Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Don't Get Up, You're Banned

Chances are, if you aren't currently banned, you will be soon. Otherwise, you're bad. Or lazy. We ran into some point buyers last night and had to actually stop queueing for fear of repercussions. I wasn't afraid personally. I fear nothing. Except loneliness. It's cold and dark without you. Damp. Reeks of urine. I can hear Adama's voice -- he's unhappy with me. I swear I did nothing wrong!

Regardless of your state of banned-ness, I bet you're excited for today's patch. The Scare Beast patch. The end of the no-hunter era. Or not, who knows. Too bad the instacast version didn't make it live. Kind of like, "Too bad I don't have syphilis." With season 4 items patched in, the season cannot be far off. A month, maybe? With Blizzcon set for October 10th, we can probably assume that the tournaments there will come at the new season's conclusion. Fives or threes? I'm betting they'll try fives again. Remember when I said that I thought you'd be excited about today's patch? That was sarcasm.

On the Blizzcon topic, I don't get what the point is this year. I would hope that WotLK will be well into it's Beta by October -- of course, Blizzard does miraculously disappoint with its lack of rapidity in accomplishing anything. Are they going to show off more SC2? Is the plan to begin promoting the retail release of WotLK while providing some more SC2 info before that beta starts? Diablo III? I don't really care. I'll go and blog and make fun of people. Because I need the attention. Because of the aforementioned loneliness.

Stormstrike has long been the battlegroup of Cleave. Season one, in fives, we had the highest number of high ranked double warrior teams. Season two saw similar double warrior success. Season three has tons of high ranked tripple melee teams in fives, and there's a significant number of double physical deeps in 3s. In BG5, we embrace the cleave. Can't kick or pummel a poly but think you still deserve to win? BG5 could be your new home. Right click and dream. I can't picture how cleave will become less dominant in the foreseeable future. With season four gear and weapons from the end bosses in Sunwell coming to an arena near you (well S4 weapons actually, not so much the Sunwell weapons), the future doesn't look bright for cloth. Hi2u warlocks and shadow priests. You like dying during intercept stun? OUTPLAYED. Haste gear will probably help a tiny bit, and RMP is generally strong against physical teams, so who knows what the end result will be.

For whoever was asking me via in-game mail how I used to spec for 33/28: Here. Sorry for the delay. ^^


Anonymous said...

"Can't kick or pummel a poly but think you still deserve to win? BG5 could be your new home. Right click and dream."


manic said...

Oh so many posts

Telk said...

Blizzcon = Diablo MMO, calling it now (oh how I long for World of Starcraft instead...the sheer possibilities). Whatever it is, I'll be there - if for no other reason than to watch whatever pro SC tourney they have going. Sick.

As for cleave, I'd imagine wotlk will temporarily reinvigorate the game's "balance", just like any expansion / level cap raising will do. That is, until melee classes are packing WMD's multiple end-game instances later, and casters are still using the same skills with the same mediocre coefficients they got the instant they hit 80.

Anonymous said...

uh i think they're gonna give at least one more xpac before d3

no point to launch another mmo as long as wow is this popular

Joe Rumble said...

Cleave isn't good because its powerful, its good because its stupidly easy to be decent. A better comparison would be Blizzard massively buffing all caster instants so they could just 1-2-3-spike everything they want... which would be even worse, cause you can't even snare them off.

The key is giving all casters more mobility which ain't gonna happen until wotlk

Anonymous said...


Oppo said...

you just coined a new setup.

like 2345

but much cooler.

Oppo said...

and by "new" I mean you coined an already popular setup. shutup woman.

Virsath said...

JAC nukka

It's like Cleave but for casters...

You know, with CC and stuff.

Artanias said...

Telk i dont know about mediocre scaling on spells, i remember when i was fresh lvl 70 and an ice lance for 1600 was a miracle, now i get pissed of i lance for anything lower than 1600(even 1700 is fairly low).

I think caster scaling is better than people make it out to be, atleast from my POV.

Anonymous said...

Elaborate on that spec, Baddy!

Imp Blink is kinda... worthless? Did you actually use Arcane Missiles? Not 3/3 Arcane Potency? Didn't you find yourself running OOM all teh time? 1 pt Fire Power over Incineration is probably not that much of a difference, I guess.

Sporting http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=of0EbobdbIzbZVgMzrbcR right now though I'm not too happy with some of my choices (Imp Manashield, not full Imp. Scorch, no Master of Elements). NEED MORE MANA.

Anonymous said...

raddy when he finds out he got banned:


baller said...

No, you're banned. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Nadagast said...

Yeah I pretty much stopped playing my Lock cuz of cleave... Don't really see anything to make S4 better either

Anonymous said...

that's raddy when he got banned!

Telk said...

Re: Artanias & scaling

My once-main was a shadowpriest, so color me jaded in that department. ;)

Oppo said...

to balance crazy armor pen, we need all armor points removed and ridic +spelldmg points added in their place.

Rogues and warriors will get 0 benefit of armor pen on an already-0-armor target, and we get uuber spelldmgs.

Everyone dies fast, sounds like a plan. resilience be damned!

Anonymous said...

Here are the in game hacks on how not to die to cleave....ready for it? Ok, don't get banned! The answer is: HEY YOU IDIOT WEARER OF CLOTH STAND AT MAX DISTANCE AND DONT STAND ON TOP OF EACH OTHER. Enjoy the 2900 rating. Peace and noodles. (Actually the real answer is 4 mages using an Ice Block rotation, all the pros are doing it).

Anonymous said...

U mad? U mad