Saturday, August 2, 2008

Instant Invis + 2/3 BF

Leaning towards this currently as a general PvP spec.

You can obviously swap some stuff around if you find Imp AM necessary or you want a different mix of Frost talents. (drop perma and 1/3 blizz, go down to 2/3 WC, 3/3 CoCetc) Emp Frostbolt was normally a talent I avoided, but 2 points for 4 crit and 10% dmg seems like a good investment.

Honestly, the spec I listed is perhaps too general. You either require more of the defensive talents or you should drop some of the stuff for more offense depending on the matrix. You should have strong burst with the spec either through BF procs combined with PoM, FoF->lance->pomfrostbolt, or typical shatter combos. (Or both)

The Arcane talents seem pretty strong in TC. 140 all resists with Mage Armor up. Six percent all damage mitigation + roughly 5% additional physical from Arc Fort. Instant Invisibility. PoM. Imp CS. Mana Shield is still likely to be changed and the current Calculator I linked doesn't reflect some of the updates from Blue. (Imp Frost Ward has been changed to no longer reflect, but instead 15/30% to nullify the spell and absorb the damage as mana which is hard for me to value right now)

Obviously this will all change as talents continue to evolve. Even though I'm a big fan of Chilled to the Bone generally -- it's hard to justify going past 44 in Frost when those 27 (or 28) get you relatively much more in the other trees. (PoM, Imp Blink, and Instant Invis or Bwave and Blazing Speed) Deep Freeze will have to be substantially better -- the damage scaling on it blows and it does less than an Ice Lance on a frozen target currently.

This is probably just poor design currently as both the Frost 45-50 and 51 point talents are "PvP" talents -- they just aren't very good considering what you give up.

Frost DKs have been totally changed as of last night's talent calculator and will now have zero synergy with mages. No talents that freeze targets or deal additional damage to frozen targets. No Frozen Runeweapon. Gay.


Anonymous said...

In before knob waxing.

Anonymous said...

In before nut hugging.

Rob said...

As good as instant invisibility and PoM sound (And they do sound good) I just can't see giving up some of the stuff you have to give up in frost. I'll probably end up something like 18/0/53 and just try to find a use for Deep Freeze since I'll be that far down the tree already.

Some stuff like Frost Channeling may be important if mana pools in WotLK are as pathetic as they are now. (Its now supposedly -10% mana cost on all spells instead of 15% on frost only but the talent calculator wasn't reflecting this change when I saw it last)

Anonymous said...

dragons breath into poly is a guaranteed 15s CC every 20s. On top of blazzing speed, i see DB/Pom being crazy good in arena.

Anonymous said...

Unless DB crits?

Anonymous said...

Imp. WE = 3% heal per 5 sec, 12 ticks if up for max duration (60 sec). So 36% healing done by pet if it's left alive(which it wont). Think it sounds like a nice talent for certain situations

btw hows new mage armor working out? CLUTCH RECAST ARMOR BEFORE FEAR/SHEEP ?!

Anonymous said...

although I hear dps is hugely increased in wotlk so might be useless, it should be increased to either tick faster or tick stronger.. 50% health for 60 secs imho, and some boost to surviablity of the pet please.

Gaucho said...

is this specc totally f'd up?

Anonymous said...

imp cs is for mages who are too bad to land cs

Anonymous said...

ya cuz, ya know, CSing those druids hots is easy for all the pro mages

Anonymous said...

DB is 5 seconds btw. If DB crits it is still long enough to land a poly on the same target with out ignite rolling on it.

You also have to think outside the box too. DB can be used to cc the warrior/rogue/enhance shaman on you, to land a poly on their healer.

David said...

Frost DK still has 51 pt freeze every minute :(

Matt said...

Frozen Rune Weapon is getting switched to a runeblade imbue, or whatever their special weapon enchants are called.

Anonymous said...

i want to play deep arcane with viable arcane blast in pvp :<
some1 ask blizz to make it happen

samuel said...

Mages can DB into sheep into blastwave knockback into imp cs into another sheep/DB rinse and repeat, CRAZY CC NIIIGGA

Anonymous said...

why would u waste a 4second silence and let the druid free cast cyclone for 20 seconds lmfao bad