Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Hour Draws Near

Well, gentleman, in less than two days, we'll be zerging arena queues, and in less than two more days, I expect we'll be nerdraging about Ret pallies and bitching "that the new patch is taking too fucking long."

Before I get ahead of myself, I'd like to get really really ahead of myself and make a few predictions for the first two weeks of season five:

  • Demonology locks will be a sleeper success. Metamorph is quite potent and the damage output is quite high. Most players are inexperienced and will fail at simply running and LoSing the fourty seconds. (Remember how nobody LoS'd WE season one) Melee who simply try to cleave right through demons will probably fail.
  • It will become apparent that resilience will not save cloth. There will inevitably be improvement to the stat or its item budget reduced. (Or a buff to base armor)
  • Someone is going to get 1shot by a human Arcane mage rocking double proc trinkets.
  • Most mages will abandon Arcane for Deep Frost outside of 2s due to the inability to deal with dk+melee comps.
  • Ret pallies will utterly dominate all brackets despite a huge dearth of skills ret paladins.
  • RMP will add a prot warrior and a holy pally and become an interesting anti 4dps team.

Just random thoughts.

The two comps that I know a ton of people wanting to run are Holy Pally/War and Ret/Dk. Both seem extremely strong (obviously) and both intuitively do at least reasonably well against about any comp I could conceivably throw out against them, and more importantly seem like they'll be quite strong against what will be surely popular comps -- mage/rogue, rogue/druid(boom or restokin), pally/lock, and various other 2dps teams.

There is an abundance of x factors out there. Hunters continue to look stupid overpowered, but while most mages and rogues I run into now have the reflexes to vanish, invis, or IB a PoM, most hunters just backpedal in little circles autofiring while they ponder HARD questions like "why you drive in parkways and park in driveways." I hate fucking hunters, sorry.

Fairknights, aside from allowing you avoid run speed to boots or the run speed meta, bring a whole box of gay to any comp. We still live in a world with no DR on silence - imp cs + strangulate or silence + strangle could be REALLY brutal.

So what are the thoughts on best 3 glyphs?

I'm thinking:

Arcane: Poly/Evo/(Blink/Missiles)
Frost: Poly/Evo/ (Blink/Ice Lance)

P.S. Who's running restokin/mage? ^^


Anonymous said...

No IV glyph?

Anonymous said...

I'd have to second IV, the snare breaker is useful as hell (even if your already a gnome) and the ability to cloak off mind numbing poison seems...

Anonymous said...

IV or go home

Soap said...

I don't think using the poly glyph will be as useful as you think... the biggest factor that is convincing me of using it is that it lets you reset the fight any time during a mage vs priest scenario. However, blizzard already reported that the glyph vs swd is a bug waiting to be fixed so. I figure, I've faked poly season 2-4 why can't I do it in s5 and use the iv glyph instead?

Raddy said...

Well, once the glyph is no longer effective against swd, it definitely can be replaced. IV is a good option for sure. I'm surprised blizz is fixing the poly glyph. (I will believe it when I see it)

Anonymous said...

I have a hard time seeing IV glyph saving your life (think blazing speed proc- INSTANT recripple) or winning a game for that matter, whereas Water Ele glyph could easily end a match.

Playing heavy dps teams I would put a lot more priority on IV as a burst damage spell than a snare breaker.

Oppo said...

Poly glyph is not good enough to warrant a slot EVEN NOW when it works on SW:D.

It will Absolutely not be good enough when the bug is fixed.

DK/Ret is going to shit over pretty much everything.

Hunters *ARE* fucking ridiculous right now.

And Meta is unusable. The other warlock (I only expect 2 warlocks in arenas for the entirety of the season) will be able to banish you, the millions of (ret) pallies will 2shot your pet and have lots of fun fearing YOU, because you are now a demon! yay!

Check wowcensus, Locks are now the least-played class at 80.

Locks definitely needed nerfs, but to put it in perspective, there are locks I know who's felguard's HP has gone up a grand total of ~800 hp over the course of level 70-80.

ONLY ONE THING has remained the same from Vanilla to BC to WOTLK:

Not exactly the buffs to anti-lock mechanics, such as allowing warriors to use zerker rage in any stance / changing Mage armor to be completely anti-dot, but rather, Buffs to anti-lock mechanics hurting Spriests in pvp more than locks.

At least they got that sick fade change. I'd kill for that shit.

Anonymous said...

can you at least wait until the season starts to whine?

Anonymous said...

Locks are fine, cry more

Anonymous said...

you wrote "drive in parkways" twice instead of adding park in driveways. But I agree full demo locks are being underated, but I also feel shadowdance/(imp massdispell) priest is gonna be very strong just because the rogue can lock someone down so long there would almost never be two dps on the priest.

Also, IV glyph seems pretty bad, if you are using IV to kite and not to kill you probably wont make it either way. If it made you immune to snares then it would be amazing and super op though.

Anonymous said...

Arcane power/Evo/Blink glyphs.

What can DK + Melee do to arcane mages that it can't do to frost though? An arc/frost build can still grab imp warding/frostbite and be quite potent with Ice armor. You just lack barrier.

Raddy said...

You lack shattered barrier and thus your ability to root off GCD, but this is perhaps not a big deal.

I've never really felt that IV is a great burst/spike CD since it doesn't really add ANY burst so I don't think blowing it to get out of a nova or imp hamstring is a terrible use. I'd probably prefer a glyph that isn't both mediocre and tied to such a lengthy CD however.

