Monday, July 28, 2008

Mage Beta Revamp V1

The Big Changes:

Arcane Sub - 30% dispel resist. In every PvP spec.
Magic Absorb - 2 points. Should be in most PvP builds.
Imp Mana Shields - Is 20 all resists big?
Arcane Potency - Crit PoM pyro?
Arcane Emp - 9% on Arcane Blast. SICK.
Prismatic Cloak - Mage Vanish
Focus Magic - Well at least one mage per raid.

Imp Fire Blast and Incineration - SICK TIER 1 FIRE PVP
Burning Determination - Huh? But aren't you locked out...
Imp Scorch - All spells? Will ffb double dip? LOL
Blastwave - Knockback LOLOL
Dragon's Bad - Is now Dragon's Breath. 5 seconds woot.
Fiery Payback - Is the Pyro reduction only when below 35%? Is this any good?
Emp Fireball - 3/3 Less bloat for deep fire
Firestarter - Yawn PvE Fire AoE talents.
Burnout - Still sucks

Shattered Barrier - I don't like this. Breaks CC? Puts nova on DR? I'm sorry but this is very awkward.
Imp Water Elemental - Neat. Dunno what to think.
Brain Freeze - Nice, but what's with the name lol.
Deep Freeze - Still bad but better.
Winter's Grasp - Gone. Dickfingers sucks.


So, I can't get on Beta right now. Stupid Northrend is down. I have a ton of stuff to test, but apparently a lot isn't yet implemented. Here's a few things to check:

So when Frostfire Bolt is interrupted, I lose both fire and frost trees. But can I frostfire bolt if I lose just frost or fire? (This is perhaps a moot point, but could be good if u just eat felhunter pet silence with frostbolt and then hardcast frostfirebolt which ignores interruption with BS)

Rank 1 Focus Magic Detect Magic Style. Does this work? Are the 50 charges = 50 debuffs? LOL. This is actually really powerful and is one of those things that shouldn't be written off. (Even at just 1 charge)

I know stuff like Fingers of Butts and Living Bomb don't work at all, so that won't be testable for a while.

Shattered Barrier -- will this nova break CC? Will it be on shared DR with nova or frostbite? (Also broken afaik)

Is Water Elemental getting the same AoE avoidance as lock pets? (Imp Water Elemental is weird and bad)

Is Arcane Potency +60% crit with clearcasting and PoM up? Can you do shit like PoM->fireblast->blastwave->db->pyro? (Keeping the 30% buff for all instants you toss out)

I assume Burning Interruption is only actual interrupts and silences -- this seems quite bad to me initially.

Does ffb still double dip scorch?

Is slow somewhat more useful with 30% dispel resistance and rank 1 focus magic gaying?

Other thoughts -- I still see 19/0/52 and 17/0/54 emerging as the cliche pvp specs, but I wouldn't be shocked to see 2/21/48, 7/21/43, 2/27/42, or 7/21/43 all emerge as potentially strong specs with the current talents. Personally, I like 2/21/48 and 2/27/42 if you're playing with a rogue instead of a frost dk. (DRs on DF)

Seven in Arcane might be necessary for Magic Absorption. It screams must have to be right now. Even if you aren't hard resisting CCs, it's a sizable amount of passive damage reduction with the new 10% interval resist system. If the whole, "you can have an alternate spec" thing goes into WotLK, and you can effectively have two talent specs, I imagine one of your PvP specs will be anti-caster with stacked Mage Armor, and one will forsake these points for better anti-melee from Blazing Speed or more points in frost.

I'll toss up some links to the various builds that have my interest right now, but honestly they are pretty obvious, and a lot of the talents seem very unfinished in this build. (They just seem weirrddddd)


Shaan said...

The first thing I thought when seeing these new talents was: HOLY FUCKING SHIT YESYESYES. Or something similar to that.

Imp WE is for PvE, obviously. It's pretty bad for PvP considering what you can pick up instead.

Fire is going to be a heap of fun now. 5 sec DB is amazing. Pulling off DB + Fireball + Pyro + Blastwave when you're below 35% is going to be insane.

