Friday, May 25, 2007

Resilience Bug?

Taken from mage boards:

Full explanation:

TLDR version:
Basically resilience currently double penailizes some talents because it is applied before the talents. For example, a 33/0/28 mage shoots a 1000 hit frostbolt that would normally crits for 2250 will instead crit on a target with 5% resilience for only 1875(16.67%redux) instead of the expected 2025damage(10%redux). Notice that this only effects the talents that scale off bonus damage such as ice shards and spell power and does not change ignite, which scales the entire crit.

This results in resilience scaling differently against different classes
Spell power/Ice mage=1.667R
Ice mage = 1.5R
Elemental shaman=1.5R
Destruction lock =1.5R
Balance druid=1.5R
Spell power/Fire mage=1.2857R(after ignite)
Arcane mage=1.2857R
Marks hunter=1.1304R
Rogues=1.1304R(only on abilities effected by lethality)
Arms warrior=1.0909R(only on specials, not considering deep wounds)
Feral druid=1.0476R
Fire mage=1RX(after ignite)
Everything else that doesnt have a crit talent will scale at 1R

Also see:
Original Post:;jsessionid=B23DB43F195B425FFCEE0C96DC10A27D?topicId=105741358&sid=1&pageNo=1


Anonymous said...



Jansports said...

It is not exactly a bug its an anomoly in the mechanics of how resilience is worked into the game.

When you are "Hit" the damage for that hit is calculated first, then the possibility for a crit~! right here is where resilience steps in. First Res checks to negate the crit is yes then The standard damage happens if no then the resilience modifier you have that affects crits happens for example - 14.4% damage. Thats modifier gets added to the damage you deal before the mutiplicative value for your crit gets added. That 14.4% less crit damage is also being boosted by your +Critical strike bonus talent because the damage reduction happens before the base damage is altered by critical strike values.

Which is why this resilience disparity only exists in situations where talents alter the crit bonus of your critical strikes.

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Bubbles said...

thanks for posting this raddy ^^