Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Why Is There No Llamas with Hats Three?

It's an early gray morning and as I sit here, whilst watching Jack Bauer thug out and catching up on WoW news, I can't help but think, a la Danny Glover, "I'm too old for this shit."

But then I remember that I'm not an old black man and feeling old is but one step towards becoming a Ganondorf and losing your princess to a gay elf. Speaking of old, and well black men, I'm apparently supposed to care about the Master's because Tigger rhymes with bigger is back. I even caught some of his press conference where apparently he regurgitated the well known dark side manta about death leading to prescription drugs, and then to sexting, and then hookers, and so forth. I noticed the wife was conspicuously absent so if Tiger starts moving erratically, we can assume that voodoo doll shit works. Oh, and the goatee? ONLY BAD GUYS WEAR THAT SHIT, TIGER!

I'm going to go now.


^oo^ said...


zarthustra said...


yecal said...

I just so happen to enjoy the Masters

Raddy said...

I don't see how that's possible lace

yecal said...

This coming from the guy who watches some terrible TV shows :P. I played tournament golf for years there is alot to appreciate if you're into it.

Law said...

Wait... YOU were reading WoWnews?! Amg.

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