I'd probably spec something along the lines of

I can see Focus magic being potent in 5v5, if it's not dispellable.

Though I'm not sure if Shattered Barrier is worth it...


Anonymous said...

water elemental still bugged on live when you chain summon them :(

Virsath said...

Earth shock my scorch will you? HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

I'm sure it won't work like this, but as its worded. With arcane potency, you could in theory leave PoM active but spam only barrage and missles for passive 30% crit buff....

Eltariel said...

Burning Determination = sik fites amirite?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

they're listening to you raddy...

Anonymous said...

Pyro is also a second shorter, when fiery payback activates it's a 1.5 cast speed.

Anonymous said...

when i goto mmo champ talent calculator all the talents are grey boxes and mouse over donesn't give me a tool tip for it anything. Any one have an idea on how to fix it, or know where else the newest talents are posted? Blizzes site hasn't updated yet.

Kolenzo said...

lmao this is so sick. It's definitely gonna get nerfed.

Living bomb = lightwell of wotlk.

Fingers of frost sounds incredibly stupid, rename back to winter's grasp please.

barrelroll/dwarfgimli said...

So under 35% a fire mage will have 1.5s pyros O_o.

Anonymous said...

under 35% a fire mage is a dead mage not even instant pyros r gonna save u there

Anonymous said...

God I hope deep arcane + fire will be as viable in wotlk as it was pre-BC. Im still worried about no ice barrier but damn the burst dmg looks sick for 2dps + iceblock & instant invis should help survivability.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I would say Deep Freeze was buffed considerably. It's still very difficult to land, mind you BUT we're better off atm.

Fingers of Frost last 10 seconds. Going to have to watch yourself and not be spam happy with IL but it gives you more time to get that Deep freeze cast. Granted the longer you wait, the more likely it will be dispelled.

Then you have the new dispel resistance talent. Just group with someone with enough debuffs and debuff protection. Opponents will need to get through a ton of debuffs. Or just set up CC so they can't dispel it.

On another note Arcane is looking HAWT atm and Burning Determination is great when dealing with multiple opponents. It's not really a dueling talent.

Felix said...

um... call me newb but blizzard can crit now? o_O
world in flames anyone?

Anonymous said...

arcane potency nova pom 100% crit jesusbolt

Artanias said...

This really looks like there could be many different frost builds, some will go for imp CS, while others may go for Burning Determination and some more points in frost. Looking extremely good so far.

Matt said...

Burning Determination is not nearly as good as it sounds, unless it actually prevents you from getting interrupted/silences the first time. It really only applies to shaman.

Fire as a secondary compliment to ice needs a MONSTER talent to compete with imp cs, that talent is still a huge problem. I'd say it could single-handedly move arcane over frost, if it were further down in the tree.

ninjachief said...

the new burnout is actually pretty nice. probably wont save deep fire, but it's worth looking at, so i hate you for writing it off. jerk.

Matt said...

Burnout is fucking terrible. Still. A shit talent like 5% critical bonus per point should not have a drawback, it shouldn't even be that bad in the first place. The tier 2 crit modifiers are better by a huge margin, it's still more worthwhile to go 33/38 arcane fire, if you want to spec fire at all (which you don't).

Anonymous said...

i came

Anonymous said...

i have a question, how come in radikals videos he alwawys types /cast counterspell? is it cus hes so pro at anticipating a cast or just for style pts or did he forget the binding and spellbook is too slow

Anonymous said...

cause he's more animal than man!

icicles said...

the most important change that no one seems to mention...

wand spec

Anonymous said...

One thing I noticed. Say we get a frozen effect on an opponent. We could sheep that person then immediately cast deep freeze. Or cast cast sheep and pet freeze before the cast goes off. The amount of regen that person receives might be worth it in order to successfully land a DF.

Anonymous said...

whoever said venruki>radikal. you have downs. venruki is a scrub

Anonymous said...