None of the mage glyphs are so strong that they scream mandatory, which isn't a WHINE, it just means there will be some variety in what people rock. (Except perhaps Evo for an Arcane mage after patch or the new Arcane Blast glyph for Arcane if it really is going to be 20/40/60 with the glyph)

Oppo said...

@ the anonymous double-poster-

Can't you wait until the season starts to whine about my whining?

If you have played WoW for any amount of time, you'd know how famously slow blizzard is at fixing 'balance' issues when it comes to pvp- after all, pvp was originally an afterthought in game design.

The earlier you whine, the earlier fixes come! Besides, it's not like these issues will only 'magically appear' when arena starts- My pet dying in 2shots is an issue in bgs, world pvp, and duels (YES, WoW *IS* Balanced around 1v1, whatever they try to tell you, that's why ret pvp utility was and will probably continue to face nerfs)

Locks have been complaining about piss-poor pet scaling and lack of escape mechanisms from melee for a while now, lets hope blizz fixes em before the next expansion.

Oh and nerf Mage armor WTF.

Kzn said...

Arcane Glyphs:

Poly/Ice Armor/(Fireball/Blink/Evo)

I have spoken, discussion can now cease.

Raddy said...

41 yards yo. The Ice lance is similarly interesting.

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with iv as snare breaker, blink > dt > iv > shatter w df - 5 lances.

Another use is blinking from death grips and iving chains of ice. If they coi you again byebye burst from oblits/scourge strike (unless they be blood).

Srsly tho, mind numb is so gay id take it just to remove that. Doesn't really matter for arcane but whatever. And with all these silences nowadays whos to say burning determination is bad.

More thoughts on arc/fire or arc/frost?

Anonymous said...

hi raddy, its me anonymous

Kolenzo said...

Burning detirmination shits all over:

Rogues: can't garrote opener or they won't be able to kick poly

Death Knights: Fake to draw mind freeze, immune to strangulate. Alternately, you can freecast while in melee after 2.5 sec strangulate wears off (assuming you're running mage armor, it's a toss up vs a dk).

Shamans : lol shamans

That's just 1v1. Consider the following teams...

shaman/warrior (tank war while turreting shaman)

It's not worth giving up imp cs and TotW for a frost build, but for arcane or fire I don't see why you'd ever pass it up.

cybbi said...

Since I'm a rogue, my question is:
When will we get the final part of Allie's tale ??? :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Raddy, I just rolled 2 mages for 2v2 (Dual box both of them), and I'm wondering what spec to go. So far I've decided on Frost, because DF + 8 ice lances just seems like an awesome thing to do to people, but is arcane better and easier to pull of?

Anonymous said...

31/0/x druid/mage


Jason said...

If they find a way to fix the poly glyph, does it mean things like:

double polys, getting auto-attacked out of vanish, gouged at the end of a blink, etc will be fixed as well? It seems to all be rooted in server latency, or am I missing something?

Anonymous said...

"It will become apparent that resilience will not save cloth. There will inevitably be improvement to the stat or its item budget reduced. (Or a buff to base armor)"
It's not just cloth. As a rogue with 1900 ap (brutal gear at lvl 80 ftw) I can kill naxx geared rogues in cheap shot's duration or ofc be killed myself if I get caught in it.

Anonymous said...

@Kolenzo, the problem is that BD is not 100% reliable. Tanking a rogue for any amount of time will result in serious hurt, especially since poly is not guarenteed (gouge/kidney still work).

Wars can still run 8yrds and intercept, alternatively bladestorm the inc poly if its on them, etc. BD has some very situational uses, but its just too risky to "tank" melees with it because of its unreliability.

Also, Strangulate is currently bugged and is still 5secs against mage armor (countdown goes 2,1,0,0,0). Hopefully will be fixed on tuesday as it can make a huge difference for arcane mages.

Julian said...

"We still live in a world with no DR on silence - imp cs + strangulate or silence + strangle could be REALLY brutal."

Ghoul Stun into Strangulate into Fear into Silence into (the one that nobody ever thinks about) Focus Death Grip + Mind Freeze into Ghoul Stun (because it's back up again).

Good thing most DKs are terrible.

Raddy said...

@dahis: I mention silence in particular simply because there aren't any real outs against silences effects. Can't trinket/blink and you need to blow a long immunity CD to remove them, which most healers lack.

Anonymous said...

LOL ? Frost is fucking shit now, how can you compare it to arcane ? Same dmg from barrage and don't have to cast 2.5sec, burst that is betteran than WE (you said yourself that WE won't last long vs 90% of teams so thats a waste of talents) Slow 100x better than frostbite(hello hunters (-50% att speed), hello DK's that can't reach you after silince used etc..), 41yd range ftw.

Julian said...

'Cause we all know you don't need more than 5 seconds of CC/silence to kill someone right now anyway.

Julian said...

Yeah I know what your point was I'm just saying DKs in general have crazy interrupts.

Anonymous said...

raddy i have a fucking confession

2/3 of the posters on your blog are the same person ie me

Anonymous said...

oppo u bad

Anonymous said...

"There is an abundance of x factors out there. Hunters continue to look stupid overpowered, but while most mages and rogues I run into now have the reflexes to vanish, invis, or IB a PoM, most hunters just backpedal in little circles autofiring while they ponder HARD questions like "why you drive in parkways and park in driveways." I hate fucking hunters, sorry."

God I fucking love you Radikal.

Anonymous said...

The defensive power of frost is bullshit considering that i get 1 shotted if a rogue or feral opens on me. They can burst thru the barrier w/o any problems. Ambush 7k 2 normal of 600s and 1 evis 6k i drop...