Sunday, January 4, 2009


I thought Serennia's post about balance issues was pretty interesting. I certainly disagree vehemently about a few things, but I thought he had some good points, and a lot of what he said is believed by the majority of non-bad players right now. Since my time in arenas has been largely goofing off in the 1800s on various teams and not really playing much against many strong opponents, I don't really have a ton to say. I've yet to play 3s at all this season actually.

I agree that DK survivability is retarded. I think the fact that a DK can walk into a 4DPS team in 5s with ZERO fear of getting gibbed, in full PvE gear, is beyond retarded. I also think that even after the incoming nerfs, the Gargoyle in smaller brackets, is a huge problem. In Nagrand or Org, it is devastating as it flies up extremely high and is near impossible to avoid, and it does devastating damage, hitting 2.5 times as hard as a Water Elemental, so hard that any 2dps team can't really afford to take more than a few attacks without a guaranteed loss. Reduce the damage and have the gargoyle fly lower so it can be LoS'd and adjust baseline damage slightly higher for PvE nerdotry. The next issue I have is minor, but DG mechanics basically force you to wait all the way until you land before you can blink beacause the spell flips your camera -- this guarantees you eat a melee special, remove the camera flip from DG. I pretty much agree with the other criticisms Avatar(Serennia/whatever) posted.

Rogue damage is a problem. I see no simple solution to this as even with full armor talents and Ice Armor up, a rogue can 100-0 cloth in 3seconds. ambush-mut-evisc or just mut-mut-evisc. I've seen mut->mut for 12k total over and over. This is fucking stupid on a target that has 30% mitigation. The logic that mut rogues are "easy" to kite is retarded as if their teammate is not retarded, he can assist in eventually helping the rogue get back on you, and frequently the rogue is simply energy regenning during some of your "kite time" anyways. The unintended effect of the mutilate change has been that it isn't necessary to dump CP into kidneys (to get positioning) and all these CP can be burned on eviscerates against cloth. Two sprints, two vanishes, reduced duration on snares, and baseline movement speed -- mobility problems what? I see no elegant solution beyond reducing ambush damage and creating a synthetic positioning requirement on muti -- reduce dmg by 20% except when striking from behind or something. Create an incentive to burn CP on kidneys on nonhealers.

I played almost 150 games of 2s yesterday. Literally less than 5 didn't have a rogue or unholy DK, zzz.

Arcane mages are pretty hated. The ability to do 13-15k in two globals isn't much loved. Mirror images can be EXTREMELY gay and chain poly someone for basically 30 seconds. And yes, the spec encourages somewhat mindless damage spam, infamous ap-pom-nuke-barrage. Serennia's proposals are however ludicrous. Arcane mages don't cast. Haste is useless. Frost mages cast, but casting is so bad in this game, that they stack hundreds of haste to counter the need to cast. The only spell I ever cast is polymorph playing Arcane (with some small exceptions that are maybe 1 in 10 games).

An Arcane mage has to be able to 60-0 a player with no defensive cooldowns or he will never kill anyone. No way to run a healer out of mana, no healing debuff, long cooldowns, atrociously low survivability, and not very potent CC. Unless Arcane gains some new potent PvP mechanic, burst damage is necessary. Arcane Power is the culprit, it does scale extremely well. Without radically changing the play style, there's no simple nerf to make Arcane more fun for everyone else. (Unless you think that the class is simply too powerful and needs a damage reduction, but representation of Arcane mages does not seem to demonstrate they are too "good", just that they are perhaps too "gay")

The damage is not relatively higher than it was @ 70. I played AP/Fire in 2s BEFORE the buffs to gladiator because the damage was so high. Critting for 6.5k-7.5 was normal at 70 with AP-Pyros on relatively much smaller health pools. (I crit for maybe 9k on a no resilience target when I wear full PvE gear right now) The issue now is simply that there is a second spell with good +dmg scaling so the overall burst is somewhat stronger.

Mirror images should be redesigned. If you remove their poly, they are useless entirely, the whole point of the ability is the poly.

Mirror image is hard to balance. Does it cause some mayhem? Yes. But you can use mods (or change your tab to only select PLAYERS) to basically negate their confusion effects. They do basically zero damage. Less than one renew. A better spell would do probably 50-100% more dmg, have no polymorph, their damage would not break CC effects, and attacks that hit you for more than 30% of your remaining HP should be redirected to a Mirror. I really liked the idea in Beta that you could swap between your images, but that might be hard to balance as well -- sometimes the images are all on top of each other and it would be pretty useless, sometimes they run off and it would be quite potent to instantly warp around the map.

