They explained to me that it was "newbish" to move around during duels. Must prefer a little reverse cowgirl to doing it from behind, eh? (Imagine a sly wink and an elbow nudge along with that)
I'm not saying they're the cowgirl...
Forget it.
Yes, that's my gnome, not my dead sexy belf. I had to retire Raddy the belf. Players would walk by me outside Ironforge and their real-life girlfriends would see the sexy belf on their screen and get jealous. What's she got that I don't? Why do you play these games you fat ugly pervert? Jealousy would turn to curiosity. Curiosity to desire. They had to know who controlled such a sex magnet. They'd wake in the middle of the night. Angry and confused. I'm not a dyke. I'm not a fucking dyke.
They'd log on their boyfriends' characters at odd of hours of the night. Hoping to spot Baddy. When they did, "Hi. Your character is really beautiful. I've tried for hours to create a matching belf but your's, well your's is something special."
"Thanks, you're really pretty too."
"Can I brush your hair?"
"Only if you hold me."
"I want to tongue fuck you till you vomit."
Baddy has gone offline.
Baddy has come online.
"Do you have any nudes?"
I like Battlestar Gay-Lactate-Uhhh alright, but does anyone else think that Caprica (the new show) is the worst fucking idea ever? Pre-war family drama without naked azn sexbots? Fuck that. Oh and the 12th is Tom Zarek. I'd bet your left nut on it.
The 12th is Roslin
everyone knows the 12th is Judas
20$ well spent
moving = cheating.
Please someone name their tourney team, YOU JUST WASTED 20 DOLLARS
Why on earth would anyone choose night elf rogue on the TR? I can understand picking it on accident when you make your first level 1, but making the same mistake twice is just terrible.
Jump flip > winning tournaments
Why you coming home 5 in the morn
Somethings going on, can I smell yo dick
Don't play me like a fool, cause that ain't cool
So what you need to do is lemme SMELL YO DICK
I thought you wanted to keep your TR name secret o_O
Different char =p
What be your favorite race to play as a mage?
the Wizard!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UD = best
BE = sexiest and still decent
Gnome = solid
Everything else = BAD
One of those rogues really had Talon of Azshara in the offhand? That is a waste of 20 dollars... Explains the Nelf at least.
troll = 90% decent imo. berserking stacking with icy veins = retarded fast frostbolts. retarded fast.
don't kite you noob, it's lame!
I've been told this in several ocassions too, never stops amazing me >.>
Teach me oh mighty raddy, how, how do you command your ui to call other people "the gay"?
i called a scrub once for using a bandage while the mage sat in his iceblock for ten seconds.
you're a scrub because ice block only lasts 8 seconds.
I hope the Anon above me is joking, else you're more of a scrub than those rogues.
I'm not a doctor or anything Raddy...
But I'm beginning to think that you've contracted Balleritis.
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