Thursday, June 12, 2008

Some WotLK Stuff (Sorry!)

Okay, so rogue and elemental shaman talents are out.

Shaman Elemental Tree:

Earth's Grasp - Moved to Tier 0
Convection - Now 3 points - 4%/7%/10%
Concussion - Includes Lava Burst and Thunder
Call of Flame - Increase Lava Burst by 2%/4%/6%
Elemental Warding - No change
Elemental Devastation - Now on Tier 1
Call of Thunder - Includes Thunder
Elemental Focus - Works for lesser healing wave and healing wave
Reverberation - No change
Improved Fire Nova totem - 50%/100% chance to stun for 2 seconds
Eye of the Storm - No change
Unrelenting Storm - No change
Elemental Fury - No change
Storm Reach - 10%/20% diameter on Thunder
Elemental Precision - No Change
Lightning Mastery - No change
Elemental Mastery - No change
Elemental Shields - No change
Lightning Overload - No change
Elemental Oath - (35 points in elemental) Needs Elemental Mastery - Spell hit is increased by 50%/100% while elemental mastery or elemental focus is active.
Astral Shift - (40 points in elemental) 3 points - When you are critically hit twice in a row, you have a 33%/66%/100% chance to shift into the atral plane, causing you to be immune to all physical damage for 3 seconds. This effect has a 30 second cooldown.
Totem of Wrath - No change
Lava Flow - (40 points in elemental) 3 points - Increase the amount of spell damage gained while having flametongue weapon equipped by 5%/10%/15% and increases the damage done by your flame shock and lava burst by 4%/8%/12%
Storm, Earth, and Fire - (45 Points in elemental) 5 points - Your frost shock has a 5%/10%/15%/20%/25% chance to root the target in frozen ice for 2 seconds, your earthshocks range is increased by 1/2/3/4/5 yards, and your periodic damage done by flame shock is increased by 20%/40%/60%/80%/100%.
Thunder: Instant - 45 second cooldown. You call down a bolt of lighting, energizing you and damaging nearby enemies within 10 yards. Restores 5% mana to you and deals 595 to 679 nature damage to all nearby enemies, knocking them back 200 yards.

Rogue - Combat Tree - New and Changed Stuff

Riposte - 10 energy, 6 sec cd - A strike that becomes active after parrying an opponent's attack. This attack deals 150% weapon damage and slows their melee attack speed by 20% for 30 seconds. (pvp duration?)

Blade Twisting (25 combat) - Your damaging melee attacks have a 10/20% chance to Daze the target for 4 sec.

Nerves of Steel (30 combat) - Reduces the duration of all Stun and Fear effects by 15/30%.

Throwing Specialization (35 combat) - Increases the range of Throw and Deadly Throw by 2/4 yards and gives your Deadly Throw a 50/100% chance to Interrupt the target for 3 sec.

Stay of Execution (40 combat)- When you have less than 35% health, all damage taken is reduced by 5% and you are treated as if you are full health.

Unfair Advantage (40 combat)- Whenever you dodge an attack you gain an Unfair Advantage, increasing your change to hit by 2/4% and the chanse that attacks will miss you by 2/4% for 8 sec.

Prey on the Weak (45 combat)- Your normal melee critical strike damage is increased by 5/10/15/20/25% when the target has less health than you. (as a percentage)

Murder Spree (Requires 50 points in Combat) - 2min CD - Steps through the shadows from enemy to enemy within 10 yards, attacking an enemy every 0.5 secs with both weapons until 5 assaults are made. Can hit the same target multiple times. (seems more dangerous on single targets to me not so much AoE)

Rogue - Sub Tree - New and Changed Stuff

Setup - 33/66/100 Still bad.

Cheat Death (30 sub) - Changed so that when it procs you are set to 10% health, whoopdey doo. (This might be a heal lol)

Waylay (35 sub) - Your Ambush critical hits have a 50/100% chacne to reduce the target's melee and ranged attack speed by 30%, movement speed by 70% and prevent item use for 8 sec. (Sounds pretty fair)

Honor Among Thieves (40 sub) - When anyone in your group critically hits with a damage of healing spell or ability you have a 10% chance to gain a combo point on your current target.

