent damage, but so do Rogues, Retadins, DKs and Hunters. And soon the point will come, when you - once again - can't kill a healer alone, even when he plays like a retard and you like a demi-god.

Oppo said...

All pure-dps classes should have a form of MS trainable. (and be the only classes WITH MS, btw)

blizzard wants everyone to be unique snowflakes, but snowflakes are pretty fucking fragile and I'd much rather be a giant ugly fucking rock that doesn't get raped by everything.

To maintain 'uniqueness' perhaps they could change the way the MS is applied to be fitting somehow with the class - give mage a casted MS, warlock pets would have some type of MS ability, hunters would have a MS bear-trap thing (instant ranged aimed shot is retarded and requires 0 positioning / skill / sense of timing to get off), and DKs get nothing because fuck dks.

Anonymous said...

It's impossible to kill a competent healer solo already without an MS

Anonymous said...

you must not be very competent, then

Anonymous said...

Long time reader, first time poster.

I'm sorry, but those changes are bullshit. You're basically looking to change the very personality of the Arcane tree as it has existed for four fucking years. Without AP + PoM, what the fuck IS an Arcane Mage? With those changes, he's a much more squishy Balance Druid with a couple more outs. One of those outs, by the way, completely exposed to lockout without the use of a two minute cooldown in your proposed change to Arcane Power. You're forcing Arcane Mages to stand and cast now, while ignoring the fact that these changes would absolutely ensure that Frost would offer more burst for the same amount of casting.

I'm sorry man, but these are a swing and a miss. A miss so big, in fact, that a reader who hasn't bothered posting comments for the couple of years he's been reading your blog felt compelled to speak out. These changes, without a doubt, would send us back to the vanilla and TBC days of Frost being hands down the best PvP build. I've been playing that shit for four fucking years now, and I'm tired of it. There are many like me. And even then, once Arena develops more, most Mages will end up back as Frost anyway. Well, most GOOD Mages.

Otherwise, enjoy your stuff (read: rampant love of all things phallic) Raddy.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and more noir plx.

Anonymous said...

Torment the weak! no 'of' :P

icicles said...

anonymous first time long time...

i think you're missing the point of these changes...yes it redefines arcane from what arcane has always been.

However, the way arcane's always been is ineffective and far inferior to frost for nearly any competitive pvp situation (longer games, tougher healers, etc.).

This would define arcane in a new way, building on the established theme of mobility (arcane barrage) and elusiveness (instant invis) and developing a completely alternative spec for mages that want a style other than frost's constant control/setup + finish.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I disagree with all of these changes. Arcane is, always has been, and always be our BOOM spec. If you want finesse and elegance, baller specs and frost are that way ------->

Anonymous said...

Also first time poster and long time reader.

Arcane Power - The problem.

Revised Arcane Power - Increases movement and casting speed by 30% for 10 seconds. You are immune to silence and interrupt effects during this time

Also what I would like to see. But I want to add a thing to it. Now since an arcane mage burst would be more like ABx3 to get a really buffed ArBarr, and where the last AB+ArBarr would be the biggest "burst" that we can do.
I dont think that possible to do as it is now since the AB will just eat up all our mana (In 5's I sure as hell get mana problems as it is now). So while under the effect of Arcane power I would like to add "All spells cost 0 mana".

Also on a side not, eather lower the CD or put it to 15 sec so PvE dont suffer from the changes.

And I love the blink change.. I hate it when someone is pilar kiteing you and you blink to try and catch them, and the GC after blink is enough time for the to get around the coner befor you manage to get slow up..


Anonymous said...

Actually, I dont disagree with everything. The blink change would be awesome.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the blink change is great, because you will not follow the 100% run speed healer with 50% movement speed around the pillar but with 85% - after blinking you 15yard away from that pillar that is. And if you are crippled it will be fantastic 51%, yai!

nether said...

@dude that said BOOM spec

Arcane has always been our BAD spec, not BOOM spec. It was a 3 minute wonder that only became the retarded AB spam it is today with WotLK. In BC Arcane revolved around Scorch, relying on talents like Blazing Speed to provide mobility. It was low DPS, high mobility, and high burst, and it was perfectly viable in a skilled player's hands in 2v2.

I've tried, obviously, both Arcane and Frost for PvP, and I don't see how any reasonable person can argue that Arcane is the more skillful spec to play. The simple fact is that half of your GCDs are determined by ArBar alone, giving the player twice as long to decide on another move. Unlike the shatter combo, positioning and movement are irrelevant for AP Pyro ArBar combos (I've spent entire matches sitting on a lightwell and coordinating AP bursts from there). This results in a boring, hideously easy play style. Other DPS classes certainly have similar difficulty levels, but this is a problem which should be fixed, not celebrated.

Sancus said...

So if you agree Arcane's _power_ is fine, and that it isn't even especially great at high ratings, how is straight up nerfing it going to encourage more elegant play rather than kill the spec? Your changes make sense in the context of some kinds of improvements, but without burst, Arcane's worthless.

Most pure-dps classes in the game have MS to deal with healing(and there is a ton of instant cast, mobile healing in the game now, a lot more than there was in TBC) and Mages don't. That means Mage burst has to be significantly higher than any other dps class, but your proposed changes would lower Arcane two GCD burst by about 50%(-30% from AP and about -20-25% from PoM).

How is hitting for less than a crit Mutilate with your 2 minute cooldown balanced, exactly? And how do you expect to pressure people with Barrage when it literally does not do more damage over time than a Paladin can simply Holy Shock+Infusion of Light through? You didn't actually give Arcane any survivability or CC improvements that are going to allow you to stand and cast, and Barrage doesn't even produce half of the pressure that a Frost Mage frostbolting does.

Vontre said...

These are good ideas Raddy but the retards who are addicted to macro-wins are gonna flail like you wouldn't believe.

But arcane will never be truly viable until AP POM burst is nerfed.

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