OK, just read on Elitist jerks that FoF is a buff on beta so it can only be dispeled by priests, hunters, and shamans. A debuff would be removed by far more classes.

Oshi said...

I'd like to see less +dispel resist, not more.

Anonymous said...

they removed trainable shatter shield and added that shit frost talent?

Oppo said...

This change ruins my wand dps setup.

Anonymous said...

blizzard giveth and blizzard taketh away.

ninjachief said...

"Burnout is fucking terrible. Still. A shit talent like 5% critical bonus per point should not have a drawback, it shouldn't even be that bad in the first place. The tier 2 crit modifiers are better by a huge margin, it's still more worthwhile to go 33/38 arcane fire, if you want to spec fire at all (which you don't)."

25% bonus crit dmg isnt worth 5% extra cost on the spell? did you even read the change? lol?

and whoever asked about his videos, yeah its just for style points

ninjachief said...

and im not saying its amazing and "omg zzz lets all go fire" but its not completely worthless. the rest of deep fire is.


Solder[LS] said...

I don't consider firestarter as strictly pve. It's like having another pre-xpac blast wave that's targetable.

The One said...

2/7/62 Nuff Said

phael said...

woooooah, just noticed something.

tier 3 arcane, focus magic.

it has ranks, the first being 65 mana.

return of sheepdetecting?

this potentially frees up 5 points from WC , which would be nice considering how fucking bloated (and terrible) that tree has become.

like what you and others have said, imp WE is interesting (but bad), brain freeze make no sense, shatter barrier is potentially the worst idea ever, and 'dickfingers' is just that, dicks :P

looking forward to some more "polish", hopefully they fix fingers (preferably into your 20% proc over 5sec - self buff version, which is optimal imo) and then shift WC/AW/Emp Fb into 3 points each, allowing some breathing room :P

what are some of your thoughts on the sheep detect?

Anonymous said...

If the freeze from Shatter Barrier does no damage, it shouldn't break CC. Raddy, you should test that out.

raistlinthewiz said...

for an example use of fiery payback check my blog post;

raistlinthewiz said...

for example usage of fiery payback with pyroblast check my blog post:

+video included

Anonymous said...

hmmm, magic absorption + improved mana shield = 100 all spell resist, no? imp mana shield alone would be dumb

from mmochampion:

Magic Absorption - Changed to 2 ranks, increases resistances by .5/1 per level, now only restores 1/2% of mana on full resist.

Improved Mana Shield - Renamed Arcane Shielding, now increases the armor and resistances gained by the mage by 25/50%.

Anonymous said...

More like 80+40=120.

Matt said...

I'm saying Burnout, as a tier 10 talent, is one of the worst direct damage talents in the entire tree, and has no side benefit. It's pitiful, and fire is awful raid dps because of it.

Anonymous said...


alexial said...

Double Mage 2s 40 arc / 31 fire Raddy...

It'll ripp

samuelbeckett said...

burning interruption would be good against chains of short duration interrupts like Earth shock, pummel. pretty useless 1v1.

Anonymous said...


anyways, definitely sounds like they took the pre-existing shit talents they had designed and tried to re-design them, making them only partially shitty but entirely confused

Anonymous said...

Hey raddy, can deep freeze be pre-casted by chance? (cast deep freeze, drop pet nova at end of cast) I would assume it says the target must be frozen if you cast it pre-emptively?

Anonymous said...

could someone enlighten me as to what the 10% interval spell resist system is?

Vontre said...

Deep Freeze cannot be precast, that's why it's so hard to land.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Mage resist with talent = 120

Deathknight acclimation = 150 (proc on dots)

270 resist easily in 2s how about that?

Icicles said...

ah shit, they nerfed Missile Barrage so it only procs off spells with a cast time. No more Barrage -> Halfcast Missiles :( :( :( :( :( :(

Anonymous said...

how does the new resist system works?

Flayy said...

can u land a frostbite/nove/somthing then pre-cast DF and follow with a pet nova at end? seems a lil much but would only be nessecry if theres a chance of dispelling ur nova befor it lands

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