Wrongfully Accused (40 sub) - Whenever an attack is made against you, if the target is not your current target or has not already been attacking you they cause 50/100% less damage for 3 sec. (Okay, fair talent)

Slaughter from the Shadows (45 sub) - Reduce the energy cost of your Backstab and Ambush abilities by 3/6. (hi2u daggers)

Shadow Dance (50 sub) - 2min cd. Instantly enter stealth and begin the Shadow Dance. For 9 sec you will reenter stealth every 3 sec. (abmush->Shadow Dance-> cs garottex2 -> vanish ambush-> vanish cs YES)

Rogue - Ass Tree - Stuff

Deadly Brew (30 ass) - When you apply Insant, Wound, or Mind-Numbing poison to a target, you have a 50% chance to apply a second poison: Instant->Deadly, Woud->Crip, Mind->Crip

Turn the Tables (35 ass) - You have a 5/10/15% chance of reflecting physical effects back on the attacker. (cool rng talent, hi2u blind reflect)

Devious Poisons (35 ass) - Increases the damage causd by your Instant and Deadly Poison by 10%. In addition, when a target you've poisoned is healed or cured, thre is a 50/100% chance the poison afflicts the healer.

Blood Splatter (40 ass) - Increases the damage of your Garrote and Rupture abilities by 10/20%.

Focused Attacks (40 ass) - Your melee critical strikes have a 33/66/100% chance to give you 1 energy. (this seems dumb)

Cut to the Chase (45 ass) - Your Eviscerate and Envenom critical strikes have a 20% chance to refresh Slice n Dice. (bad)

Hunger for Blood (50 ass) - 30 energy - Enrages you, increasing all damage caused by 5%. If used while a bleed or magic is afflicting you, it will remove one Bleed and one Magic effect and refund the energy cost. This effect can be stacked up to 3 times. Lasts 10 seconds.

The ass tree seems gay except for OP 51 pointer.

Sub is SICK, but lacks DT interrupt. Combat is SSxbillion, win. Okay.


Anonymous said...

Murder spree = Omnislash

raags said...

where are these from raddykuns

Anonymous said...

cool a 200 yard knockback I'm rerolling

Vaell said...

Focused Attacks (40 ass) - Your melee critical strikes have a 33/66/100% chance to give you 1 energy. (this seems dumb)
-- 30% to gain 3 energy

Cut to the Chase (45 ass) - Your Eviscerate and Envenom critical strikes have a 20% chance to refresh Slice n Dice. (bad)
-- 100% fully talented (5/5)

Slaughter from the Shadows (45 sub) - Reduce the energy cost of your Backstab and Ambush abilities by 3/6. (hi2u daggers)
--15 energy fully talented

Anonymous said...

200 yd knockback i agree i want

Anonymous said...

These trees need more RNG. lol wut

Anonymous said...

I think you've misread most of the assassination talents. Check Ming's latest write-up.

Anonymous said...

Kolenzo said...

Rogues need more buffs to survivability so that they can wear even more pve gear in arena.

Let's make them immune to molten fury, dirty deeds and execute! Oh, and let's make cheat death heal them too! (Unless theyre a crappy geared player who loses 50% of their life in one ms/frostbolt, I'm not gonna lie, I lol every time I see a rogue at 30%+ get ABSORB).

Anonymous said...

nothing compared to warlock's cripple lol.

Anonymous said...

cheesiest talent names ever, even if they're placeholders

Oppo said...

Hunger for Blood (50 ass) - 30 energy - Enrages you, increasing all damage caused by 5%. WHILE ENRAGED YOU DO NOT FEEL PITY OR REMORSE AND CANNOT BE STOPPED UNLESS KILLED. If used while a bleed or magic is afflicting you, it will remove one Bleed and one Magic effect and refund the energy cost. This effect can be stacked up to 3 times. Lasts 10 seconds.

Oh please god.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Niels said...

Restores 5% mana to you and deals 595 to 679 nature damage to all nearby enemies, knocking them back 200 yards.

Now THIS I want to see.

Oppo said...

[shaman at Lumber Mill capping flag, warlock incoming]


[Shaman initiates world-shattering knockback]

Warlock is now at Gold mine.

Anonymous said...

I can see it now :P

/You gain Shadow Dance
/You gain stealth
/Bob's Melee Attack Hit's you for 1200
/Stealth is removed from you from Bob's Melee Attack/You gain stealth
/Bob's Melee Attack Hit's you for 1200
/Stealth is removed from you from Bob's Melee Attack/You gain stealth
/Bob's Melee Attack Hit's you for 1200
/Stealth is removed from you from Bob's Melee Attack