Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fake Notes?

So. The "fake" 2.4 patch notes. You've read. And emo-ed out. And kinda liked it. Some of the stuff seems pretty cool. Maybe, they're not fake. So what if they feel a bit too firm and float awkwardly in water. They're beautiful and what right do you have to judge anyone. Think of the sacrifice and time that went into them.

Yeah, so there's the whole spellstealing ghost wolf faux pas and some typos, but are we 100% sure they're fake? Well, they do seem to be a little too good. Ya know? Too much of what you want to hear. It's not that small. Crying is totally normal. I agree, it does taste better from a dixie cup. If only...

While the majority of people have given up on rated WSG being included in 2.4, I still believe. I have my reasons. Good reasons. Secret. Very hush hush.

I'm a little less excited than I once was for rated WSG. I think rated WSG is make or break for a lot of people -- if it sucks, they'll have no reason to stick around. In some ways, it's better to delay it and make sure it's awesome than put it out and have it be mediocre. And while the PvErs complain about how much attention arena gets, arena still feels extremely mediocre to me. Poor individual class balance still leads to poor balance in the smaller brackets and lots of counter-comping-rock-paper-scissors bullshit.

That's not me whining about class balance per se, but I think the argument that Blue has dedicated its undivided attention to appeasing the arena crowd is a bit silly. And balance is subjective. For instance, most people would would classify mages as strong in 5s, solid in 3s, and poor in 2s -- the numbers mostly support this. I think it's pretty much the opposite, and my gripe isn't balance at all, it's just options. Mages are still way more limited in the types of teammates they can choose. So are paladins. At the end of the day, mages are still so delicate and paladins are so harmless that they both require precise lineups to compensate. It's long been my argument that rogue/mage/priest is so ubiquitous not because it's such an incredibly overpowered lineup, but it's simply the best option for the ton of mages out there. Is it easy to play? Perhaps, but it's not more trivial than playing WE in any other lineup. Decision making is still what ends up separating the mediocre from the truly strong players.

The fake notes describe a very different game to me. It's tempting to embrace the fake changes if only because they'd shake things up. People are better in arena than they were in season one. That soft "skill cap" we so often hear complained about has perhaps been achieved. When the gates open, it's usually very clear where the advantage lies and what the optimal course of action should be. Execution of given strategies has reached a point where your opponents aren't going to fuck up horrendously. Big class changes would change all of that. So would the soft reset that WotLK promises. I'm skeptical we'll see it sooner.


Anonymous said...

Missed you.

Anonymous said...

*lock paper scissors.

klassicklol said...


Romulox said...

if they make a rated wsg, what are they going to do about cheese like wallhopping and gy camping?

whast the general consensus on gy camping at high levels of wsg?

maybe create an aoe debuff around the gy that increases damage taken by the flag carrier. the closer you are to the center of the gy, the higher that debuff scales.

Lex said...

I like how you say that WSG will make or break it for a lot of people. I think a lot of players are just seeing how bad the game can get before they just can't justify playing it anymore. And then just when they think it's safe to visit ebay and wave goodbye...EXPANSION TIMMMMMMMMMME and the game picks up steam for a little while

that's people not real interested in pve though maybe...I think that pvping once you got everything on farm pve wise will keep it interesting until the next major instance is out

Anonymous said...

Lock Paper Scissors. Anyone else notices the scissors - warriors relationship? Double consonant midsection ended by "ors". Its too perfect a correlation to be an accident ...

So what I'm thinking is that its being delibertaley setup to be warriors + locks + Everything else, but for sake of argument lets say... mages. Owing to the rules Mages should beat Locks... Rock < Paper... right?! Well what if the paper is wet? Well?! Rocks shit on Wet paper ! I've seen it done. Why is the paper wet? Because blizzard have been pissing on it for the last 2.5 years.

Possibley pushed the metaphor too far... or perhaps not far enough

alibaba said...

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welcome come to my blog!!

Umbra said...

Missed you radi <3

Anyway, I keep thinking these notes might be from some brainstorm session at blizzard HQ. Some of that stuff just seems to be too good to be made up by some random gimp. Other things do seem a little excessive, but hey, we've still got a PTR to test things on. I actually do hope that most of these things make it to a future 2.4.

Anonymous said...

Radikal - "Oh, and I think 3/3 imp fireblast could potentially be stronger for 2s. I'm just too cheap to respec it."

What would you trade it for? Burning Soul?

I took 34/27, I just prefer +10% crit on my PoM/Pyro if possible, rather than 2% allround, I guess it's not that big a deal either way.

Coming from long time deep frost, this spec is just so much fun to play with.

Anonymous said...

If you thoguht those patch notes were real for a second you're mroe retarded than the 14 year old who wrote them

Anonymous said...

dont matter if the notes are fake or not, what radikal wrote about the notes, his thoughts on them, 2.4, rated WSG is pertinent, relevant, and accurate.

and youre just an anonymous douche bag that couldnt bang the 13 year old sister of the 14 year old who wrote the notes if you had a handful of roofies, and a handful of viagra, because youd still have a handful of cock, in your mouth.

romulox said...

i would have gone with:

"...because youre still lacking that important handful of cock between your legs."

romulox said...

between his legs and in his mouth. thats at least 2v1. no fair. he might as well just go for 7 the hard way.

Anonymous said...

use wand -> cast a spell with a cast time (not channeled) before the wand shoots -> start moving in one direction. do all that really fast and enjoy the results before it gets fixed >:D

Anonymous said...

casting while running is great

dicksexial said...

Sir, I don't mean to be rude but as a profession dickrider, on the scene for around 14 years now, I take offense to some of your comments. Firstly, of all my friends who are also in the sport not one of them is insane, mentally stagnated, or a preteen. I wish you would be more respectful to those of us who dedicate our lives to the sport of dickriding, giving 120% every day isn't easy when you're a seasoned vet. You always have to watch out for the young guns who're patiently waiting to take your place.