Basically, you just spam pvp trinket during mount cast when you're about to get opened on with cs.
Obviously, you run the risk of being horribly embarrassed if you do this stupidly, but it does allow for shit like blinding, fearing, HoJing, etc before the rogue can use his first global.
This isn't AMAZING but is pretty cool and probably has some good applications for clever use.
ie you macro trinket-fear trinket-blind etc u dumb nerds
ps why have i never seen this picture

rogue could just sap you and you'd trinket sap instead of cs
@anon - obviously
I'm having trouble thinking of a reason to mount->trinket spam as a rogue?
MAYBE if you're DoT'd? Seems like there are better ways to handle any situation where you could use this, am I missing something?
haha orange's face is amazing in that pic!
new playlist sooooon
Needs to be said -- I love this blog
The only issue with said trick is that it is hella fucking obvious to anyone with a clue :P
Yeah, it is pretty obvious. Like I said, it's not really a "new" idea -- it's the same concept as Affix blink casting.
I was kinda hoping some1 would figure out a more clever general way of doing the same thing. =p
ps true thugs trinket immune cc
pps wtb people to carry my awful priest on bdf
i guess this trick is for retards with 10s reaction time ?
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