Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Avatar's Blog

So, Avatar has a blog now. Here are the contents:

Pot: Yo kettle, you SO black.
Kettle: ...

I have no special distaste for Avatar, so I'll say nothing else -- except that he's a snake. A slithery one. Hissssssssssssss. Get onomatopoeia-d.

I think the discussion of what constitutes "cheating" is mildly interesting, but I don't really have a solid opinion on the topic. It's never really been my goal to win so much as to be as solid a player as I possibly can be. That being said, I'm very competitive and play hard in arenas because I don't want other teams to be better than mine. And no, this isn't the moral fucking high ground. I play to win and have fun, but shit like win trading to get a higher rank or making persistent use of questionable game mechanics to my advantage don't really accomplish the goal of getting better at the game. SOLID SOLID SOLID.

I was dueling earlier as 33/28 on PTR which was fun, but honestly the problem with fire perhaps more than the survivability concerns, is just that the damage really isn't even there. The highpoint of the session was dueling a full season two WE Mage who hit Ice Block as I PoM Pyroed his Water Elemental.


He couldn't see that I was targeting his pet and not him because his mods weren't working.

I'd like to practice some AP/fire vs WE duels on PTR before its down, so if you don't suck, come find me and spam shields on yourself till I'm oom. It'll be awesome. This last PTR has been atrocious for dueling despite good latency and pretty stable builds due to lack of interest. Partially, this is due to the new arena season, but my fear is that the whole awesomeness that was PTR is losing its allure. Why copy your character over and deal with the test server bullshit when already so many of the active PvPers are in one place. Thank you Tichondrius.

We're currently third in 3s this week though we really haven't been playing much. Competition is pretty mellow so far this season. I haven't really started playing 2s or 5s yet; I've got some ideas, but we'll see...

On that note, rumor has it that at least one more of the top Stormstrike teams is transferring to BG9. I don't want to be too emo, but 5s used to be an awesome bracket on BG5, and if anymore teams end up leaving, the bracket is looking to become a total wasteland. Then again, if 5s is your main interest, this is really no longer the battlegroup for it. (However, 5s universally seems to have lost appeal)


Treisk said...

Raddy, hit me up on AIM sometime if you've got it. Been wanting to talk to you for a while, and I finally got a first post to be noticed ;p

AIM : xTreisk

Raddy said...


Raddy said...


Anonymous said...


Tidise said...

3rd eh, guess we did end up getting higher than you guys. What rating did you end up at? We took 2nd place in 3's this week instead of 1st cause our druid decided to sell points and play druid/lock/hunter with a random lock/hunter for 9 games. It started off good they went 6-0 and we were at 2144 then they lost 3 in a row and we dropped to 2088. But ohh well 1200g ftw. Real downside to that was I needed 2110 rating to get the points I needed for my next arena piece =(. I talked to Haables in AB, randomly got in there together, and Im definitely looking forward to playing you guys sometime.

huck said...

yeah scorch just didn't scale that well in tbc. It needs a little higher coefficent or just a new rank maybe.

Pwyff said...

I saw the Golden Compass.

Enjoyed the level of polar bear and cute children involved.

Did not enjoy the 1cm thin plot. You could call it shallow, but that's an overstatement. We're standing on a concrete floor with a slight dampness in the air kind of shallowness. That and developments were linked together via brute force insertion with no real explanations as to how, or why they are there. Then we ended, and the children felt the need to monologue on a bear about what they need to clarify, because they were so fat that they didn't bother to do it via the normal way, IN THE MOVIE ITSELF.

And AP Pom is really not so scary. You end up having to go full PVE gear to be a significant threat, but then I'll melee you with my Mace, and you'll die. Twice.

tsubi said...

yeah..ap/fire has been pretty meh so far on duel wise anyway. you pretty much beat the same class/specs as you did before, except now its much more reliant on crits.

highlight of the night was some glad rogue with ar/prep calling ap/fire a scrub cooldown build because he was mad that i beat him without popping iwin hahah (gogo blazing speed procs).

rycho said...

what team is leaving

Ralph said...

Link to Avatar/Kylista/Serennia's blog?

Even though I've dropped Gameriot and forums from my reading, your blog is too entertaining to stop. Kudos.

Oppo said...

Avatar and his SR can suck me.

"Lol I resisted your SW:D because i'm skilled"

Dahis said...

Shadow resist just keeps him alive long enough to find his Spell Reflect button.

Jasi said...

What a solid article.

icicles said...

WE vs. AP/Fire eh? Is it even close?

Oppo said...

warriors who think they have to be in D stance to sunder should be removed from the game and have their chars replaced with hunters.

Treisk said...

@Above, I take offense to that remark.

@Raddy, damn you for almost not leaving me hanging by faking a slapping of five, then receding your five hand to thusly leave me hanging after all.

Anonymous said...

Just want to say that it's impossible to see who a good mage is targeting in a situation like that. Make a macro:

/cast Arcane Power
/use Trinket
/cast Presence of Mind
/cast [target=focus] Pyroblast

I know because I do it to mages as feral. When they summon a WE, start meleeing it. 99% will start casting frostbolt and wait for a freeze. They won't think to fake because you're not targeting them.

Anonymous said...

They just need to give scorch an extra 15% coefficient and it'll be more than enough to push more people to drop elemental.

As it is, WE is too overpowered compared to what you gain from other trees. The on demand burst from shatter combos is recockulous.

Raddy said...

@anonymous: You are amazing - "recockulous."

Weirdly in the original post, I had, "he pretty much puts the dickless back in ridickulous" So yeah...we're soulmates. Let's have beautiful fat babies together.

zarthustra said...

5s is super dead. A little disappointing to be honest. 3s don't seem to be particularly robust either. Last season the competition was completely dead all the way up until the last few weeks, and the way we're just steamrolling noobs it looks like it's going to be the same this season.

Also, on the Kettle/Pot thing I was chortling so hard on the inside.