Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Sit Exploits

So it's out there:

For all of these, make a macro that says: /sit /sit /sit

The Spell Reflect Exploit - Hit spell reflect and quickly hit your sit macro. You are immune to direct damage spells for 5 seconds. Cool bro.

The Combustion Exploit - Pop combustion. Nuke that BR priest or whatever to get a few stacks. Now after every cast, quickly hit your sit macro. You will never lose charges of combustion.

Blessed Resilience/Natural Perfection - Hit your macro when that pet is on you to proc these talents guaranteed. This has obvious use for enrage and blood craze as well. Note certain warriors speccing into Blood Craze.

Some of these are obviously more "game-breaking" than others. Hopefully, if people get more aware of this crap, it's not just the elite pvpers exploiting this stuff to win.

Other things:

Many other talents/abilities can be bypassed by sitting. (Ignite, Winter's Chill, etc)

So, cheat to win?


river said...


Anonymous said...

keeping it real raddy <3

Sol said...

brb cheating

Anonymous said...

Can you explain it better, please.

Sitting dont spend combustion charges or reflection??

Anonymous said...

The combustion thing doesn't seem all that useful to me with the whole 'not proccing ignite' thing. Other than the spell reflect bug (which is definitely really abuseable) not seeing a whole lot of gamebreakingest exploitarama here.

Anonymous said...

Addendum: And if anyone puts their pet on the warrior in an arena match they deserve to lose.

Anonymous said...

I highly doubt they will ever fix this stuff. Blizzard doesn't care at all about PvP.

The Masked Sombrero said...

"I highly doubt they will ever fix this stuff. Blizzard doesn't care at all about PvP."

lolwut? Tell that to all the raiders who swear up and down they're eating nerfs because Blizzard cares too much about pvp.

penchance said...

Don't you think posting this on blizzard forums rather than on a site where most the readers are likely to abuse this stuff would make more sense?

Anonymous said...

so if you spam sit after fire spells you lose the ignite but gain the crit?

Anonymous said...

@ #1

Little sad you can't exploit in arenas without everyone knowing? Making it public gets it fixed fast, which is good moron.

Anonymous said...

#1, rad mentioned this a few posts back

Raddy said...

Yeah, you lose the ignite, but the crit won't count against your combustion.

You can actually get best of both worlds probably if you have very good timing. Basically, sit as the spell finishes casting, and stand a split second after. I got it a few times where I'd keep the combustion but still get the ignite, but could have been more dumb luck than something repeatable.

alexial said...

I'm on it like John Bobbit.

Oppo said...

Exploit #45763

Get a ton of shadow resist gear and put it on before the match begins.



Anonymous said...

would be pretty fun to tear up the meters as deep fire in some pve raid with 100% crit rate on fireball

Anonymous said...

I tried, its better just to fireball fireball blast. You lose too much from no ignites and sitting down waiting for the fireball to hit.

Zyz said...

yo raddy should i get an iphone? get at me dawg.

huck said...

I thought there was a blue post about a week or two ago saying using a sit macro to proc things like blessed resiliance or natures perfection was fine.

Ive said...

But is using a sit macro to make you immune to direct spells for 5 seconds fine?

It's a fuzzy line

Raddy said...

@ the first anonymous:


Hey look, its yourself. You should kill it.

Anonymous said...

Some guy plagiarized this post and put it up as his own on mmowned btw rad

teki said...

Wait -- there are people who think this stuff isn't cheating?

Raddy said...

I neglected to mention the most obvious sit exploit:

spam the macro when you eat/drink


eltariel said...

Of course, there's people that try to justify it as being 'okay' by the fact that "it's in the game". And sure, it's in the game, but it's obviously exploitative bullshit.

Raddy said...

I'm not really trying to take the moral highground -- do what you will.

I care more about my name/rep than a few extra arena points ^^

Kawklee said...

raddy, i sux n stuff...

/sit while drinking does exactly what?

I also want to add this: I read over these "exploits" and thought to myself, "Man, raddy's just making fun of Serennia's list of 'cheats,' no way half that craps real..I mean blizzard couldn't let that go..."

"Its real? Oh."

drole said...

"/sit while drinking does exactly what?"

Forces the other team to incapacitate you to stop the drinking, pets and players hitting them doesn't do anything you have to resort to fear, polymorph, gouge, whatever... you get the point.

Anonymous said...

Trust Radikal to know all the latest exploits, I bet he gets schooled even when he uses them, rofl.

Anonymous said...

i dont think im thinking about this hard enough but how does this allow winter's chill to be bypassed :O

Oyst said...

Glad to see you posted these. Now hopefully the word gets around so it can be fixed.

I do agree CHEAT TO WIN!

p.s. What happened to the AB video you were making as Elemental 33/28? I and I'm sure many others had been looking forward to it.

zarthustra said...

lol having to cheat to win

anyway raddy post here if you want to duel sometime on ptr, i'll be 'round

Raddy said...

I was actually going through clips for that vid yesterday. Honestly, my priority right now is just messing around and trying to find some fun teams for arena. Once S3 gets into the normal grind, I'll be back to working on the vid.

Oh and as for people asking about PTR duels, I'll be on PTR fri and sat evening. I can't really play much right now due to RL junk, so I usually just log into PTR and give up after seeing nobody for 20 min. (Though I do have time to blog and be gay)

Bamft said...

The wierd thing Raddy is that wen I tried this shit during 2.0 or so, none of it worked.

Grats blizzard for "fixing"? Honestly outside of enabling enrage like talents, sit shouldn't do anything else. I mean if a person WANTS to be fucked up by a crit, let em.

Anonymous said...

"Addendum: And if anyone puts their pet on the warrior in an arena match they deserve to lose."


Anonymous said...

It's amazing how this blog has managed to stay under the radar so long. I just heard you had this a few days back.

magdainn said...

Your radar must be broken then. Raddy has been kind of a big deal for a long time.

Raddy said...

<3 Magdain

I am sort of a big deal...

Actually, I do seem to have way more haters than before, that's got to be a good sign.

Kawklee said...

Be glad one of those haters isn't Terrion. He's known far and wide for his exemplary use of the "Shut up. Your stupid" putdown technique.

Granted, its the only English the poor Bulgarian knows, but he's got it down well.

defcon said...

You are a pretty big deal

Tsubi said...

lolol ^

/sit while drinking looks useful against those pesky felhunters mmmmm

Anonymous said...

Weapon choices just got more difficult:

New in 2.3.2

Anonymous said...

Just tell me that u humiliated the cocky "duel-master" rogue!

Allisonjaip said...

so if you spam sit after fire spells you lose the ignite but gain the crit?