Arcane is always problematic to balance. I'd like to see the spec designed around using Arcane Blast to set up big burst without having crap like AP and PoM in the game, but I can't see how that would ever really work. Relying on cast time spells that expose your only tree is probably unwise. Short of replacing AP with an MS or a Mana Burn mechanic, you aren't changing that Arcane needs to kill people very quickly.

As far as healers go, my issue with holy pallies compared to the other healers is perhaps more about how much assist damage they can provide. Holy Shock and HoW are HUGE as is freedom, indirectly. Priests and shamans should pose more offensive threat than a palladin -- I don't think they do currently.

Inevitably, I think, more than resilience, but higher stamina and better play will gradually scale Arcane out of being in vogue.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"I'd like to see the spec designed around using Arcane Blast to set up big burst without having crap like AP and PoM in the game, but I can't see how that would ever really work. Relying on cast time spells that expose your only tree is probably unwise."

Heaven forbid Arcane end up like every other caster DPS spec (Warlock, Shadow Priest, Elemental Shaman, Boomkin, etc).

Oh and second.

Anonymous said...

Mirror nameplates are not class coloured neither

shift said...

When their primary spell trees are locked, Warlocks, Shadow Priests, Shamans, and Boomkins all have either passive protection through armor or Soul Link or a secondary school tree to heal.

Sancus said...

I have to laugh when I read a warrior talking about how retarded Arcane Mages are because they take no skill. Yeah, guess what, your entire class took no more skill than an Arcane Mage did for _the entirety of TBC_.

Anonymous said...

So I was writing a paper and I spelled radical with a K...You should be proud, Raddy.

rahvin said...

i actually spell radical wrong all the time, it's pretty ridiculous

also, buff druids

Anonymous said...

"When their primary spell trees are locked, Warlocks, Shadow Priests, Shamans, and Boomkins all have either passive protection through armor or Soul Link or a secondary school tree to heal."

And Mages have Iceblock, Frost Nova, armor, etc. So again, why should Arcane mages be the exception?

Kzn said...

The point of mirror image is not the poly. MI should be, frankly, removed from the game entirely until it can be fixed/redesigned.

Personally, I dont think it should do anything more than cause a target drop, and maybe redirect a killing blow and have a cheat death esque effect for a few seconds after the redirect. It shouldn't poly, it shouldn't frostbolt (the damage doesn't matter, but the chain snares are fucking gay), and it shouldn't break focus.

Its just so gamebreaking that its ridiculous. I win/lose games entirely based off of what MI does, and I didn't even want to use MI for more than a chance destealth in those games.

Anonymous said...

I've been raped by frost just as hard as by arcane

arcane pisses me off more because it feels impossible to prevent and incredibly easy to deliver

I think it could be balanced without constant slow on your target...slow makes faking casts hell, and even when you successfully fake, you can die in a blanket from 80%-0

Kzn said...

"And Mages have Iceblock, Frost Nova, armor, etc. So again, why should Arcane mages be the exception?"

Because IB/FN are cooldowns, and our armor is hilarious compared to SL/boomkin armor?

The only comparable defense an arcane mage has is Blink, and that gets locked if you open Arcane.

harp said...

Mana Shield too

Anonymous said...

"Because IB/FN are cooldowns, and our armor is hilarious compared to SL/boomkin armor?"

Are you seriously trying to say mages have less survivability than a warlock or boomkin? Seriously?

"The only comparable defense an arcane mage has is Blink, and that gets locked if you open Arcane."

Wow, so you might actually have to time the use of your abilities, along with learning how to juke? Just like every other dps caster has to? Oh the horror!

Anonymous said...

The difference being all other classes have a ton more survivability than arcane mages.

Anonymous said...

I dont know if whiny anonymous is serious or a troll but if you think a SL lock or an elem shaman has less survivability than an arc mage youre seriously high.

Zm said...

