Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ninety Minutes of Arena

Left me amused, confused, and much more aware of how silly damage is.

Take the last game of the night - us, mage/rogue (me and Mingaling) vs BM Hunter and Ret Pally in Ogrimmar arena.

Me: Cage is coming down. Just zerg the hunter.
Ming: Okay!

Game begins.

Global Cooldown #1: Arcane Power + Arcane Barrage. (Yes I pushed two buttons, but it was one global FUCK YOU)

Me: WOOOOOOOoooooooooooo~ (this continues for two more global cooldowns)
Ming: Go!

Global Cooldown #2: PoM + Frostfire Bolt.

I see a 6k number from my Barrage's damage and a whole lot of numbers on my screen. Uh oh.


Global Cooldown #3: Ice Block.

Bad Hunter has died.

I'm in Ice Block at 10% hp.

This took < 5 seconds.

We didn't get very far in rating (partially because we're bad blah blah blah), but we did definitely fight a few good teams. Hi2u Entyce. We lost twice to a Unholy DK/Feral Druid team which you would think sounds horrible, but honestly is confusing. We killed the DK in <10 seconds both games, but then couldn't reset successfully with 2 ghouls and a feral druid running about. The feral druid has the threat of rezzing as well which really prohibits kiting out the retardedly long 45 second ghoul timer. (It should be 15 in PvP, even 25 is ridiculous)

I also got destroyed by a gargoyle in Blade's Edge. It took off into the sky and I was quite surprised that it could shoot me over the top of the pillars.

We also lost to a Demonlock/Rogue team in the sewers who used his teleport to reset back into the starting area. Creative use of game mechanics? ^^

We really didn't think or plan or do anything intelligent during any game and just randomly picked targets and tried to zerg them, and now that I'm stepping back from the zerg, I'm starting to see strats that are a little less damage retarded that seem like they'd be good against a lot of the freakshow 2DPS teams we ran into, but the nuances of how a lot of stuff works still remains a mystery to me, and at this point, the only way to improve is to spend a lot of time arenaing.

I'll continue posting random thoughts as I have them.

Such as. Silence->Slow should be spammed against DK/stealth teams, and you must switch to mage armor immediately. Generally silence->slow is devastating against DKs as it really forces him to use CDs or just soak damage. If you eat a strangle->DG, be happy that your rogue can't be peeled off the rogue or feral who's about to open on you (and thus your rogue becomes a very good peel), don't blink unless you really have to, I've been rocket boot + EAing to get away and you pretty much have the option of sheeping or DPSing at this point.

Silence is huge against demonlocks and I failed to use it and thus am bad. You can deny transform and teleport with it.

And that's all I can think of at this moment.

Nerf Hunters.


Anonymous said...

ret dk is nightmare comp for mage(frost)/rog :[

Tony Huynh said...

Damage is out of control, right now. At least games don't go on forever.

theprofessor said...

I was doing frost/DK and having fun with it. Reminds me alot of feral/mage back in season 1. We did go one and one vs a rogue feraldruid because their burst was just off the charts on me.

Oppo said...

BEM hunter pops BM before he even gets to his side of bridge.

I jump down.

He jumps down.

I demonic circle back up, thinking to myself "hahahahaha I just totally wasted his timers!"

How silly of me.

You see, I was hasty when I said "I demonic circle back up."

What I *SHOULD* have said was "I demonic circle into a near-endless void of nothingness that not only am I unable to escape from, but will eventually result in a 10% dura hit and a gruesome death."

I love faulty coding.

On the bright side, the hunter was on my realm and messaged me to LOL at me.

Oppo said...

I meant to open with

"BEM arena: BM hunter..."

Rest is legit

Wizardspike said...

Teleport what now?

Wizardspike said...

ok, got familiar with new warlock abilities.


samuelbeckett said...

t = 0: You Hit Invis
t = 2: Random Org Arena Fire Hits You
t = 3: You start Raging
t = 3: Reborn DK Ghoul Kills you


kzn said...

43-23 to 1750 or so


(lol i ran double arc mage/dk)

Anonymous said...



sums up my arena experience as 2dps & 3dps.

Raddy said...

This is really dumb not to know, but does BM remove CC effects on the pet or only prevent them?

(I thought it only removed them, but this might have been changed)

Anonymous said...

Both, or at least was like so pre wotlk.

Anonymous said...

Radi, is his how you play a mage:

Anonymous said...

Free dps: put "/use eternal earth /use crystallized earth" in all your macros. Uses no GCD and causes trinket procs.

Anonymous said...

currently undefeated frost mage/resto druid running 600/700 res respectively


Anonymous said...

/use eternal earth
/use crystallized earth

free dps? free mana kthx


Nyen said...

well i really shouldn't have donw this but i promised to be there for my guild raid today, so i haven't seen any rated arena from the inside.

will play boomkin disc priest and see how much it sucks.
boomkin wich cloth gear and 14k armor is cool, but they don't see it because I'm fat ugly bird of doom yannow?

we'll see how it goes. i like how pillars still make skillbloom better than barrage.

i like how 25man raidgear makes ambush better than me.

hunters aren't hard just kill the pet like 5 times until it stops instantly rezzin itself, then die from dots... oh wait

Raddy said...

I was gonna try restokin/arcane pv, but I'm waiting till I have more than 100 resil. ^^

Ran SP/Arcane/Restokin to mid 1700s earlier today but tanked 100 back to a dk/ret/druid and a few rogue teams. (Rogue = automatic loss for us)

Played 51/12/8 today. Still haven't found an Arcane spec that I really like.

kzn said...

make that fifty seven

Raddy said...

Why 12?

3bite 2 floes
3 shards 2 ward
1 IV

12?!!! Are you taking 5/5 bolt instead of floes and ward?

Maybe this makes sense for now, but what about when A Blast becomes OP..

Kzn said...

3bite/3floes, 2wards/3perma, iv

running iv glyph to use purely as a snare breaker, since arcane is pretty low on that shit.

kzn said...

shards/fire in general is wasted points in today's climate, your damage as arcane is going to be retarded as long as you dont pom arc blast.