Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Gladiator Selling

This isn't news to many, but the level to which people are purchasing gladiator titles is at a new retarded high. I have no intention of getting into some expose bullshit, but I know players who are making significantly more selling titles than you would make playing tournaments. (SIGNIFICANTLY) People pay upwards of $500 per character -- you load a 3s team with six customers, quick 3k. As long as you're selective of who you take on, by which I mean, transfer is up, class fits into a team you're leveling, it takes maybe 30 combined man hours, and well you do the math.

And as gay as it is, I mean if chumps want to pay you to play the game, why not? Besides heavier scrutiny on account sharing, I can't really see this going away anytime soon. I don't really want to say more, but this shit is pretty ridiculous.


Anonymous said...

WoW achievements as status symbols was always funny

Anonymous said...

didn't hella people get teams reset and what not last "galdiator season?" maybe it was just a small % of the people who bought them, but I thought quite a few were taken care of last time around.

Anonymous said...

So when you log on your friends characters and get them gladiator it's okay but it isn't okay for people without connections to pay to have someone do the same?

Raddy said...


shift said...

One down, One to go rad =p

Anonymous said...

Thumbs up at Anonymous #3.

Reading this after the recent comments by shift in the previous blogs is really really funny.

teki said...

how exactly is rad playing with friends the same as buying glad?

Anonymous said...

err, I got that shit backwards, but you get the idea

Anonymous said...

@teki, playing *for* friends and not playing *with* friends are what they're discussing.

The question is whether it's any less moral to know someone that will do something for you for free than it is to know someone that will do it for you for a price.

Roxton said...

Yes there is a moral difference; it's like the difference between sleeping with your gf and paying a hooker for sex (unless ofc your gf is a hooker, who knows).

Raddy said...

I suppose I see your point, but it's not like I'm a ringer. Ask around, I'm pretty bad. =p

Anonymous said...

@Roxton, yeah, that's pretty much my feelings as well. Just pointing out the question. Some people are a bit slow, I guess.

Anonymous said...

He's not just "playing with a friend", he's playing FOR this guy just to get an account. It's exactly the same thing as buying glad, except instead of paying with money, shift is "paying" with an account.

Face it, without the account in there, he wouldn't be playing with him at all. Also, Roxton's analogy is fucking retarded.

Anonymous said...

Oh and instead of buying glad, he's just buying a lot of games, because Raddy wouldn't be able to carry someone to glad even if his life depended on it.

Raddy said...

1) Shift is my homie
2) "Paying" me with anything is kind of a ridiculous concept(I ball)
3) Two days was pretty rough

kach said...


Raddy said...

Sup <3r

shift said...

2550 in 5 hours and rad hadn't played a priest since s5 okay

Anonymous said...

Why is paying you "ridiculous"?

Anonymous said...

Because he makes more money than you could dream up

Max said...

I have a friend who gets like 30$ an hour for carrying people in arena.