Sunday, September 16, 2007

Has Laddy Turned Into a Ming?

See, my blog posts are like the box of chocolates the chubby girl in 3rd grade who had a crush on you tried to give you. She was really sweet but still, you know, kind of chubby. Sure you felt bad accepting a gift from her when you weren't interested, but you know what, chocolate is fucking delicious. So when your learned the box was empty and she broke down crying "Don't blame me, blame the chocolates -- they were too delicious, " you were conflicted. Next thing you know, one thing leads to another and you're now a man; you smacked the box out her hands and told the whole class what she'd done. (3rd grade you sickos)

So my posts lack content as of late. I should be talking about Arena PvP and why this matrix counters that matrix and who really gives a fuck -- all that can wait. How the hell can we possibly play WoW when its future as a possible eSport hangs so precariously in the balance? And didn't I mention that Owen Wilson thing? It wasn't heroin people, he was kicked off his WSVG LA team. Apparently, he played priest, but could only play shadow.

Okay, serious raddy here. It's my belief that much of the WoW burnout is a product of players limiting their WoW interest to Arena PvP. I think this is generally unfulfilling for the majority of players for many reasons: lack of competition, team scheduling issues, repetition, and the rock/paper/scissors nature of some of the arena brackets. With dueling relegated to mostly a PTR thing and World PvP dead, this leaves BGs as the primary source for PvP. I love BGs, but many players don't. On that same train of thought, the nature of my blogging is going to change with my changing perspective on how best to take advantage of PvP within WoW. I'm not going casual or anything, if anything the opposite (I think arena is generally lower skill than other forms of PvP), but I'm not going to be updating my blog with countless "We went 18-1 last night and gained 30 rating blah blah" because such content is fucking boring and I want to drink a smoothie of my genitals every time I read one of those updates. Okay, now excuse me while I go back to being an asshat.


Kzn said...

Your first paragraph was baller.

BGs are not baller :(

Raddy said...

au contraire mon frere

I believe they are!

kzn said...



How's the video progressing, qt? I have high hopes for it (it better be baller!)

Circu said...

Raddy>Ming in every way though. All your non-informative blog posts are at least funny as hell

Anonymous said...

Don't you dare stop writing the sillyness posts

entrails said...

I'd be pissed if you hadn't said anything but complete nonsense and updates about your uninteresting RL, but despite the fact that the last 6 or 7 posts have been hilarious and seemed completely silly at first glance, there was actually some pretty interesting info about baller spec and general WoW news updates framed in a more entertaining context then other blogs.

I don't care if every post has jokes as long as they aren't all kissing guides ect. (which was still brilliant) Keep it up.

Raddy said...

Despite the fact that you called my RL "uninteresting" which greatly has offended my honor, I do love you entrails as I think you've gotten my point. ^^

perce said...

Your previous article I must have read a dozen times now. If anything the jokes are TOO densely packed. You might try shorter posts so they aren't so wall-of-text. You are very talented, keep it up with the comedy.

Anonymous said...

Why did you delete the sillyness post you just put up?

Raddy said...

I deleted it because if you have nothing nice to say, maybe it's better to say nothing at all. ^^

Raddy said...

Oh @ elithrar:

I haven't actually started recording yet; I do have some old footage that might make its way in, but I pretty much want to just wait till new hard drives arrive so I can get a few solid hours of BGing recorded. It's very much on my mind -- I hope to improve and learn a lot while making it.

Someone should really get on Dahis about his video. He's been "working" on it for MONTHS.

m(_ _)m
What to do, what to do...

Nimble said...

Your writing reminds me of Stephen King. I like it. Keep up the good work.

Dahis said...

errr.... less than 5k ping.

Dahis said...

"Someone should really get on Dahis about his video. He's been "working" on it for MONTHS."


Raddy said...

I just read ming's tournament thread and all the posts in it. If I ever sound like that, kill me.

Oppo said...

I was scared for a moment that you may be so addicted to not being like ming that it pushes you TOWARDS ming-like behavior, however odd that may sound.

But the moment passed, I think you have a pretty solid footing, man.

Anonymous said...


I can't do it. I just laugh too hard thinking about that fool's posts.

Anonymous said...

A lot of ballers out here acting with no movie roles.

Anonymous said...

As I said before, fat kids who live with their parents aren't ballers

Raddy said...

How your words cut me oh anonymous one! Surely there must be a way to convince you that my life is nothing but the consumption of caviar and truffles washed down with champagne so fine you'd think it sprout from Zeus' cock.

Anonymous said...

If you're such a baller how can you have time to write posts about an MMO all night long.

teki said...

People love to hate you rad.

Raddy said...

Your argument is rather persuasive.

lilek said...

You are wrong, world PvP is still alive:) But it only occurs when someone ganks your alt with his alt while you're leveling. You kill him cause he's a noob, then he logs his main to gank your alt, and you log your main to make him your biyatch.

Raddy said...

Now I have no idea why I'm admitting to this, maybe it's the fact I haven't slept since Friday, but well... I just read WoW Insider. I swear I didn't know what it was.

The most recent entry is about a dude living with his girl who doesn't approve of him doing instances. My normal advice would be just for him to kill himself, but the article goes on. Apparently, if you want your girl to approve of your WoW habit, you need to either get her playing the Sims or she needs to start knitting. And I'm not even making this shit up, that's the advice.

It was far and away the least baller thing I've ever read.

Therefore, I present to you five somewhat baller ways to keep your hoes in check while you're pursuing your eGlory:

1) Her place. Fake name, fake #.
2) Druggie girls. "Just do another rail, I'll be there in a minute."
3) Asian girls, pref Korean who can make Shi'ke.
4) Gym membership with all that Yoga BS.
5) Tentacle porn on monitors around the rest of the room.