I'm secretly hoping that the arcane change ends up being something along the lines of ab reduces cast time of barrage so a 2/3 stack makes it instant cast. This would mean I can finally run 50/21/0 and have hilarious funtimes with blastwave knockbacks. Or maybe run deep fire, which in 2s isn't as bad as you'd expect: 3 casting interrupts outside of impact makes things pretty miserable for healers if you can get nearby. (db>blastwave works great when poly is on dr too)

Anonymous said...

# A disturbing trend, in Naruto fanfiction at least, is for all punctuation to be correct except for the complete exclusion of periods in speaking sentences, despite periods being everywhere else. Exclamation points and question marks seem to stay in, however.
# Quite a lot of modern poetry dispenses with punctuation. The most famous example is ee cummings (or E.E. Cummings, depending on who you ask).
# An odd, though limited, professional example: In Breath Of Fire III, when the last word in a text box is also the end of a sentence, it never ends in a period. It's an exclamation point, a question mark, an ellipsis or nothing.

* Breath Of Fire and Breath Of Fire II both did the same thing, which makes one wonder whether this was actually a mistake or done for stylistic reasons. The latter seems like the obvious choice on paper, but reading the in-game dialogue brings significant doubt to this theory...

# Can also be done for stylistic reasons: viz., the last chapter of Ulysses. Well, it has one period somewhere in the middle, and one at the end (said by some to indicate an orgasm).
# There's an early 19th-century satirical work called "A Pickle for the Knowing Ones", which was at one point published without punctuation ("stops"), and had all of the missing marks in an appendix, with a note about how readers could sprinkle them through the text as they desired.

* It's unclear whether the book was satire - its author was a multimillionare known as "the world's luckiest idiot" for his complete lack of education (and amazing ability to make dumb moves pay off - he shipped mittens to the West Indies on the advice of an enemy... and a Russian polar expedition that had just stopped in the islands bought the lot). The first editions of "A Pickle for the Knowing Ones" doesn't have the punctuation page; it was added as a Take That in later ones.
* The author the above tropers are talking about is Lord Timothy Dexter - who, everyone mind, was not a British peer but took the title for himself after purchasing a small island. The punctuation page was added when critics charged that the original work, without punctuation, was worthless; he responded that the page was for his critics, to "salte and pepper them as they plese [sic]."

Kzn said...

"Are you seriously trying to say mages have less survivability than a warlock or boomkin? Seriously?"

You are dumb as fuck. If we define survivability the way thats relevant to this discussion, namely, the ability to tank damage, then yes, warlocks and boomkins have significantly more survivability.

You're just making my point for me. Mage survivability is so high because we have so many tools to get away from people/negate damage - all of which are cooldowns. The most important of these is blink, which happens to be on the arcane tree. An arcane spec based around opening the arcane tree to damage renders blink useless as a survivability tool, which significantly cuts into what mages can do to mitigate damage, while if you lock a boomkin or a warlock, their survivability, in the form of SL and armor, works just as well. They actually dont have to juke at all to keep their survivability at the same level.

Anonymous said...

i cast pretty often as arcane; imp scorch glyph --> sheep is tits on a farm.

then again, i run priest/mage, and whenever i think "2v2" i think "mage/priest against holy/unholy and nobody really has any dangerous abilities right now", so.

Kolenzo said...

PV quit :(

Will said...

PV's quitting thread:

honestly, i applaud the guy. i'm so tired of hearing, "dude, i'm afk so much that i've probably only played for like 250 days lol".

this game's bad for you and we all know it. :(

Anonymous said...

I've taken more out of WoW than WoW has taken out of me.

Kzn said...

more like the day nobody gave a fuck.

why do people post when they quit? i dont have an opinion on PV either way but titling a post like that reeks of the kind of unfounded arrogance that most people dislike him for.

nobody fucking cares, just quit.

Will said...

Kzn: "more like the day nobody gave a fuck.

why do people post when they quit? i dont have an opinion on PV either way but titling a post like that reeks of the kind of unfounded arrogance that most people dislike him for.

nobody fucking cares, just quit."

you're fucking retarded. the title was a reference the day he realized that the world never stands still; it's been moving full speed while we were in our little game. it's supposed to be a break from real life, not a secondary, better version of life that you try to squeeze in between things like family and work.

he quit because everyone knows him and he wants to use his power to encourage others to quit. i did - and plan to do - the same thing (in my own social groups). it's not arrogant; it's smart.

even if it were just arrogance, man he's been a major player for four years. you develop friends and whole social circles on the game. a formal goodbye is in order.

