Sunday, June 7, 2009

MLG Weekend Wrap

While not as exciting without the Koreans, this was definitely one of the best WoW tourneys to date, if only for the ever increasing amount of drama each event seems to generate.

OMG Cheesecomp vs RMP skillz.
OMG Hafu!!1!

Get $ Get Payce ftw.

I don't really have much love or hate for the cleave damage zerg. I think it's pretty dumb that every time RoV came up, we bet how many seconds the opposition's priest would survive -- usually under 20 seconds. It's frustrating that some comps are much more forgiving, but that's part of the game and has always been true. Either way, I'd rather not be watching double healer rogue vs double healer hunter. (Which honestly, despite all the damage in wotlk, seems inevitable if druids stay as they are)

It's not like RMP requires amazing finesse to secure wins. Three Ice Lances into a DF and CB Evisc-Muti-Muti is potentially 20k+ dmg in 3 globals. Even a CB-Evisc-Muti alone can be close to 10k inside a single global. (You can however avoid/counter the damage of a mage or rogue and you really can't do anything about BM hunters or LB'd DKs)

While a lot of people are going to look at this MLG event as a huge indicator for class balance, you have to remember that these players are a very small sample of the competitive arena landscape. While everyone likes to suck each other off and talk about how all the best players are at these events, and the players are generally awesome, there's a LOT of strong players who tear up online play who don't participate in the LANs. I've generally sided with Ming when it comes to looking at the SK 100 list to really get a feel for current balance/represetantion; I think it is a more accurate picture.

RMP and RLD should probably always be strong arena teams if only for all the different DR sets.

I don't think 3v3 balance is achieved necessarily when every class has the same percentage representation amongst top/winning teams. Maybe that's a long term goal, but as long as every class has 2-3 viable/strong matrices, I don't really see the problem.

I think shamans are a few small buffs away from making the comps they fit into top level. Mana Tide is quite garbage, but a lame change such as just giving the totem 10k hp would probably put shaman mana in line with the other healers. Personally, I think the WotLK shaman, from a playstyle perspective, is super boring. (HEROISM LHW SPAM. DID WE WIN? FUCK IM OOM BRO) I was psyched in beta for Spirit Link + LoS Chain Heals but Blizz decided that turning shaman into a druid/pally hybrid was a better idea.

Anyways, the best shit of the weekend:
  1. Venruki Ice Blocking at 7 hp, catching a heal, dropping IB and scoring counterkill on Enforcer. (LIKE A BAWS)
  2. Venruki hovering at 5k HP for a LONG couple of seconds against eMG, looking like he's about to block, and then dying for no reason. <3
  3. Pookz counterspelling Minti randomly, and after winning the round anyways, responds to a comment on the counterspell with, "Who won that last round?"
  4. Bucwild being a beast.
  5. Payce dying without bubbling...over and over.
  6. Not Fnatic, EG, or Gravitas. (Pandemic was very good if inconsistent despite the lowish finish)
  7. Yog's thumb. ITS A CATERPILLAR.
  8. Whoever called that fat chick, Snorlax.
  9. Glick's emo commentating. "And Pookz counterspells the hunter, that's not good." "Oh look the wolf's big" "They're getting cleavy"
  10. Payce's real name is, in fact, $.
  11. Not Minti playing shadow dance. (Sorry, <3)
  12. Realz's HUGE clutch divine hymns. (Seriously, he is master of random bullshit hymns)
  13. Pennace juke into divine hymn what.
  14. Didy leaving a game right as his team gets a crosskill for no reason costing them the match. (And then Vhell commenting on it, without realizing mic was on, "I'd punch Didy in the face")
  15. Now look at me. Nice.
  16. Enforcer. Popped collar? Check. Crazy sideways typing? Yup. Best rogue play all tourney? Yup.
  17. Pookz wtfburst. Man pookz is really getting outplayed this round, he has don't shi--- oh he just shattered some rogue's face.
  18. Azael gunner glasses.
  19. Hydra on the offensive.
  20. Not Hydra on the defensive.
  21. "Hafu strat"
  22. Vhell reading the official definition of cleave on air.
  23. Realz.
  24. Payce's play in the first few round robin matches. (Particularly against Complexity)
  25. JP live blogging.


Niiva said...

JP was definitely spot on.
Ah and

26. Hydra SW:d'ing a vanish and Kalimist vanishing a DC in the same game against DG.

Anonymous said...

pound arenacast that is

Raddy said...

lol <3 arenacast


Shaan said...

Oh shit they're cleaving him real hard now.

Glickz for official commentator, for sure.

Illexiyel said...

"Radikal Gaming"

sell some mouse pads, some energy drinks, some motherboards...

do it up bro

Anonymous said...

3===D Gaming

Anonymous said...

Agree with the Spirit Link in beta, I temporarily rerolled Shaman for that

iPhael said...

god i wanted spirit link so badly, but then again beacon is pretty similar. too bad blizz decided against homogenizing classes, oh wait...

Anonymous said...

Why are you dismantling before kidney retard

regrets said...

because if he trinket vanishes u got 4-5 sec to blow him out of that vanish b4 he can open.

barrelroll/dwarfgimli said...

"Whoever called that fat chick, Snorlax."


Anonymous said...

God I love you raddy, summing it all up in a simple list like that, you really got the golden moments, or ming style; "Bless us with golden showers".


Anonymous said...

It was Pookz counterspelling Zyz and Zyz said. "Hey Pookz nice counterspell" Pookz said "Still won that game slave."

Also you forgot Realz yelling WELCOME TO AMERICA after the Ensidia win.