And despite the fact that I am trying to be a douchebag, I still think those are all legit better than knitting.

Implant said...


Anonymous said...

So a handful of people in the top ranks are burned out on WoW? Play less and the game is still fun. And BGs>Arena any day.

klassick said...

You can farm some honor for my paladin's belt if you want before I sell the account. BGs are about as baller as velcro light up shoes in 8th grade.

Nolan Bagelson said...

what does this mean for the future of We Run Train? Bovice is still level 0 but that could change...

Anonymous said...

I can understand why people don't like BGs but at least in WSG there is plenty of room for some awesome play that you aren't going to get in the arena's. Arena's are loads of fun, but they are very limited in some ways. They are very enclosed and this produces very focused types of gameplay. Can you imagine what arena would be like if the arena's were just a little bigger? Yes you would get new stupid forms of abuse to get the games to go longer but one of the nice things in BGs is just having some f-ing room to MOVE.

Anonymous said...

Movement in arena's is limited to: how can I best exploit the nearest LOS?

entrails said...

I think the idea of larger arenas, especially one where you could run around in a forest looking for your opposition until you randomly bump into them, would open up some extremely fun possibilities, but at the same time, the ultra competitive nature of Arenas and the repetition of playing in the same area over and over means people are eventually going to find a way to abuse it. With a large arena the ability to prevent that abuse through intelligent design is much less feasible.

entrails said...

Talking about larger arenas made me think of this idea I had a months ago for a new BG. It would basically be a free for all roaming 5v5 instance the size of a complete zone where players go to make money, since daily quests have proved so popular this would be the PvPers version. I had the insight to save the explaination in word since it was so long.. I'll just go ahead and copy/paste it.. and sorry for the wall of text.

It may not be the most original idea for a BG, but what I’d most like to see is basicaly an emulation of what wow world pvp should have been from the start.

It would be some goblin hosted event where you fight in a big area the size of a full zone (I like hillsbrad, so that’s what I always think of). It’s as detailed as a normal zone, it’s just instanced and all the mobs are either low level or passive so they don’t get in the way. You (have to) queue with 5 people, every team for themselves, and there’s no distinction between faction since it’s hosted by the arena goblins. Since the zones are so big there would be a bunch of teams. I’m not sure what the exact sweet spot would be, but 10-20 5 man teams per instance seems kind of good for a zone the size of hillsbrad.
The objective is to make money. Chests with a decent amount of gold, and the chance of a decent blue item maybe, spawn at random locations around the map at the start of the game. They might spawn in the back of a cave or out in the open or at the top of a tower or whereever. The chests take.. say 20-30 seconds of uninterupted use to open and you have to have your whole 5 man team near it.

Now the interesting part is that when you kill a player you can loot some of the gold they’ve made off them. Deaths work just like in the world; you spawn at a GY as a spirit and have to either corpse run or spirit res if you’re getting camped. Spirit resing would cost gold, but the res sickness would be much shorter or removed entirely.

Basicaly what you’ve got is roaming 5v5 with a loose objective, incentive ($ from chests and players), and RISK when you die. When the rest of my 5 man dies and I’m the last person standing I don’t want to hop around until I die or AFK out, I want to run away because those bastards are going to loot like 25 gold off me if they kill me.

The game would end when all the chests were looted or a certain time limit was reached. Maybe at the end of the game a chest with some really nice loot or just a lot of $$ in it could spawn in the middle and be announced. Then all the teams would converge and the last team standing gets to loot it.

If the BG is available to lower levels they should gain XP as well as honor from player kills.

(Now that I've seen how successful daily quests are, maybe this BG could be limited to a couple times per day or, if there were a couple different zones with using afore mentioned rule set, once per zone. That way blizzard could make the amount of gold earned very lucrative without worrying about people spamming it 24/7 and also people wouldn't get burned out so quickly)

trance said...


poega said...

Entrails! I must say youre really cool! you are not full up your ass of yourself like every other blooger/forum troll and that BG idea = huge thumbs up imo! I would prefer some changes, like maybe make it 3s or 2s, since 5 man is really a pain to get going, atleast if u wanna go with RL mates / good online friends.
Still the idea is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Cool idea entrails. They could pretty easily figure out some cap system whereby you couldn't earn more than 100g an hour. That would be both lucrative and not any more excessive than what is already possible in PvE.

raags said...

@ "A lot of ballers out here acting with no movie roles."

It's not a fluke, it's been tried, I'm the truth.

Raddy said...

Whoever posted that addiction link, I want to kiss you on the mouth.

Seriously, I would kill for rated wsg. I'd probably kill for a lot of things so long as it was just some homeless guy.

entrails said...

I thought about the possibility of allowing people to queue up with less then a full 5. It would make for more variety in the kind of conflicts you'd come across, you could still play if you were by yourself or w/e, and it would let you play in more of a scavenger/opportunist style having to pick off separated players and avoid full 5 mans. However, I wouldn't want a single rogue or a rogue duo stealthing around avoiding all conflict and just looting as many chests as they can.

There's probably other ways to handicap solo players as far as finding chests, but the first thing I thought of was just increasing the time it takes to open them for each player you have less then 5. So a 5 man can open it in 20 seconds, and for each player less it takes 10 extra seconds. That way a solo player would need a full minute of uninterrupted opening where he would be vulnerable to people rolling up on him.

Another unrelated idea I had was to put a small humanoid controlled town in the zone where people can stop and stock up on some cheep interesting pots. Maybe health/mana pots, but also more fun ones like sprint/limited invulnerability only that would only be usable in the instance. There could also be a WANTED poster that lists the current team/player with the highest amount of gold and where they were last spotted by humanoid NPCs., I'd play the shit out of this BG.