Illexiul said...

Pigvomit is a bawler, remember him doin it up in Searing Gorge with his sweet HWL skull staff.




But yea he's like 9 million years old apparently and probably had a Reins of the Grand Ice Mammoth IRL.

Also, that thread is full of badnesssssss

Vontre said...

Raddy your post would be better if you linked to the Serennia post that you constantly refer to which gives context to the entire blog.

Don't ever assume your readers actually read shit other than your own site. :V

Raddy said...

everyone doesn't stalk avatar?

As for pv, he was sweet, but everyone eventually quits

LF terrible cal O 1.6 teAm pst

Anonymous said...

when did you reroll gnome :<

Kzn said...

Hilariously, Will fails to realize that his explanation makes PV even more arrogant than mine does.

kale said...

Or you can ball like raddy irl and still find time to play WoW

rad,, when you back in vegas? come play another shit no-limit tourn with me first weekend in feb.

you still doin' same shit at work??

Raddy said...

kale -- you're a huge fucking nerd and I hate you. I'll be there for that tourney I think as long as you mean the saturday bellagio one; I'm there for a going-way party for that girl @ the Venetian.

same currency/swaps/equity ir synthetics random shit as before.

i don't ball in the winter. too cold.

work->gym->video games->sleep. COOL LIFE BRO. (RAGERAGERAGE)

Two random things:
1) Almost done with part 3 of Allie's Tale (ITS REALLY BAD BUT WHATEVER)
2) This site needs models

Anonymous said...

You spell your name with a 'K'

Tef said...

Hi. Some commentary on the upcoming mana drain/burn changes. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I know this is weak compared to you, but 15% growth for year of 2008 in my retirement portfolio, YAY!

Raddy said...

15% in a PA (personal account) last year is outstanding

Anonymous said...

idk with all this "i leave wow couse it was addiction" stuff
i played from eu release, in the spring 2008 i sold my acc, then in the fall 2008 i bought it back. i still play for 2-3 hours per day as i did before. honestly i spend much more time on dota sometimes then on wow
still, i think its not about the game, everything can be an addiction, job can be, your family can be, for me its more about point of view.
but yeah if i would spend 15+ hours per day on something i would definitely think about it.

nether said...

I'm gonna invest in dying companies because the stocks will shoot up when they get bailed out.


Raddy said...

tbh in current wow:

clear all 25mans - 4 hrs
daily wg + daily BG - 1hr a day
arena like mad - 2 hrs 5 days per week

21 hrs per week is sort of a lot, but not really a ton, especially considering the honor grinding is temporary.

wow has never ever been more casual

Anonymous said...

Umm, you forget that true pros do all that shit on 2 to 10 accounts at the same time. Thus the 21 hours per week becomes truly efficient as you are getting the benefit on 2 t 10 accounts!

The More You Know! :RAINBOWS OF COCKS:


Haab said...

You forget the part where we did 2s for 8 hours in one sitting beating the hell outa unholy/holy only to give points back to every rogue team

Anonymous said...

This thread is awesome

Anonymous said...

Patch 3.08 is Blizz's late Xmas gift to us.

Bone armor / IBF to 20%
Shell down to 7sec
Anti-magic zone down to 10sec max
Gargoyle damage lowered, starts on the ground.
Ghoul stun cooldown up to 30sec from 20.
Vampiric Blood nerf.

Cheers! Hopefully they'll fix Strangulate/mage armor bugs while theyre at it.

Anonymous said...

It's Britney Bitch
I see you,
And i just wanna dance with you

Everytime they turn the lights down
Just wanna go that extra mile for you
You got my display of affection
Feels like no one else in the room (but you)

We can get down like there's no one around
We keep on rocking, we keep on rockin'
Cameras are flashing while we're dirty dancing
They keep watching, keep watchin'
Feels like the the crowd was saying

Gimme Gimme more
Gimme more
Gimme gimme more [x4]

The center of attention, even when we're up against the wall
You got me in a crazy position (uh huh)
If you're on a mission (ooh)
You got my permission oh


[Chorus (x4)]

I just can't control myself, more
They want more?
Well I'll give them more (ow!)

[Chorus (x4)]

Gimme more gimme more
Gimme more gimme more babe
I just want more

Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme [x4]